Article PAPERS ON THE GREAT PYRAMID. ← Page 5 of 6 →
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Papers On The Great Pyramid.
The sum of the three totals thus equals 100 , of Avhich number of stones the Avails of tho chamber are composed . The length of the chamber multiplied by 5 x 5 yields 10303 * 29 , or the same I ' OAV of figures , Avith the decimal point differently placed , as Mr . Simpson ' s unit of division ; ancl if it be asked Avhat further significance this number has , then it may be replied that the area of the square base of the Pj'ramid is equal to the area of a circle Avhose diameter equals 10303 * 30 .
"Again , " * says Professor Piazzi Smyth , " considering Pyramid inches in the King ' s Chamber to signify Pj'rainid cubits outside the building , the folloAving results came out correct to six places of figures : —Take the length of the King ' s Chamber , 412 * 132 , to express the diameter of a circle . Compute , by the best methods of modern science , the area of that circle ; thi'OAV the area into a square shape , and find the length of a side of such square . The answer will be 365 ' 242 . " The length of the base side of the Pyramid in sacred cubits . In the Ante-chamber also the equation of areas is also worked out . For 103 ' 033 = the area of a circle Avhose diameter is 116 * 260 . Then : —
( 1 . ) 103 * 033 x 5 = 515165 ; solid diagonal of King ' s Chamber . ( 2 . ) 103-033 x 50 = 5151 * 65 ; the side of a square whose area is equal to that of the direct vertical section of the Pyramid . ( 3 . ) 116 ' 260 x- ? r = 365 * 242 ; the number of days in a year , and of cubits in the base side , or , ( 4 . ) 116 * 260 x 7 T x 5 x 5 = 9131 * 05 j the length of the base in inches . '
( 5 . ) 116 * 260 x 50 = 5813- the height of the Pyramid . Many other examples might be given , but let me UOAV refer to the solution of another geometrical problem Avorked out in the construction of the Coffer in the King ' s Chamber , which appears to me to bear upon the mysterious reverence for double cubes which Dr . Oliver refers to in his Avorks . The Eev . Henry Morton , an enthusiastic mathematician and Pyramidalist , has told hoAv the problem of the duplication of the cube formed one of the mysteries of the ancients , and the strange geometrical properties of this Coffer may have originated the belief that some mysterious properties Avere associated vvith the form of the double cube .
On comparing its cubic dimensions it will be seen that the exterior is double the interior , and that therefore its capacity equals its solid volume , Avhile the cubical contents of its sides are double the cubical contents of the bottom . This mysterious Coffer is also held to be equal in capacity Avith the " Ark of the Covenant , " and the brazen layers of King Solomon ' s Temple , Avhich contained four homers , each homer being equal to the Anglo-Saxon corn measure knoAvn as a " quarter , "—the Coffer itself being earth
commensurable in density ancl capacity . The only object of coeval antiquity found Avithhi the Pyramid , no Avonder that its original use has given rise to many speculations . As some of these may be interesting , and are relevant to the question now under discussion , I will quote from the pages of Mr . BonAvick ' s book a feAV appropriate passages : — " f All the ancient Pagan mysteries are connected with a sacred vasea holy batha baptismal fontin Avhich the
ini-, , , tiated , in a nude state , Avere completely immersed , and from Avhich they were raised to neAvness of life . This idea of the regenerating influence of that holy Avater prevailed alike in the further east ancl the further west , from the Himalayas across the old continents to Mexico and Peru , or over the Pacific islands . It has literally girdled the earth . We observe it alike in the most ancient as Avell as most modern forms of heathenism .
" According to Professor Piazzi Smyth the Pyramid was erected to preserve the Coffer or Sarcophagus . According to mystics of various orders a sinidar opinion has been entertained . Some contend it Avas to keep inviolate this symbol of generative life . It
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Papers On The Great Pyramid.
The sum of the three totals thus equals 100 , of Avhich number of stones the Avails of tho chamber are composed . The length of the chamber multiplied by 5 x 5 yields 10303 * 29 , or the same I ' OAV of figures , Avith the decimal point differently placed , as Mr . Simpson ' s unit of division ; ancl if it be asked Avhat further significance this number has , then it may be replied that the area of the square base of the Pj'ramid is equal to the area of a circle Avhose diameter equals 10303 * 30 .
"Again , " * says Professor Piazzi Smyth , " considering Pyramid inches in the King ' s Chamber to signify Pj'rainid cubits outside the building , the folloAving results came out correct to six places of figures : —Take the length of the King ' s Chamber , 412 * 132 , to express the diameter of a circle . Compute , by the best methods of modern science , the area of that circle ; thi'OAV the area into a square shape , and find the length of a side of such square . The answer will be 365 ' 242 . " The length of the base side of the Pyramid in sacred cubits . In the Ante-chamber also the equation of areas is also worked out . For 103 ' 033 = the area of a circle Avhose diameter is 116 * 260 . Then : —
( 1 . ) 103 * 033 x 5 = 515165 ; solid diagonal of King ' s Chamber . ( 2 . ) 103-033 x 50 = 5151 * 65 ; the side of a square whose area is equal to that of the direct vertical section of the Pyramid . ( 3 . ) 116 ' 260 x- ? r = 365 * 242 ; the number of days in a year , and of cubits in the base side , or , ( 4 . ) 116 * 260 x 7 T x 5 x 5 = 9131 * 05 j the length of the base in inches . '
( 5 . ) 116 * 260 x 50 = 5813- the height of the Pyramid . Many other examples might be given , but let me UOAV refer to the solution of another geometrical problem Avorked out in the construction of the Coffer in the King ' s Chamber , which appears to me to bear upon the mysterious reverence for double cubes which Dr . Oliver refers to in his Avorks . The Eev . Henry Morton , an enthusiastic mathematician and Pyramidalist , has told hoAv the problem of the duplication of the cube formed one of the mysteries of the ancients , and the strange geometrical properties of this Coffer may have originated the belief that some mysterious properties Avere associated vvith the form of the double cube .
On comparing its cubic dimensions it will be seen that the exterior is double the interior , and that therefore its capacity equals its solid volume , Avhile the cubical contents of its sides are double the cubical contents of the bottom . This mysterious Coffer is also held to be equal in capacity Avith the " Ark of the Covenant , " and the brazen layers of King Solomon ' s Temple , Avhich contained four homers , each homer being equal to the Anglo-Saxon corn measure knoAvn as a " quarter , "—the Coffer itself being earth
commensurable in density ancl capacity . The only object of coeval antiquity found Avithhi the Pyramid , no Avonder that its original use has given rise to many speculations . As some of these may be interesting , and are relevant to the question now under discussion , I will quote from the pages of Mr . BonAvick ' s book a feAV appropriate passages : — " f All the ancient Pagan mysteries are connected with a sacred vasea holy batha baptismal fontin Avhich the
ini-, , , tiated , in a nude state , Avere completely immersed , and from Avhich they were raised to neAvness of life . This idea of the regenerating influence of that holy Avater prevailed alike in the further east ancl the further west , from the Himalayas across the old continents to Mexico and Peru , or over the Pacific islands . It has literally girdled the earth . We observe it alike in the most ancient as Avell as most modern forms of heathenism .
" According to Professor Piazzi Smyth the Pyramid was erected to preserve the Coffer or Sarcophagus . According to mystics of various orders a sinidar opinion has been entertained . Some contend it Avas to keep inviolate this symbol of generative life . It