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Transmission Of Masonic Art And Symbolism In The Fourth Century.
cardinal points , as made iise of among the Manicheans , is still extant , which find their prototype in emblematical allusion to the mouth , breast , and hands . One of the principal features in these close societies was the declaration that Light constituted the essence of their religious culture , and what is equally suggestive to the Blasonic mind , the Word , or unutterable name , was so intricably united with this emblem that the Manichean or Gnostic entrant sought the effulgence Light , and the supposed attribute
of power in the Word at the same time , during the secret ceremonies of his initiation . This word , whose proper pronunciation was lost , was certainly delineated in the convocation of these sectarians , both upon a sphere and as the central point of a circle . Two columns ( perhaps the prototypes of Jachin and Boaz ) , one of which symbolized Glory and the other Light , also performed an important part in the Blanichean rites of initiation , and would appear to have been intimately associated with the circle containing the Yod or synonym of the Divine Name . In the mystical rites of earlier sacred
colleges this circle performed an important function in symbolizing a Supreme Deity , upon whose ch'euinferenee were the material images of two subordinate divinities , respectively figured by the upper part of the human body inseparably united by a dove , which also stood as an emblem of the creative word . Our masonic symbol of the circle and central point , upon whose periphery or circumference rest two human figures flanked by a like number of lines , would seem to be fairly traceable to the foregoing
emblematical representations . The early Christian , sects borrowed largely , or , perhaps more accurately , transplanted with their conversion , other symbolic paraphernalia , such as the mystic ladder from the secret service of the pagan religion . This emblem , still existing in undiminished vigour to the modern Craft , then as now was invariably used to typify the ascent from an inferior , the terrestrial sphere , to one of exalted excellence , and , with the
Blanichean initiates , impressively signified the route by which the soid should pass through the various degrees from earth to heaven . To the entrant into the Gnostic rites , certain figured emblems , clothed with appropriate symbols , were manifested and explained , such as Silence , Temperance , Prudence , Justice , and' Fortitude , from each of whom , thus delineated , wise and judicious illustrations were drawn , in order to impress the candidate's mind with exalted moral principles . These figures , under the skilful tools of the mediaeval stone-cutters , were early embodied in materialized forms in the
niched walls of elegant fabrics of the Middle Ages . The Hebrew word Yod , the synonym of Jehovah , or the ineffable name , had also the meaning of hand , and was thus symbolized to be the direct allusion of that effective force and resistless power best signifying Deity , and in such sense it was currently applied in the ancient pagan rites , and was equally designative among the early Christian sects by a junction of hands in their secret conclaves , the highest idea of peace , fraternal affection and esteem . This symbol is also
oftentimes carved by our brethren of the Middle Ages upon stately cathedrals and monastic edifices . One of the Gnostic symbols still extant , a single eye , was an oftrecm'ring type of divinity whose watchfulness and scrutinizing care reached to the most obscure and hidden thoughts . Li this grouping of emblems it may be added that a heart was the universally accepted type of Egypt , and evidently found its way into the ritualism of the Disciplina Arcanae , or secret discipline of the pagan and Christian sects
, together with others whose significance has remained in their original allusions without alteration , through the lapse of time , and still continue as well recognized symbols among Freemasons . /0^\
/^/ GRAND ^ V Nl-ODGE jr ] rW-lBRARY / W .V%HJ^/
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Transmission Of Masonic Art And Symbolism In The Fourth Century.
cardinal points , as made iise of among the Manicheans , is still extant , which find their prototype in emblematical allusion to the mouth , breast , and hands . One of the principal features in these close societies was the declaration that Light constituted the essence of their religious culture , and what is equally suggestive to the Blasonic mind , the Word , or unutterable name , was so intricably united with this emblem that the Manichean or Gnostic entrant sought the effulgence Light , and the supposed attribute
of power in the Word at the same time , during the secret ceremonies of his initiation . This word , whose proper pronunciation was lost , was certainly delineated in the convocation of these sectarians , both upon a sphere and as the central point of a circle . Two columns ( perhaps the prototypes of Jachin and Boaz ) , one of which symbolized Glory and the other Light , also performed an important part in the Blanichean rites of initiation , and would appear to have been intimately associated with the circle containing the Yod or synonym of the Divine Name . In the mystical rites of earlier sacred
colleges this circle performed an important function in symbolizing a Supreme Deity , upon whose ch'euinferenee were the material images of two subordinate divinities , respectively figured by the upper part of the human body inseparably united by a dove , which also stood as an emblem of the creative word . Our masonic symbol of the circle and central point , upon whose periphery or circumference rest two human figures flanked by a like number of lines , would seem to be fairly traceable to the foregoing
emblematical representations . The early Christian , sects borrowed largely , or , perhaps more accurately , transplanted with their conversion , other symbolic paraphernalia , such as the mystic ladder from the secret service of the pagan religion . This emblem , still existing in undiminished vigour to the modern Craft , then as now was invariably used to typify the ascent from an inferior , the terrestrial sphere , to one of exalted excellence , and , with the
Blanichean initiates , impressively signified the route by which the soid should pass through the various degrees from earth to heaven . To the entrant into the Gnostic rites , certain figured emblems , clothed with appropriate symbols , were manifested and explained , such as Silence , Temperance , Prudence , Justice , and' Fortitude , from each of whom , thus delineated , wise and judicious illustrations were drawn , in order to impress the candidate's mind with exalted moral principles . These figures , under the skilful tools of the mediaeval stone-cutters , were early embodied in materialized forms in the
niched walls of elegant fabrics of the Middle Ages . The Hebrew word Yod , the synonym of Jehovah , or the ineffable name , had also the meaning of hand , and was thus symbolized to be the direct allusion of that effective force and resistless power best signifying Deity , and in such sense it was currently applied in the ancient pagan rites , and was equally designative among the early Christian sects by a junction of hands in their secret conclaves , the highest idea of peace , fraternal affection and esteem . This symbol is also
oftentimes carved by our brethren of the Middle Ages upon stately cathedrals and monastic edifices . One of the Gnostic symbols still extant , a single eye , was an oftrecm'ring type of divinity whose watchfulness and scrutinizing care reached to the most obscure and hidden thoughts . Li this grouping of emblems it may be added that a heart was the universally accepted type of Egypt , and evidently found its way into the ritualism of the Disciplina Arcanae , or secret discipline of the pagan and Christian sects
, together with others whose significance has remained in their original allusions without alteration , through the lapse of time , and still continue as well recognized symbols among Freemasons . /0^\
/^/ GRAND ^ V Nl-ODGE jr ] rW-lBRARY / W .V%HJ^/