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History Of The "Prince Of Wales Lodge."
ROYALTY AND FREEMASONRY . WILLIAM JAMES HUOHAN . From the "Voice of Masonry . " AUGUST 20 th 1787 a warrant Avas granted
, , to the Et . Hon . Colonel Samuel Hulse as W . M . ; the Hon . H . T . E . Stanhope , as S . W . ; Colonel G . Lake , as J . W . ; and BarlholomeAV Euspini and the Eev . W . Peters , to hold a Lodge , to be called " The Prince of Wales Lodge" to consist
, Avholly of those " rvho Avere honoured with appointments under His Eoyal Highness , or men firmly attached to his person and interests . " The members to Avhom the dispensation Avas granted ( dated early in the same year ) , assembled on the
16 th April for Masonic business , and ranked as follows : LeAvis Weltze , Chevalier Euspini , Eev . W . Peters ( first Secretary ) , James Farmer , and James Bottomley . The list of members , however , commences with the name of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , accepted as a joining member on the same day . On July 12 th Colonel Hulse Avas elected a joining
member , and the two Wardens on August 28 th . The first meeting of the Lodge subsequent to the real warrant , Avas caUecl on December 17 th , for the initiation of Sir W . Addington , Bart ., upAvards of tAventy-eight years a magistrate at Bow StreetLondon . "Under such distinguished
, patronage , it Avill readily be supposed , the Lodge prospered very rapidly and permanently . No history , hoAvever , of its proceedings has been Avritten until noAv , when tho energetic Secretary , Bro . Thomas FennP . M ., etc ., has issued an account of
, its chief transactions for nearly a century , in a handsome and most interesting form . Being published privately , few beyond the threshold of the Lodge Avill be any Aviser as to its internal history , unless some one ( favoured Avith a copy and possessing
peculiar facilities for the Avork ) , reproduces its special features in a Avidely-circulated Masonic magazine . We are enabled to discharge this duty , and enjoying as we do the valued assistance of the author , having also access to many documents rarely
accessible to the Masonic student , we hope to succeed in our self-imposed labours . First , a Avord as to Bro . Fenn . As Master of the Prince of Wales Lodge for 1868 and 1869 , and Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies hi the Grand
Lodge of England from 1864 to 1869 , few brethren are better knoAvn , and none so competent to deal with its histoiy , by reason of his acquaintance Avith its records , and personal knoAvledge of its members . Before leaving this part of our subjectAve
, must not forget to state that H . E . H . the Prince of Wales Avas graciously pleased to appoint Bro . Fenn to the rank of Past Senior Grand Deacon of Grand Lodge , in recognition of his most competent services as Assistant G . Director of Ceremonies on
his Eoyal Highness' installation as M . W . G . M ., at the Eoyal Albert Hall , on the 28 th April , 1875 . The proceedings of the Lodge furnish a very direct denial to the charge that Freemasonry is of a revolutionary and irreligious character , for unless we suppose that " Princes of the Blood Eoyal" Avould
conspire together to dethrone themselves , and clergymen assemble to promote opposition to Christianity , or religion generally , the records prove that Freemasonry is loyal and charitable , and numbers on its rolls many brethren of the classes Ave have named as its most distinguished and
honoured members . We Avill just glance at the princes who have been or are connected with the Society in England : — 1 . —Frederick Lewis , XXIL , Prince of Wales , and Heir Apparent of King George II . ( created P . of W . 8 th Jan .,
1729 ) , was initiated and passed on the 5 th Nov ., 1737 , at an occasional Lodge convened for the purpose at the Palace of KeAv , the learned Dr . Desaguliers , F . E . S ., etc ., officiating as W . M ., and at another assembly under similar auspices , Avas
raised to the Third Degree . The second edition of the " Book of Constitutions " Avas dedicated to H . E . H . by the Eev . James Anderson , D . D . Beyond that we fail to trace aught noteAvorthy in H . E . H . ' s Masonic careerwhichalasAvas soon
ter-, , , minated by the iron hand of death ! 2 . —The author of "Multa Paucis " states that his Eoyal Brother William , Duke of Cumberland , was likewise initiated
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
History Of The "Prince Of Wales Lodge."
ROYALTY AND FREEMASONRY . WILLIAM JAMES HUOHAN . From the "Voice of Masonry . " AUGUST 20 th 1787 a warrant Avas granted
, , to the Et . Hon . Colonel Samuel Hulse as W . M . ; the Hon . H . T . E . Stanhope , as S . W . ; Colonel G . Lake , as J . W . ; and BarlholomeAV Euspini and the Eev . W . Peters , to hold a Lodge , to be called " The Prince of Wales Lodge" to consist
, Avholly of those " rvho Avere honoured with appointments under His Eoyal Highness , or men firmly attached to his person and interests . " The members to Avhom the dispensation Avas granted ( dated early in the same year ) , assembled on the
16 th April for Masonic business , and ranked as follows : LeAvis Weltze , Chevalier Euspini , Eev . W . Peters ( first Secretary ) , James Farmer , and James Bottomley . The list of members , however , commences with the name of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , accepted as a joining member on the same day . On July 12 th Colonel Hulse Avas elected a joining
member , and the two Wardens on August 28 th . The first meeting of the Lodge subsequent to the real warrant , Avas caUecl on December 17 th , for the initiation of Sir W . Addington , Bart ., upAvards of tAventy-eight years a magistrate at Bow StreetLondon . "Under such distinguished
, patronage , it Avill readily be supposed , the Lodge prospered very rapidly and permanently . No history , hoAvever , of its proceedings has been Avritten until noAv , when tho energetic Secretary , Bro . Thomas FennP . M ., etc ., has issued an account of
, its chief transactions for nearly a century , in a handsome and most interesting form . Being published privately , few beyond the threshold of the Lodge Avill be any Aviser as to its internal history , unless some one ( favoured Avith a copy and possessing
peculiar facilities for the Avork ) , reproduces its special features in a Avidely-circulated Masonic magazine . We are enabled to discharge this duty , and enjoying as we do the valued assistance of the author , having also access to many documents rarely
accessible to the Masonic student , we hope to succeed in our self-imposed labours . First , a Avord as to Bro . Fenn . As Master of the Prince of Wales Lodge for 1868 and 1869 , and Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies hi the Grand
Lodge of England from 1864 to 1869 , few brethren are better knoAvn , and none so competent to deal with its histoiy , by reason of his acquaintance Avith its records , and personal knoAvledge of its members . Before leaving this part of our subjectAve
, must not forget to state that H . E . H . the Prince of Wales Avas graciously pleased to appoint Bro . Fenn to the rank of Past Senior Grand Deacon of Grand Lodge , in recognition of his most competent services as Assistant G . Director of Ceremonies on
his Eoyal Highness' installation as M . W . G . M ., at the Eoyal Albert Hall , on the 28 th April , 1875 . The proceedings of the Lodge furnish a very direct denial to the charge that Freemasonry is of a revolutionary and irreligious character , for unless we suppose that " Princes of the Blood Eoyal" Avould
conspire together to dethrone themselves , and clergymen assemble to promote opposition to Christianity , or religion generally , the records prove that Freemasonry is loyal and charitable , and numbers on its rolls many brethren of the classes Ave have named as its most distinguished and
honoured members . We Avill just glance at the princes who have been or are connected with the Society in England : — 1 . —Frederick Lewis , XXIL , Prince of Wales , and Heir Apparent of King George II . ( created P . of W . 8 th Jan .,
1729 ) , was initiated and passed on the 5 th Nov ., 1737 , at an occasional Lodge convened for the purpose at the Palace of KeAv , the learned Dr . Desaguliers , F . E . S ., etc ., officiating as W . M ., and at another assembly under similar auspices , Avas
raised to the Third Degree . The second edition of the " Book of Constitutions " Avas dedicated to H . E . H . by the Eev . James Anderson , D . D . Beyond that we fail to trace aught noteAvorthy in H . E . H . ' s Masonic careerwhichalasAvas soon
ter-, , , minated by the iron hand of death ! 2 . —The author of "Multa Paucis " states that his Eoyal Brother William , Duke of Cumberland , was likewise initiated