Article A TERRIBLE CATALOGUE. Page 1 of 4 →
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A Terrible Catalogue.
OUR contemporary , the Standard , in its issue of March 30 , contained a very striking communication on the subject of Adulteration under the above head , —and as some of our readers may not see the Standard , ancl as the subject itself is a
most important one , being one of our great social evils , we think it Avell to reproduce its most sapient portions , for the information and edification of those who peruse the MASONIC MAGAZIXE . As the Standard puts it , let us now
" accompany the hapless victim of adulteration through twelve hours of his life , hearing in mind the warnings that have been extended hy doctors and analytical chemists , and we shall see what profound gratitude a man ought to feel for being in
existence at the end of that time . " Some of us " talk of the perils of travel and the dangers of Avar , and the gentlemen of England who live at home at ease have been twitted with their condition as opposed to that of the sailor but the said
; gentlemen , if Ave are to believe analysts ancl sanitary authorities , are in much greater clanger every hour of their lives than those who go to sea . " Let us now attend to the warnings of this able writer in the Standard : —
" His bed-room , besides not alloiving him the proper cubic space requisite for oue man , has properly no ventilation at all , and what with the gas burning the night before , and his own consumption of oxygen , the air has become very impure , and the sooner he gets out of it the better . "
Let us begin ivith his breakfast : — " He takes tea in the morning , ancl what does he imbibe under that name—a decoction of sycamore , horse-chesnut , plum , and sloe leaves , sand ancl starch , coloured ancl faced Avith plumbago , Prussian blue , gypsum ancl Chinese yelloiv , and flavoured
with sulphate of iron , catechu , and arsenite of copper . He pours milk into it , but that is Avorse and Avorse , for it contains Avater ( ancl Ave shall see Avhat Avater is presently ) , treacle , sugar , salt , annatto , chalk , white carrots , dextrine , ancl sometimes even cerebal matter . Annatto , by the Avay , Avhich is also used to sophisticate
cheese , is itself adulterated with Venetian red , sulphate of lime , lead , and copper ; but that is a mere matter of detail . This mixture—can the reader call it tea IIOAV ?—is sweetened with sugar , which , if it be not loaf , contains sporules of inngus , grit , ancl
ivoody fibre , ancl a pleasing insect , the acarus sacahari , of the same family as that which causes the Caledonian to bestow a benediction on the Dnke of Argyll , A sausage is on the table , into the composition of Avhich Ave Avould rather not
enter , unless it were purchased at a shop which can be depended upon , or , better still , made at home ; the subject ivould be too painful . Then there is bread and butter . The bread may contain mashed potatoes , alumplaster of Parisand bone
, , dust , while the butter is compounded of water , animal fat , ancl curd . Ah anchovy toast may be suggested as a relish , and if made of the paste , our friend may possibly contentedly enjoy all sorts of fish other than anchovies , coloured with Bole
Armenian and Venetian red . Here Ave may leave breakfast , merely noting that it is possible to reach a lower depth of mistiness in certain potted meats , ancl that even cocoa is adulterated also .
Startinsas cheerily forth as may be after such a breakfast , our victim sallies out to Avork or to play as the case may be . "The victim of misplaced confidence has now arrived at the hour of lunch . For that meal the cook has provided what looks like an appetising curry ; but let
the taster beware . The curry poivder probably contains ground rice , potato , flour , and red lead and salt , Avhile the Cayenne pepper used to render it more pungent is a charming compound of mustard-husk , deal sawdust , red lead , and
bisulphuret of mercury . The pickles , too , Avith which he stimulates his jaded appetite contain sulphate of copper , and the vinegar ivith which they have been made , may gain colour from burnt sugar and piquancy from sulphuric acid and corrosive
sublimate . With lunch he indulges in a glass or so of malt liquor . His beer may gain its bitter from quassia , Avonnwood , camomile , and even strychnia , ancl age from alum , carbonate of iime , and sulphate of iron . Should he venture on stout or porter , he imbibes liquorice , treacle , opium , cocculus indicus ( possess-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Terrible Catalogue.
OUR contemporary , the Standard , in its issue of March 30 , contained a very striking communication on the subject of Adulteration under the above head , —and as some of our readers may not see the Standard , ancl as the subject itself is a
most important one , being one of our great social evils , we think it Avell to reproduce its most sapient portions , for the information and edification of those who peruse the MASONIC MAGAZIXE . As the Standard puts it , let us now
" accompany the hapless victim of adulteration through twelve hours of his life , hearing in mind the warnings that have been extended hy doctors and analytical chemists , and we shall see what profound gratitude a man ought to feel for being in
existence at the end of that time . " Some of us " talk of the perils of travel and the dangers of Avar , and the gentlemen of England who live at home at ease have been twitted with their condition as opposed to that of the sailor but the said
; gentlemen , if Ave are to believe analysts ancl sanitary authorities , are in much greater clanger every hour of their lives than those who go to sea . " Let us now attend to the warnings of this able writer in the Standard : —
" His bed-room , besides not alloiving him the proper cubic space requisite for oue man , has properly no ventilation at all , and what with the gas burning the night before , and his own consumption of oxygen , the air has become very impure , and the sooner he gets out of it the better . "
Let us begin ivith his breakfast : — " He takes tea in the morning , ancl what does he imbibe under that name—a decoction of sycamore , horse-chesnut , plum , and sloe leaves , sand ancl starch , coloured ancl faced Avith plumbago , Prussian blue , gypsum ancl Chinese yelloiv , and flavoured
with sulphate of iron , catechu , and arsenite of copper . He pours milk into it , but that is Avorse and Avorse , for it contains Avater ( ancl Ave shall see Avhat Avater is presently ) , treacle , sugar , salt , annatto , chalk , white carrots , dextrine , ancl sometimes even cerebal matter . Annatto , by the Avay , Avhich is also used to sophisticate
cheese , is itself adulterated with Venetian red , sulphate of lime , lead , and copper ; but that is a mere matter of detail . This mixture—can the reader call it tea IIOAV ?—is sweetened with sugar , which , if it be not loaf , contains sporules of inngus , grit , ancl
ivoody fibre , ancl a pleasing insect , the acarus sacahari , of the same family as that which causes the Caledonian to bestow a benediction on the Dnke of Argyll , A sausage is on the table , into the composition of Avhich Ave Avould rather not
enter , unless it were purchased at a shop which can be depended upon , or , better still , made at home ; the subject ivould be too painful . Then there is bread and butter . The bread may contain mashed potatoes , alumplaster of Parisand bone
, , dust , while the butter is compounded of water , animal fat , ancl curd . Ah anchovy toast may be suggested as a relish , and if made of the paste , our friend may possibly contentedly enjoy all sorts of fish other than anchovies , coloured with Bole
Armenian and Venetian red . Here Ave may leave breakfast , merely noting that it is possible to reach a lower depth of mistiness in certain potted meats , ancl that even cocoa is adulterated also .
Startinsas cheerily forth as may be after such a breakfast , our victim sallies out to Avork or to play as the case may be . "The victim of misplaced confidence has now arrived at the hour of lunch . For that meal the cook has provided what looks like an appetising curry ; but let
the taster beware . The curry poivder probably contains ground rice , potato , flour , and red lead and salt , Avhile the Cayenne pepper used to render it more pungent is a charming compound of mustard-husk , deal sawdust , red lead , and
bisulphuret of mercury . The pickles , too , Avith which he stimulates his jaded appetite contain sulphate of copper , and the vinegar ivith which they have been made , may gain colour from burnt sugar and piquancy from sulphuric acid and corrosive
sublimate . With lunch he indulges in a glass or so of malt liquor . His beer may gain its bitter from quassia , Avonnwood , camomile , and even strychnia , ancl age from alum , carbonate of iime , and sulphate of iron . Should he venture on stout or porter , he imbibes liquorice , treacle , opium , cocculus indicus ( possess-