Article AN HERMETIC WORK. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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An Hermetic Work.
Now Avhat Avill man do in natural things , Avho is fallen from the fountain of light into the bottomless pit of darkness , especially in this Philosophick natural Study . Nay , if they understand a thing , they despise it , not knowing that more is to be sought then possessed . Wherefore Seneca said right , in his book of Manners , Thou art not yet happy if the ruder sort deride thee not . But whether men believe deride or contradict , there is a certainty of the transmutation of Metals ; for mine eyes have seen it , my
hands done it , and handled this spark of Gods everlasting \ Aisdom , or the true Catholick , Saturnine , Magnesia of Philosophers ( a very Fire sufficient to pierce Eocks ) a treasure equivalent to 20 Tun of Gold . AA hat seekest thou more ? I believed it with the eyes of Thomas in my fingers , I have seen I say in nature , That most secret supernatural Magical Saturn known to none but a Cabalist Christian ; And Ave judge him the happiest of all Physicians , to Avhom this Sovereign Potion of our Medicinal Mercury is
knoAvn ; or of the Medicine of the Sun of our iEsculapius , against the violence of death , for AA'hich else groAvs no better Panacea in all the Gardens . But the great God reveals not promiscuously these his Solomonical gifts ; for it seems to most men a Avonder , when they see the creature , by an Occult implanted magnetical virtue of it ' s like , to be brought into a real activity . As for example . The ingenerated magnetical , potential vertue , in Iron from the Loadstone ; in gold from Mercury ; in Silver from Copper : and so consequently in all
the Metals , Minerals ,-Stones , Hearbs and Plants , & c . But here I may deservedly ask , Which of the AVisest Philosophers is so acute , to perceive by what means or obumbration the imagination in any woman Avith Child doth tinge venomous or monstrous things , and dispatcheth its Avork Avithin a very moment , if it be brought to activity by any external object . I believe many will say , it is a Morto-Magical divelish Avork ; but such Bablers are afraid of the Resplendency of the Essential
Light of Truth , AvhereAvith their Owl-like Eyes are lamentably afflicted . But as I may affirm , the Stars are a cause of this matter , though thou or I perhaps cannot comprehend their heavenly Influences ; neither are the Plants Avhich the earth affords to be slighted herein , although I or thou cannot rightly judge from their external Signatures , the effects of their ingenerated virtues , Avhich they eminently shew according to their degrees of PoAver , in the healing and preserving of mens bodies . But are all men
defective in their light of understanding , because I or thou are Avanting in knoAvledge , hoAv the Powers Created to one and the same end may be brought into activity . Thousands of such things might be instanced , although thou dost not know the splendor in the Angels , the candid brightness in the Heavens , the Perspicuity in the air , the clear Limpidity in the waters , the variety of colours in the FloAvers , the hardness in Stones and Metals , the Proportion in living Creatures , the Image of God in regenerated men , Faith in true Believers , and Reason in the Soul ; Yet is there in them such a beauty , which very few mortals have throughly perceived , or plainly knovrn .
Now Avhy should there not be such an admirable virtue in the true Philosophers Stone , which truly I have seen and known to be so . Yet hereby I endeavour not to persAvade the Avorthy and unworthy alike , to labour in this work . I rather dehort busie searchers , from this most perillous secret , like as from some Holy of Holies ; Yea , let every discreet Student be exceeding cautious in reading and keeping company Avith Sophisticate false Philosophers . Nevertheless to satisfie curious Naturalists , I shall
communicate faithfull y Avhatsoever Avas acted between Elias the Artist , and Me , concerning the nature of the Philosophers Stone . It is a thing much brighter then Aurora , or a Carbuncle , more splendid then the Sun or Gold , and more beautiful then the Moon or Silver ; Insomuch that this most recreating light , can never be blotted out of my mind , though it should not be believed b y Learned Foolsor Illiterate Assesbabling nothing but the loss of haughty proud
, , g eloquence . For in this exuberated old malignant Age , nothing can be secured from slanderous Carpers ; But all such Batts and Bratts do err from Truth , and in progress of time vanish , miserably ensnared in their OAVU errors , yet our assertion shall stand till the very end of all generations , being built upon the eternal foundation of Triumphant Truth . And although this Art be not yet known to all , the Adept do assert according 2 0 2
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An Hermetic Work.
Now Avhat Avill man do in natural things , Avho is fallen from the fountain of light into the bottomless pit of darkness , especially in this Philosophick natural Study . Nay , if they understand a thing , they despise it , not knowing that more is to be sought then possessed . Wherefore Seneca said right , in his book of Manners , Thou art not yet happy if the ruder sort deride thee not . But whether men believe deride or contradict , there is a certainty of the transmutation of Metals ; for mine eyes have seen it , my
hands done it , and handled this spark of Gods everlasting \ Aisdom , or the true Catholick , Saturnine , Magnesia of Philosophers ( a very Fire sufficient to pierce Eocks ) a treasure equivalent to 20 Tun of Gold . AA hat seekest thou more ? I believed it with the eyes of Thomas in my fingers , I have seen I say in nature , That most secret supernatural Magical Saturn known to none but a Cabalist Christian ; And Ave judge him the happiest of all Physicians , to Avhom this Sovereign Potion of our Medicinal Mercury is
knoAvn ; or of the Medicine of the Sun of our iEsculapius , against the violence of death , for AA'hich else groAvs no better Panacea in all the Gardens . But the great God reveals not promiscuously these his Solomonical gifts ; for it seems to most men a Avonder , when they see the creature , by an Occult implanted magnetical virtue of it ' s like , to be brought into a real activity . As for example . The ingenerated magnetical , potential vertue , in Iron from the Loadstone ; in gold from Mercury ; in Silver from Copper : and so consequently in all
the Metals , Minerals ,-Stones , Hearbs and Plants , & c . But here I may deservedly ask , Which of the AVisest Philosophers is so acute , to perceive by what means or obumbration the imagination in any woman Avith Child doth tinge venomous or monstrous things , and dispatcheth its Avork Avithin a very moment , if it be brought to activity by any external object . I believe many will say , it is a Morto-Magical divelish Avork ; but such Bablers are afraid of the Resplendency of the Essential
Light of Truth , AvhereAvith their Owl-like Eyes are lamentably afflicted . But as I may affirm , the Stars are a cause of this matter , though thou or I perhaps cannot comprehend their heavenly Influences ; neither are the Plants Avhich the earth affords to be slighted herein , although I or thou cannot rightly judge from their external Signatures , the effects of their ingenerated virtues , Avhich they eminently shew according to their degrees of PoAver , in the healing and preserving of mens bodies . But are all men
defective in their light of understanding , because I or thou are Avanting in knoAvledge , hoAv the Powers Created to one and the same end may be brought into activity . Thousands of such things might be instanced , although thou dost not know the splendor in the Angels , the candid brightness in the Heavens , the Perspicuity in the air , the clear Limpidity in the waters , the variety of colours in the FloAvers , the hardness in Stones and Metals , the Proportion in living Creatures , the Image of God in regenerated men , Faith in true Believers , and Reason in the Soul ; Yet is there in them such a beauty , which very few mortals have throughly perceived , or plainly knovrn .
Now Avhy should there not be such an admirable virtue in the true Philosophers Stone , which truly I have seen and known to be so . Yet hereby I endeavour not to persAvade the Avorthy and unworthy alike , to labour in this work . I rather dehort busie searchers , from this most perillous secret , like as from some Holy of Holies ; Yea , let every discreet Student be exceeding cautious in reading and keeping company Avith Sophisticate false Philosophers . Nevertheless to satisfie curious Naturalists , I shall
communicate faithfull y Avhatsoever Avas acted between Elias the Artist , and Me , concerning the nature of the Philosophers Stone . It is a thing much brighter then Aurora , or a Carbuncle , more splendid then the Sun or Gold , and more beautiful then the Moon or Silver ; Insomuch that this most recreating light , can never be blotted out of my mind , though it should not be believed b y Learned Foolsor Illiterate Assesbabling nothing but the loss of haughty proud
, , g eloquence . For in this exuberated old malignant Age , nothing can be secured from slanderous Carpers ; But all such Batts and Bratts do err from Truth , and in progress of time vanish , miserably ensnared in their OAVU errors , yet our assertion shall stand till the very end of all generations , being built upon the eternal foundation of Triumphant Truth . And although this Art be not yet known to all , the Adept do assert according 2 0 2