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Documenta Latomica Inedita.
and nennde * sail be made suficiauntly and acordaunt to the couenauntej beforsaide fra the fest of seint John of Baptist next folowand after the makyng of thes endento s safand the aloryngs . f vnto the same fest of seint John of baptist be thre yere next folouahde after that and fully fiillfilled bot if sodayne were or pestilence make it the whilke may be resonabill excusacon for the forsaide Richarde J And forsaide dame Katerine and William sail cari alle
the stane that misters oner the stuffe more then is fon § in the aide Kirke and in the Kirke yerde atte hare awen coste And also the forsaide dame Katerine and William sail finde lyme and sande and water and scaffaldyng and Synetres || be houelylf to the same Kirke atte thaire awen coste And when the Kirke of Katrik beforsaide is fully made aud endid the forsaide' dame Katerine and William sail hafe alle the scafaldyng ancl Synetres vnto thaire
owen vse And the forsaide dame Katerine and William bindes thame be thes endento s their executoures aud assignes for to pay vnto the forsaide Richarde and his assignes for the makyng of the forsaide Kirke of Katrik newe als it is rehersede and beforesaide within terme of thre yere eght score of markes And if the Kirke be endid atte the terme before neuende the forsaide dame Katerine
and William sail gif vnto the forsaide Richarde tenne markes of mone and a gowne of William werings ** to his rewarde And also the forsaide Richarde byndes hym bi this eudentoure ^ that the quere of the Kirke of Catrik sail be made newe fra the ffeste of seynt John of baptist next folowande after the makyng of thes endentoures vnto the same ffeste of Seynt John of baptist next folowande als be a yereff And also the forsaide Richarde bynds hym ' be thes endento s that he sail make the aloryng of the Kirke of Katrik newe be
mysomer next folowand after the ffest of seynt John of baptist before neuend that the forsaide Kirk of Katrik sail be fully made and endid and that alle thes couenauntes beforesaide ^ and neuende sail wele and trewly be fullfyld and done that forsaide Richarde falles for to do J J be any mason crafte or any other thyng be for §§ neuende the forsaide Richarde byndes hym his heires and his executourej vnto the forsaide dame Katerine and William thaire heires and in
thaise executoure ^ fourty poundes of gude ancl lawfull mone of Ingland And that all the couenaunte ^ beforsaide ancl neuende sail wele and trewly be done and fullfllde of the forsaide dame Kateryn and William be halfe that tham falles forto do ||[| the forsaide dame Katerine and William byndys ^ " ^ " thame theire heires theire executoures vnto the forsaide Richarde in fourty poundej of mone be thes endentoures Writyu atte Burgh the day and the yere beforesaide ***
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Documenta Latomica Inedita.
and nennde * sail be made suficiauntly and acordaunt to the couenauntej beforsaide fra the fest of seint John of Baptist next folowand after the makyng of thes endento s safand the aloryngs . f vnto the same fest of seint John of baptist be thre yere next folouahde after that and fully fiillfilled bot if sodayne were or pestilence make it the whilke may be resonabill excusacon for the forsaide Richarde J And forsaide dame Katerine and William sail cari alle
the stane that misters oner the stuffe more then is fon § in the aide Kirke and in the Kirke yerde atte hare awen coste And also the forsaide dame Katerine and William sail finde lyme and sande and water and scaffaldyng and Synetres || be houelylf to the same Kirke atte thaire awen coste And when the Kirke of Katrik beforsaide is fully made aud endid the forsaide' dame Katerine and William sail hafe alle the scafaldyng ancl Synetres vnto thaire
owen vse And the forsaide dame Katerine and William bindes thame be thes endento s their executoures aud assignes for to pay vnto the forsaide Richarde and his assignes for the makyng of the forsaide Kirke of Katrik newe als it is rehersede and beforesaide within terme of thre yere eght score of markes And if the Kirke be endid atte the terme before neuende the forsaide dame Katerine
and William sail gif vnto the forsaide Richarde tenne markes of mone and a gowne of William werings ** to his rewarde And also the forsaide Richarde byndes hym bi this eudentoure ^ that the quere of the Kirke of Catrik sail be made newe fra the ffeste of seynt John of baptist next folowande after the makyng of thes endentoures vnto the same ffeste of Seynt John of baptist next folowande als be a yereff And also the forsaide Richarde bynds hym ' be thes endento s that he sail make the aloryng of the Kirke of Katrik newe be
mysomer next folowand after the ffest of seynt John of baptist before neuend that the forsaide Kirk of Katrik sail be fully made and endid and that alle thes couenauntes beforesaide ^ and neuende sail wele and trewly be fullfyld and done that forsaide Richarde falles for to do J J be any mason crafte or any other thyng be for §§ neuende the forsaide Richarde byndes hym his heires and his executourej vnto the forsaide dame Katerine and William thaire heires and in
thaise executoure ^ fourty poundes of gude ancl lawfull mone of Ingland And that all the couenaunte ^ beforsaide ancl neuende sail wele and trewly be done and fullfllde of the forsaide dame Kateryn and William be halfe that tham falles forto do ||[| the forsaide dame Katerine and William byndys ^ " ^ " thame theire heires theire executoures vnto the forsaide Richarde in fourty poundej of mone be thes endentoures Writyu atte Burgh the day and the yere beforesaide ***