Article THE WORK OF NATURE IN THE MONTHS. ← Page 2 of 7 →
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The Work Of Nature In The Months.
I hear ths wind among the trees Playing celestial symphonies ; I see the branches downward bent , Like keys of some great instrument . And over me unrolls on high The splendid scenery of the sky , Where through a sapphire sea the sun
Sails like a golden galleon . Towards yonder cloud-land in the West , Toivards yonder Islands of the Blest , Whose steep sierra far uplifts Its craggy summits white with drifts . Blow , Avinds ! and Avaft through all the rooms
The snow-flakes of the cherry-blooms ! Blow , Avinds ! aud bend within my reach The fiery blossoms of the peach ! 0 life and love ! 0 happy throng Of thoughts , whose only speech is song ! 0 heart of man ! canst thou not be Blithe as the air is , and as free ? "
Who has not felt this soul-striving to burst the fetters that bind him to a sordid earth and to live in and for better things alone ? AVho again could answer negatively the poetic questioning of our truly English Poetess ? " Who loveth not the sunshine ? Oh ! who loveth not the bright And blessed mercy of His smile , who said " Let there be light ? " Who lifteth not his face to meet the rich and glowing beam 1
Who dwelleth not with miser eyes upon such golden stream ? Let those Avho will accord their song to hail the revel blaze That only comes where feastiug reigns and courtly gallants gaze ! But the sweet and merry sunshine is a braver theme to sing , For it kindles round the peasant while it bursts above the king .
The bloom is on the cherry-tree —the leaf is on the elm ; The bird and butterfly have come to claim their fairy realm ; Unnumbered stars are on the earth—the fairest who can choose , When all are painted Avith the tints that form the rainbow ' s hues ? AVhat spirit-Avand hath Avakened them ? the branch of late Avas bare , The world Avas desolate—but now there ' s beauty everywhere . 'Tis the sweet and merry sunshine has unfolded leaf and floAver , And tells us of the Infinite , of Glory , and of Power .
The sweet and merry sunshine makes the very churchyard fair ; We half forget the yellow bones , while yellow flowers are there ; And while the summer beams are thrown upou the osiered heap , We tread with lingering footsteps where our " rude forefathers sleep . " The hemlock does not seem so rank—the AVUIOAV is not dull ; The rich glow lights the coffin nail and burnishes the skull , Oh ! the sAveet aud merry sunshine is a pleasant thing to see , Though it plays upon a grave stone through the gloomy cypress tree . "
Sweet and merry sunshine , indeed ! But" There's a sunshine that is brighter , that is warmer e ' eu than this ; That spreadeth round a stronger gleam , and sheds a deeper bliss ; That gilds whate ' er it touches Avith a lustre all its owu , As brilliant on the cottage porch as on Assyria ' s throne . It gloweth iu the human soul , it passeth not away ; Aud dark and lonely is the heart that never felt its ray :
'Tis the SAveet and merry sunshine of affection ' s gentle light That never Avears a sullen cloud , and fadeth not in night . " What a blessing to us prosaic mortals of this weary work-a-day world , that amidst man ' s labour Nature should afford one endless Sabbath to those who seek in her their rest : should
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Work Of Nature In The Months.
I hear ths wind among the trees Playing celestial symphonies ; I see the branches downward bent , Like keys of some great instrument . And over me unrolls on high The splendid scenery of the sky , Where through a sapphire sea the sun
Sails like a golden galleon . Towards yonder cloud-land in the West , Toivards yonder Islands of the Blest , Whose steep sierra far uplifts Its craggy summits white with drifts . Blow , Avinds ! and Avaft through all the rooms
The snow-flakes of the cherry-blooms ! Blow , Avinds ! aud bend within my reach The fiery blossoms of the peach ! 0 life and love ! 0 happy throng Of thoughts , whose only speech is song ! 0 heart of man ! canst thou not be Blithe as the air is , and as free ? "
Who has not felt this soul-striving to burst the fetters that bind him to a sordid earth and to live in and for better things alone ? AVho again could answer negatively the poetic questioning of our truly English Poetess ? " Who loveth not the sunshine ? Oh ! who loveth not the bright And blessed mercy of His smile , who said " Let there be light ? " Who lifteth not his face to meet the rich and glowing beam 1
Who dwelleth not with miser eyes upon such golden stream ? Let those Avho will accord their song to hail the revel blaze That only comes where feastiug reigns and courtly gallants gaze ! But the sweet and merry sunshine is a braver theme to sing , For it kindles round the peasant while it bursts above the king .
The bloom is on the cherry-tree —the leaf is on the elm ; The bird and butterfly have come to claim their fairy realm ; Unnumbered stars are on the earth—the fairest who can choose , When all are painted Avith the tints that form the rainbow ' s hues ? AVhat spirit-Avand hath Avakened them ? the branch of late Avas bare , The world Avas desolate—but now there ' s beauty everywhere . 'Tis the sweet and merry sunshine has unfolded leaf and floAver , And tells us of the Infinite , of Glory , and of Power .
The sweet and merry sunshine makes the very churchyard fair ; We half forget the yellow bones , while yellow flowers are there ; And while the summer beams are thrown upou the osiered heap , We tread with lingering footsteps where our " rude forefathers sleep . " The hemlock does not seem so rank—the AVUIOAV is not dull ; The rich glow lights the coffin nail and burnishes the skull , Oh ! the sAveet aud merry sunshine is a pleasant thing to see , Though it plays upon a grave stone through the gloomy cypress tree . "
Sweet and merry sunshine , indeed ! But" There's a sunshine that is brighter , that is warmer e ' eu than this ; That spreadeth round a stronger gleam , and sheds a deeper bliss ; That gilds whate ' er it touches Avith a lustre all its owu , As brilliant on the cottage porch as on Assyria ' s throne . It gloweth iu the human soul , it passeth not away ; Aud dark and lonely is the heart that never felt its ray :
'Tis the SAveet and merry sunshine of affection ' s gentle light That never Avears a sullen cloud , and fadeth not in night . " What a blessing to us prosaic mortals of this weary work-a-day world , that amidst man ' s labour Nature should afford one endless Sabbath to those who seek in her their rest : should