Article HISTORY OF THE "PRINCE OF WALES LODGE." ← Page 8 of 11 →
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History Of The "Prince Of Wales Lodge."
posed him . Lord Hawke and Colonel O'Kelly joined June 21 st , 1811 . Sir Frederick Gustavus FoAvke was initiated February 9 th , 1813 . He was the J . G . D . in 1816 , and the S . G . W . iu 1821 . He was also President of the first Board of
Grand Stewards ( appointed May 29 th , 1815 ) of the " United Grand Lodge . " The Gentleman ' s Magazine thus describes him : " Naturally generous and social , possessing more than a fair share of talents and accomplishmentsa humourista
, , musician , a ready rhymster , handsome in face and in person , affable , courteous , and prepossessing in demeanour , young Frederick Foivke became a universal
favourite . His sobriquet of "Fred Fun , " g iven to him by the Prince Regent , best expresses the idea his associates formed of him . He was Provincial Grand Master of Leicestershire from 1851 to 1856 . Captain Frederick Andre , who was initiated and passed May 19 th 1814 was
, , raised the following day . This is the only instance of such rapid advancement , in the records , and was doubtless , due to most exceptionable circumstances . Soon afterwards , however , it was made illegal so to do , and we do not at the present time ,
know of a Grand Lodge that would tolerate such hasty work , save Scotland . March 18 th , 1815 , it was resolved that the Lodge should meet in the afternoons , earlier than usual , " for the purpose of being instructed in Masonry , under the orders of the Grand Lodge . " This
resolution Avas in consequence of the " Lodge of Reconciliation , " which was formed to secure uniformity of working in the United Grand Lodge , and a most excellent plan it was . The Lodge was constituted a " Red
Apron Lodge , " by order of the M . W . G . M . the Duke of Sussex , aud Bro . Linley was the first Grand Steward ( joined December 18 th , 1807 ) . There were peculiar privileges attached to the office of Grand Steward . Apart from the " Red " Clothing ,
because of which it was termed b y that title , Grand SteAvards had the sole privilege of joining the Grand Stewards' Lodge , chartered in 1735 , which is placed at- the head of the Roll of Lodges without a number , but does no Masonic work , save aa to charity , etc . From the Grand Stewards formerly , the Grand Officers were
selected . Before the " Union , " the regular Grand Lodge appointed , through the tAvelve Lodges selected for the purpose , twelve Stewards . The number in 1816 was increased to eighteen Lodges and eighteen Stewards , hence the addition , and the
choice of the Prince of Wales Lodge , it not having been previously so distinguished . Some have thought there were no " Red Apron Lodges , " prior to the " Union of 1813 , " but that is a mistake , as we have a list of such in 1798 , copied from " Browne ' s Master Key " of that year , as follows :
( Now ) No . 4 2 Somerset House Lodge , 3 G . Stewards 21 12 Lodge of Emulation , 1 „ 23 H Globe Lodge , 1 „ 28 21 Old King's Arms , 1 „ 29 22 St . Albau ' s Lodge , 1 „ Extinct 26 Corner Lodge , 1 „ 91 117 Lodge of Regularity , 1 ' ' „ ¦ 108 142 London , 1 ¦ „
The Eev . SamuelS . Colman , Prov . G . M . of Norfolk , was elected a member of the Lodge , May 17 th ; Sir Henry Wrighte Wilson May 22 nd ; Major-General Campbell Callander , December 20 th ; as also Colonel the Honourable Henry Caulfield , in the
year 1816 , and Sir Henry V . Darell , Bart ., Sir George Alderson ( Sheriff of London ) , and Sir Henry Thompson , were admitted directly afterwards . Sir John Scott Lillie , C . B ., who served in the Peninsular war under the Duke of Wellingtonand
dis-, tinguished himself at Salamanca , joined the Lodge January 17 th , 1823 , and Sir George Naylor , Garter ( Grand Director of Ceremonies at the Union of the two Grand Lodges ) was accepted in May of this same year . Whilst noting the admission of this
distinguished " King of Arms , " Ave may as well also record the fact that the present " Garter King of Arms , " Sir Albert William Woods , an old and universall y respected member of the Craft , joined the Lodge April 18 th 1874 . " Bro Sir Albert
, Woods " ( as he is so well known in Masonic circles ) , is one of the most prominent Masons in the Grand Lodge , and has been Grand Dhector of Ceremonies in succession to his father for many years . His services have been so important on behalf of the
Craft that at the installation of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales as M . W . G . M ., Bro . Woods was appointed to the rank of a Past Grand Warden , for upon him and Bro ,
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History Of The "Prince Of Wales Lodge."
posed him . Lord Hawke and Colonel O'Kelly joined June 21 st , 1811 . Sir Frederick Gustavus FoAvke was initiated February 9 th , 1813 . He was the J . G . D . in 1816 , and the S . G . W . iu 1821 . He was also President of the first Board of
Grand Stewards ( appointed May 29 th , 1815 ) of the " United Grand Lodge . " The Gentleman ' s Magazine thus describes him : " Naturally generous and social , possessing more than a fair share of talents and accomplishmentsa humourista
, , musician , a ready rhymster , handsome in face and in person , affable , courteous , and prepossessing in demeanour , young Frederick Foivke became a universal
favourite . His sobriquet of "Fred Fun , " g iven to him by the Prince Regent , best expresses the idea his associates formed of him . He was Provincial Grand Master of Leicestershire from 1851 to 1856 . Captain Frederick Andre , who was initiated and passed May 19 th 1814 was
, , raised the following day . This is the only instance of such rapid advancement , in the records , and was doubtless , due to most exceptionable circumstances . Soon afterwards , however , it was made illegal so to do , and we do not at the present time ,
know of a Grand Lodge that would tolerate such hasty work , save Scotland . March 18 th , 1815 , it was resolved that the Lodge should meet in the afternoons , earlier than usual , " for the purpose of being instructed in Masonry , under the orders of the Grand Lodge . " This
resolution Avas in consequence of the " Lodge of Reconciliation , " which was formed to secure uniformity of working in the United Grand Lodge , and a most excellent plan it was . The Lodge was constituted a " Red
Apron Lodge , " by order of the M . W . G . M . the Duke of Sussex , aud Bro . Linley was the first Grand Steward ( joined December 18 th , 1807 ) . There were peculiar privileges attached to the office of Grand Steward . Apart from the " Red " Clothing ,
because of which it was termed b y that title , Grand SteAvards had the sole privilege of joining the Grand Stewards' Lodge , chartered in 1735 , which is placed at- the head of the Roll of Lodges without a number , but does no Masonic work , save aa to charity , etc . From the Grand Stewards formerly , the Grand Officers were
selected . Before the " Union , " the regular Grand Lodge appointed , through the tAvelve Lodges selected for the purpose , twelve Stewards . The number in 1816 was increased to eighteen Lodges and eighteen Stewards , hence the addition , and the
choice of the Prince of Wales Lodge , it not having been previously so distinguished . Some have thought there were no " Red Apron Lodges , " prior to the " Union of 1813 , " but that is a mistake , as we have a list of such in 1798 , copied from " Browne ' s Master Key " of that year , as follows :
( Now ) No . 4 2 Somerset House Lodge , 3 G . Stewards 21 12 Lodge of Emulation , 1 „ 23 H Globe Lodge , 1 „ 28 21 Old King's Arms , 1 „ 29 22 St . Albau ' s Lodge , 1 „ Extinct 26 Corner Lodge , 1 „ 91 117 Lodge of Regularity , 1 ' ' „ ¦ 108 142 London , 1 ¦ „
The Eev . SamuelS . Colman , Prov . G . M . of Norfolk , was elected a member of the Lodge , May 17 th ; Sir Henry Wrighte Wilson May 22 nd ; Major-General Campbell Callander , December 20 th ; as also Colonel the Honourable Henry Caulfield , in the
year 1816 , and Sir Henry V . Darell , Bart ., Sir George Alderson ( Sheriff of London ) , and Sir Henry Thompson , were admitted directly afterwards . Sir John Scott Lillie , C . B ., who served in the Peninsular war under the Duke of Wellingtonand
dis-, tinguished himself at Salamanca , joined the Lodge January 17 th , 1823 , and Sir George Naylor , Garter ( Grand Director of Ceremonies at the Union of the two Grand Lodges ) was accepted in May of this same year . Whilst noting the admission of this
distinguished " King of Arms , " Ave may as well also record the fact that the present " Garter King of Arms , " Sir Albert William Woods , an old and universall y respected member of the Craft , joined the Lodge April 18 th 1874 . " Bro Sir Albert
, Woods " ( as he is so well known in Masonic circles ) , is one of the most prominent Masons in the Grand Lodge , and has been Grand Dhector of Ceremonies in succession to his father for many years . His services have been so important on behalf of the
Craft that at the installation of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales as M . W . G . M ., Bro . Woods was appointed to the rank of a Past Grand Warden , for upon him and Bro ,