Article T. CH. BARON ZEDLITZ. Page 1 of 1 Article THE PAST. Page 1 of 1 Article THE PRESENT. Page 1 of 2 →
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T. Ch. Baron Zedlitz.
IN 1855 there Avas published by Cotta , of " Stuttgardt , in Wiirtemburg , a very charming little edition of the " Gedichte " ( poems ) of Zedlitz . We have long known them , but as they are not very familiar , Ave believe , to English and Masonic readers , Ave have thought it Avell to include a notice of them in this series of humble papers on some few of the German Poets . There are many beautiful passages in Zedlitz , if sometimes , perhaps , a little hazy in idea and in their " outcome" but still deserving both of thought and attention . Indeed
, , we think we may fairly say this , that no one can read or realize his many "happy lines , " Avithout finding him and feeling him to be a true master singer , of truest TTOM / . We are not contending UOAV that Zedlitz takes the very highest rank , or that he is Avithout faults of more than one kind , but still as we have found often improvement , pleasure , and edification in his stanzas ourselves , Ave seek to communicate that rdeasure and improvement and edification to others .
It may be Avell to note that Ave very often come across in Zedlitz Avith many passages of good moral teaching , much kindly sympathy , and not a feAV religious imaginings ! But in translating German or other foreign poetry , we must make allowances , Avhich we do not , for the difference Avhich exists on all these subjects , alike in foreign habits of thought , ancl foreign education . - We prefer , hoAvever , to let Zedlitz speak for himself , ancl beg therefore to call attention to his poems , Avhich have been specially translated for the MASONIO MAGAZINE .
The Past.
I see thy veil all sIoAvly lifting , Friend of the Avorld , 0 sacred Past and dear ! I seem to witness through . thy Vision shifting The venerable figures of thy sons draAv near . Onward they march in the glory of thy days ,
Fame crowned and smiling they pass before us here , And the soul listens with glow and with amaze , To tones Avhich still are echoing far ancl near . E ' en when the breath of thy spirit SAvays Me , and the quick beat of my heart it plays
, I feel those beautiful , beautiful days . Picture of God Avhich hovers so sweetly to-day , 0 child of Freedom , AA'ho seem ' st to say The complaint is faded in the far away !
The Present.
Far banished in the ocean of our life , Behind us lie those lands so gay and grand , A glowing Eden of time long past and strife , There stares us in the face an unknown land .
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T. Ch. Baron Zedlitz.
IN 1855 there Avas published by Cotta , of " Stuttgardt , in Wiirtemburg , a very charming little edition of the " Gedichte " ( poems ) of Zedlitz . We have long known them , but as they are not very familiar , Ave believe , to English and Masonic readers , Ave have thought it Avell to include a notice of them in this series of humble papers on some few of the German Poets . There are many beautiful passages in Zedlitz , if sometimes , perhaps , a little hazy in idea and in their " outcome" but still deserving both of thought and attention . Indeed
, , we think we may fairly say this , that no one can read or realize his many "happy lines , " Avithout finding him and feeling him to be a true master singer , of truest TTOM / . We are not contending UOAV that Zedlitz takes the very highest rank , or that he is Avithout faults of more than one kind , but still as we have found often improvement , pleasure , and edification in his stanzas ourselves , Ave seek to communicate that rdeasure and improvement and edification to others .
It may be Avell to note that Ave very often come across in Zedlitz Avith many passages of good moral teaching , much kindly sympathy , and not a feAV religious imaginings ! But in translating German or other foreign poetry , we must make allowances , Avhich we do not , for the difference Avhich exists on all these subjects , alike in foreign habits of thought , ancl foreign education . - We prefer , hoAvever , to let Zedlitz speak for himself , ancl beg therefore to call attention to his poems , Avhich have been specially translated for the MASONIO MAGAZINE .
The Past.
I see thy veil all sIoAvly lifting , Friend of the Avorld , 0 sacred Past and dear ! I seem to witness through . thy Vision shifting The venerable figures of thy sons draAv near . Onward they march in the glory of thy days ,
Fame crowned and smiling they pass before us here , And the soul listens with glow and with amaze , To tones Avhich still are echoing far ancl near . E ' en when the breath of thy spirit SAvays Me , and the quick beat of my heart it plays
, I feel those beautiful , beautiful days . Picture of God Avhich hovers so sweetly to-day , 0 child of Freedom , AA'ho seem ' st to say The complaint is faded in the far away !
The Present.
Far banished in the ocean of our life , Behind us lie those lands so gay and grand , A glowing Eden of time long past and strife , There stares us in the face an unknown land .