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O ' er friend and foe they hurried on , A coward , eager , selfish throng , Who in life ' s waste Avill never wait For wearied or unfortunate , But , rjressing , croAvd and reckless tread Upon the dying and the dead . With the moral we shall all agree : —
The tale is told , the lay is o ' er ; It will unheeded pass aAvay , — Lost in the noisy City ' s roar , Will not a warning sound convey ; Will pass unnoticed in the throng , Unheard amid the busy din
, Like a poor singer ' s feeble song Will fail a passing thought to Avin ; And knig hts and squires Avill set their snares , Ancl City men their schemes contrive , And dupes still speculate in shares , Ancl knaves upon their folly thrive ;
For nought that human voice can say , Nov all that warning thought imparts , Will in life's scale a feather weigh Against the greed of human hearts . AVe like this poem much , and think it likely to do good .
The Origin And References Of The Hermesian Spurious Freemasonry.
BY BEV . GEO . OLIVER , D . D . ( Continued from page 559 . ) " / CONFUCIUS , the noblest and most divine philosopher of the pagan world , was V ^ the innocent occasion of the introduction of the numerous and monstrous idols
that in after ages disgraced the temples of China ; for having , in his dying moments , encouraged his disconsolate disciples by prophecying , Si fum yen o ; im Gin , that the Holy One should appear in the Avest to deliver them from sin ; they concluded that he meant the god Bhood of India , and immediately introduced into China the Avorship of that deity , with all the train of abominable images and idolatrous rites , by which that gross superstition was in so remarkable a manner distinguished . But the Holy and
Illustrious Personage , about to appear in the West , to vvhom Confucius , in the prophetic spirit of the old patriarchs , alluded was the advent of theMessiah in Palestine , a coumry which is exactly situated after the manner described , ancl indeed is the most western country of Asia , in respect to China . " *
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
O ' er friend and foe they hurried on , A coward , eager , selfish throng , Who in life ' s waste Avill never wait For wearied or unfortunate , But , rjressing , croAvd and reckless tread Upon the dying and the dead . With the moral we shall all agree : —
The tale is told , the lay is o ' er ; It will unheeded pass aAvay , — Lost in the noisy City ' s roar , Will not a warning sound convey ; Will pass unnoticed in the throng , Unheard amid the busy din
, Like a poor singer ' s feeble song Will fail a passing thought to Avin ; And knig hts and squires Avill set their snares , Ancl City men their schemes contrive , And dupes still speculate in shares , Ancl knaves upon their folly thrive ;
For nought that human voice can say , Nov all that warning thought imparts , Will in life's scale a feather weigh Against the greed of human hearts . AVe like this poem much , and think it likely to do good .
The Origin And References Of The Hermesian Spurious Freemasonry.
BY BEV . GEO . OLIVER , D . D . ( Continued from page 559 . ) " / CONFUCIUS , the noblest and most divine philosopher of the pagan world , was V ^ the innocent occasion of the introduction of the numerous and monstrous idols
that in after ages disgraced the temples of China ; for having , in his dying moments , encouraged his disconsolate disciples by prophecying , Si fum yen o ; im Gin , that the Holy One should appear in the Avest to deliver them from sin ; they concluded that he meant the god Bhood of India , and immediately introduced into China the Avorship of that deity , with all the train of abominable images and idolatrous rites , by which that gross superstition was in so remarkable a manner distinguished . But the Holy and
Illustrious Personage , about to appear in the West , to vvhom Confucius , in the prophetic spirit of the old patriarchs , alluded was the advent of theMessiah in Palestine , a coumry which is exactly situated after the manner described , ancl indeed is the most western country of Asia , in respect to China . " *