Article LITERARY GOSSIP. Page 1 of 2 →
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Literary Gossip.
MR . JOHN BRENT , F . S . A ., an erudite archaeologist , a graceful poet and novelist , and a genial and whole-hearted gentleman , has joined the majority since the last instalment of our monthly gossip was penned . He had attained the age of seventy-five , and passed peacefully away from out of an apparently healthy sleep into theslumber that knows no earthly waking , to the sad surprise of the large circle who knew and loved him . Mr . Brent is best known
of his handsome historical work , " Canterbury in the Olden Time , " at once a monument to the taste and skill ancl industry of its author , and by far the best guide to the teeming antique glories of his native city . As a poet he was prolific , and every production of his charming muse was full of force , of fine feeling , and fanciful imagery . " Village Bells , " " Atalanta , " and "Justine a Martyr , " three elegant volumes of verse emanating from his pen , were received
with highest enconiums by the critical press , and new editions were demanded by an appreciating public . His novels were pure and high-toned , abounding in picturesque pen pictures of rural scenery and firmly-drawn portraits of ideal , yet very natural , men and women and little children . Quiet and unassuming in his life , he yet worked well and worthily , honoured age , to honoured age , make men better and nobler ; ancl almost every line he has left behind him breathes eloquently of his "love of right , disdain of wrong . " He has reaped his reward , but the world is one true heart the poorer .
The Family Newspaper , a weekly journal for readers at home on the Continent ancl in the Colonies , will shortly be issued from 11 , Southampton Street , Strand . It will be a twopenny paper , and under spirited management will doubtless fill a blank in journalism , as , though every item of intelligence of practical interest to the home circle will be presented in its columns as . it occurs , care will be taken that crime and vice shall not be embellished with a false halo of sensational sentimentalit . In a wordits ninet-six columns
y , y will be devoted to the provision of all the news of the week , home and foreign , under convenient classification ancl in pithy phraseology , and such a form generally as may be placed in the hands of the youngest and gentlest without fear . All success to The Family Newspaper , which augurs well for the future of our English press .
Hurst and Blackett have ready at all the libraries , on 1 st June , a new novel , in three volumes , entitled " Redeemed , " from the vigorous and graceful pen of Shirley Smith , author of " His Last Stake , " All for Herself , " & c , a writer whose works are ever an enforcement of the good , the true , and the beautiful , and yet never of a namby-pamby character .
Skegness , an east-coast watering place , which is rapidly coming to the front as a holiday resort , and which , through the public spirit and enterprise of Earl Scarborough , the Lord of the Manor , ancl the vigorous efforts of influential inhabitants has of late developed and improved surprisingly , is about to have a local weekly newspaper printed and published within its own precincts , instead of , as heretofore , having to rely upon Nottingham , Boston , and contiguous towns for its current intelligence . The journal will be issued by a joint stock company , formed with Skegness capital .
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Literary Gossip.
MR . JOHN BRENT , F . S . A ., an erudite archaeologist , a graceful poet and novelist , and a genial and whole-hearted gentleman , has joined the majority since the last instalment of our monthly gossip was penned . He had attained the age of seventy-five , and passed peacefully away from out of an apparently healthy sleep into theslumber that knows no earthly waking , to the sad surprise of the large circle who knew and loved him . Mr . Brent is best known
of his handsome historical work , " Canterbury in the Olden Time , " at once a monument to the taste and skill ancl industry of its author , and by far the best guide to the teeming antique glories of his native city . As a poet he was prolific , and every production of his charming muse was full of force , of fine feeling , and fanciful imagery . " Village Bells , " " Atalanta , " and "Justine a Martyr , " three elegant volumes of verse emanating from his pen , were received
with highest enconiums by the critical press , and new editions were demanded by an appreciating public . His novels were pure and high-toned , abounding in picturesque pen pictures of rural scenery and firmly-drawn portraits of ideal , yet very natural , men and women and little children . Quiet and unassuming in his life , he yet worked well and worthily , honoured age , to honoured age , make men better and nobler ; ancl almost every line he has left behind him breathes eloquently of his "love of right , disdain of wrong . " He has reaped his reward , but the world is one true heart the poorer .
The Family Newspaper , a weekly journal for readers at home on the Continent ancl in the Colonies , will shortly be issued from 11 , Southampton Street , Strand . It will be a twopenny paper , and under spirited management will doubtless fill a blank in journalism , as , though every item of intelligence of practical interest to the home circle will be presented in its columns as . it occurs , care will be taken that crime and vice shall not be embellished with a false halo of sensational sentimentalit . In a wordits ninet-six columns
y , y will be devoted to the provision of all the news of the week , home and foreign , under convenient classification ancl in pithy phraseology , and such a form generally as may be placed in the hands of the youngest and gentlest without fear . All success to The Family Newspaper , which augurs well for the future of our English press .
Hurst and Blackett have ready at all the libraries , on 1 st June , a new novel , in three volumes , entitled " Redeemed , " from the vigorous and graceful pen of Shirley Smith , author of " His Last Stake , " All for Herself , " & c , a writer whose works are ever an enforcement of the good , the true , and the beautiful , and yet never of a namby-pamby character .
Skegness , an east-coast watering place , which is rapidly coming to the front as a holiday resort , and which , through the public spirit and enterprise of Earl Scarborough , the Lord of the Manor , ancl the vigorous efforts of influential inhabitants has of late developed and improved surprisingly , is about to have a local weekly newspaper printed and published within its own precincts , instead of , as heretofore , having to rely upon Nottingham , Boston , and contiguous towns for its current intelligence . The journal will be issued by a joint stock company , formed with Skegness capital .