Article LOVE AND MASONRY. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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Love And Masonry.
" Good Mason , indeed ! I would just like to ICUOAV Avhat Masonry has got to do with my marrying Ebenezer Flint 1 He has had one wife , ancl that is enough for a man . It is no use a talking , father , I wont marry old Flint . There . " " You Avant to marry that city chap , do you 1 " said the farmer , his broAV groAving dark as night , " a low , sneaking , good-for-nothing adventurer ! That's the reason you won't marry Ebenezer , is it V " He is not an adventurer , father , you have never seen him , and you ought not to
say such things about him . How do you know but that he is a Mason ? ' ' " Mason ! Why , child , I will bet the best horse on the farm that there aint a Lodge in the State that would let him in . We don ' t let anybody but men in our Order . " And Isaac Greenleaf drew up his old form proudly as he spoke . " Well , father , " said Jennie , mischief chasing the angry lights from her eyes for the moment , " please tell me how Ebenezer Flint became a Mason , if that is the case ?" " Hash , child ! Enough is enough . I say you shall not marry that sketching feller , and that you shall marry Ebenezer Flint , do you hear me ?"
" Yes , father , I hear you . And Jennie , with her blue eyes flashing , ancl her dainty crimson lips closely compressed , Avalked defiantly past him and up to her little room , fully determined to marry that " sketching feller , '' or die an old maid . " " Becky , " called the farmer , as Jennie ' s light form disappeared , " come here , I guess I've made it all right Avith our Jennie . She is a spunky little tiger , but she has got some of her father ' s sense left , ancl she Avill see it just as I do in time . I ' ve got to go
up to NBAV York to-morroAV morning to see 'bout that money that Avas left to Brother Wilson ' s Aviclcler , and I don't like to go one bit . I'm pretty old to make my first trip to the city , but it can ' t be helped , I must go . You have everything ready , Becky , and be sure and keep a good lookout after Jennie . " " I'll tend to all that , Isaac , but you had better take Ebenezer with you , '' said Mrs . Greenleaf anxiously , " you knoAV he is up to city ways , ancl Avould be a mighty sight of help to you . " " Well , IIOAV , Becky , I aint going to do any such a thing . I ' m not in my dotage yet . I guess old Isaac Greenleaf can take keer of himself yet aAvhile . "
TAVO fine looking young men were pacing slowly up ancl down in the depot at New York , Avaiting for the train to leave , and having nothing better to do , Avere scanning and commenting upon all AVIIO chanced to please their fancy . " Ned , do you see that old gent with the broadrimmed hat on—there he is AA'ith one hand on his pocket book , and the other in his breast pocket , reading the notice " look out for pickpockets , " ancl see that sharper just behind acts very much as though he had spotted him . " "Well , Harry , that is none of our affairs . He , like many others , will have to pay the penalty of being green . I bet , from the Avay he clings to his pocket hook , that he has got the stamps . "
" Ned , I ' ve got to help that old codger . Don ' t you see that Masonic badge as big as a silver dollar fastened to his coat collar ? He is undoubtedly a Mason , and if I mistake not Avill be in trouble before five minutes . Lot us get a little closer . " " Well , Harry , this all comes of being a Mason . You bet I'll never bind myself to help every old clodhopper in the State . But if you get into trouble I'll stand by you , Harry , so come on . " The tAvo young men pressed up through the crowd a little nearer the unsuspicious
old gentleman , both fully convinced that the sharper intended business , ancl Avaited for him to make a move . They had not long to Avait . The old engine came puffing and bloAving into the depot , and as all were pressing fonvard eager to be the first on board the train , the light-fingered gentleman relieved the old man of his pocket book , and was in the act of possessing himself of his Avatch Avhen the two young men , one on each side of him , very kindly requested him to return the pocket book , which the thief , finding 2 Q
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Love And Masonry.
" Good Mason , indeed ! I would just like to ICUOAV Avhat Masonry has got to do with my marrying Ebenezer Flint 1 He has had one wife , ancl that is enough for a man . It is no use a talking , father , I wont marry old Flint . There . " " You Avant to marry that city chap , do you 1 " said the farmer , his broAV groAving dark as night , " a low , sneaking , good-for-nothing adventurer ! That's the reason you won't marry Ebenezer , is it V " He is not an adventurer , father , you have never seen him , and you ought not to
say such things about him . How do you know but that he is a Mason ? ' ' " Mason ! Why , child , I will bet the best horse on the farm that there aint a Lodge in the State that would let him in . We don ' t let anybody but men in our Order . " And Isaac Greenleaf drew up his old form proudly as he spoke . " Well , father , " said Jennie , mischief chasing the angry lights from her eyes for the moment , " please tell me how Ebenezer Flint became a Mason , if that is the case ?" " Hash , child ! Enough is enough . I say you shall not marry that sketching feller , and that you shall marry Ebenezer Flint , do you hear me ?"
" Yes , father , I hear you . And Jennie , with her blue eyes flashing , ancl her dainty crimson lips closely compressed , Avalked defiantly past him and up to her little room , fully determined to marry that " sketching feller , '' or die an old maid . " " Becky , " called the farmer , as Jennie ' s light form disappeared , " come here , I guess I've made it all right Avith our Jennie . She is a spunky little tiger , but she has got some of her father ' s sense left , ancl she Avill see it just as I do in time . I ' ve got to go
up to NBAV York to-morroAV morning to see 'bout that money that Avas left to Brother Wilson ' s Aviclcler , and I don't like to go one bit . I'm pretty old to make my first trip to the city , but it can ' t be helped , I must go . You have everything ready , Becky , and be sure and keep a good lookout after Jennie . " " I'll tend to all that , Isaac , but you had better take Ebenezer with you , '' said Mrs . Greenleaf anxiously , " you knoAV he is up to city ways , ancl Avould be a mighty sight of help to you . " " Well , IIOAV , Becky , I aint going to do any such a thing . I ' m not in my dotage yet . I guess old Isaac Greenleaf can take keer of himself yet aAvhile . "
TAVO fine looking young men were pacing slowly up ancl down in the depot at New York , Avaiting for the train to leave , and having nothing better to do , Avere scanning and commenting upon all AVIIO chanced to please their fancy . " Ned , do you see that old gent with the broadrimmed hat on—there he is AA'ith one hand on his pocket book , and the other in his breast pocket , reading the notice " look out for pickpockets , " ancl see that sharper just behind acts very much as though he had spotted him . " "Well , Harry , that is none of our affairs . He , like many others , will have to pay the penalty of being green . I bet , from the Avay he clings to his pocket hook , that he has got the stamps . "
" Ned , I ' ve got to help that old codger . Don ' t you see that Masonic badge as big as a silver dollar fastened to his coat collar ? He is undoubtedly a Mason , and if I mistake not Avill be in trouble before five minutes . Lot us get a little closer . " " Well , Harry , this all comes of being a Mason . You bet I'll never bind myself to help every old clodhopper in the State . But if you get into trouble I'll stand by you , Harry , so come on . " The tAvo young men pressed up through the crowd a little nearer the unsuspicious
old gentleman , both fully convinced that the sharper intended business , ancl Avaited for him to make a move . They had not long to Avait . The old engine came puffing and bloAving into the depot , and as all were pressing fonvard eager to be the first on board the train , the light-fingered gentleman relieved the old man of his pocket book , and was in the act of possessing himself of his Avatch Avhen the two young men , one on each side of him , very kindly requested him to return the pocket book , which the thief , finding 2 Q