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The Adventures Of Don Pasquale.
We should never forget in this Avorld that two-thirds of the Avorld knoAV nothing , and care less , for the other one-third ; and that if ever there be not something agreeable to us hi the misfortunes of our dearest friends , ( as the cynic asserts , ) there is often something essentially provoking in good luck AA'hich never has been ours , —in all that worldly prosperity and happiness Avhich never have been , never can be , our Kismet here . Indeed , if one Avere to judge from the normal conversation of one ' s friends , " hard lines " and " undeserved misfortunes " seem to be the lot of most of us in life ! Some
people like to be morbid and have a grievance , but , on the Avhole , I believe the world deals kindly AA'ith most of us , though its Avounds are often long in healing , and its dark hours and stormy days overpower and even over-pass the sunshine of fancy , and the fairy scenes of genuine happiness .
. but where am I getting to ! As Mrs . Balasso says , " sentiment is dangerous , and retrospection a mistake . " In the midst of the general contentment , Avhen even Paesiello and Compton Avere beginning to take a very equable vieAv of tilings , and admit that prospective Hymeneals had some pleasant characteristics , a new arrival troubled the peace and harmony of that rejoicing and contented circle ! Baron von Puchner-Priessler , like many another man , determined to make one more assault on the " hard heart" of Madame Allegri before he succumbed to his "fortune
de la guerre ;' ' so one fine morning he appeared at Madame Allegri's temporary abode , a pleasant little villa just outside Novara , aud AA'hen announced found himself in the midst of that once more gay and happy confederation . He Avas received very Avarmly by the fair Avidow , with malicious smiles by the ladies , and Avith " sofcto voce " chaff by the men . But he soon made a diversion , ancl proclaimed the object of his coming , —for , like some others Avhoin I have met Avith in life , he had no idea but that Avhen
Puchner-Priessler spoke , all were to listen , mute ancl satisfied and respectful ! So he asked Madame Allegri to take a walk with him , a request Avhich sorely bothered that good dame not a little , and which she acceded to evidently most reluctantly . HoAvever , there was no help for it , ancl aAvay they Avalked . What happened in that walk Avas never formally reported , though probably Don Balthazar Avas duly and discreetly told ; but Avhen the younger portion of the family came in in the evening , they learnt that Baron Puchner-Priessler had returned to Koine , Antonio said to his master , " as black as thunder , ancl Avithout a Avord to cast to a dog or a Avoman 1 " Oh , impertinent Antonio !
And here I think Ave may as Avell finish the episode of Baron Puchner-Priessler , though he is neither a very interesting personage , nor plays a very striking part in our veracious story . Not that I think him wrong in trying to obtain for himself so amiable a wife as Madame Allegri ; but as he Avas a thoroughly selfish , callous man , I neither sympathize with his Avoes nor mourn over his disappointment ;—the more so as '' compensation " Avas in store for him . When he reached Eome he found Madame Von Langentheiler full of beaming
smiles and superabundant sentiment . To her , Puchner-Priessler was everything , ( whatever that everything might mean ) , and she soon enabled that egotistical gentleman to feel quite comfortable and perfectly at his ease . Finding , as other men have found , ( as Aveak-ininded as hiinself ) , IIOAV much they can lean on a talkative , clever , well-educated , if shalloAV-principled woman , after a feAV weeks of daily " making up to , " this distinguished individual " surrendered at discretion . "
We need hardly pursue him into his married life : it was no doubt happy in its Avay , and brought its " agrSmens " ancl its distractions , and was , I think moreover , after all , quite good enough for him . For Madame Langentheiler Avas not a bad-hearted Avoman , and as Madame Puchner-Priessler number Two she made a very good wife for a man Avho certainly did not knoAV what a good Avife really meant , ancl certainly did not deserve one . But Avhen I add that OAving to her IIOAV position she succeeded in marrying her two daughters Avell , does she not deserve to be " highly commended 1 " I think she does , and therefore give her the " honours of Avar " accordingly .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Adventures Of Don Pasquale.
We should never forget in this Avorld that two-thirds of the Avorld knoAV nothing , and care less , for the other one-third ; and that if ever there be not something agreeable to us hi the misfortunes of our dearest friends , ( as the cynic asserts , ) there is often something essentially provoking in good luck AA'hich never has been ours , —in all that worldly prosperity and happiness Avhich never have been , never can be , our Kismet here . Indeed , if one Avere to judge from the normal conversation of one ' s friends , " hard lines " and " undeserved misfortunes " seem to be the lot of most of us in life ! Some
people like to be morbid and have a grievance , but , on the Avhole , I believe the world deals kindly AA'ith most of us , though its Avounds are often long in healing , and its dark hours and stormy days overpower and even over-pass the sunshine of fancy , and the fairy scenes of genuine happiness .
. but where am I getting to ! As Mrs . Balasso says , " sentiment is dangerous , and retrospection a mistake . " In the midst of the general contentment , Avhen even Paesiello and Compton Avere beginning to take a very equable vieAv of tilings , and admit that prospective Hymeneals had some pleasant characteristics , a new arrival troubled the peace and harmony of that rejoicing and contented circle ! Baron von Puchner-Priessler , like many another man , determined to make one more assault on the " hard heart" of Madame Allegri before he succumbed to his "fortune
de la guerre ;' ' so one fine morning he appeared at Madame Allegri's temporary abode , a pleasant little villa just outside Novara , aud AA'hen announced found himself in the midst of that once more gay and happy confederation . He Avas received very Avarmly by the fair Avidow , with malicious smiles by the ladies , and Avith " sofcto voce " chaff by the men . But he soon made a diversion , ancl proclaimed the object of his coming , —for , like some others Avhoin I have met Avith in life , he had no idea but that Avhen
Puchner-Priessler spoke , all were to listen , mute ancl satisfied and respectful ! So he asked Madame Allegri to take a walk with him , a request Avhich sorely bothered that good dame not a little , and which she acceded to evidently most reluctantly . HoAvever , there was no help for it , ancl aAvay they Avalked . What happened in that walk Avas never formally reported , though probably Don Balthazar Avas duly and discreetly told ; but Avhen the younger portion of the family came in in the evening , they learnt that Baron Puchner-Priessler had returned to Koine , Antonio said to his master , " as black as thunder , ancl Avithout a Avord to cast to a dog or a Avoman 1 " Oh , impertinent Antonio !
And here I think Ave may as Avell finish the episode of Baron Puchner-Priessler , though he is neither a very interesting personage , nor plays a very striking part in our veracious story . Not that I think him wrong in trying to obtain for himself so amiable a wife as Madame Allegri ; but as he Avas a thoroughly selfish , callous man , I neither sympathize with his Avoes nor mourn over his disappointment ;—the more so as '' compensation " Avas in store for him . When he reached Eome he found Madame Von Langentheiler full of beaming
smiles and superabundant sentiment . To her , Puchner-Priessler was everything , ( whatever that everything might mean ) , and she soon enabled that egotistical gentleman to feel quite comfortable and perfectly at his ease . Finding , as other men have found , ( as Aveak-ininded as hiinself ) , IIOAV much they can lean on a talkative , clever , well-educated , if shalloAV-principled woman , after a feAV weeks of daily " making up to , " this distinguished individual " surrendered at discretion . "
We need hardly pursue him into his married life : it was no doubt happy in its Avay , and brought its " agrSmens " ancl its distractions , and was , I think moreover , after all , quite good enough for him . For Madame Langentheiler Avas not a bad-hearted Avoman , and as Madame Puchner-Priessler number Two she made a very good wife for a man Avho certainly did not knoAV what a good Avife really meant , ancl certainly did not deserve one . But Avhen I add that OAving to her IIOAV position she succeeded in marrying her two daughters Avell , does she not deserve to be " highly commended 1 " I think she does , and therefore give her the " honours of Avar " accordingly .