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The Origin And References Of The Hermesian Spurious Freemasonry.
and the same personage under different p hases . And hence Plutarch considers Osiris—Isis—Orus , as a sacred triad . Osiris the beginning , Isis the receptacle , and Orus the completion of the godhead . * Ancl the Egyptians had another triad which referred to the circle and its
prototype the sun , named Harpocrates , at his rising in the East ; Orus , at his meridian in the South ; ancl Osiris , at his setting in the West . And hence Hermes Trismegistus says that in their morning devotions the people should turn towards the East ; at noon to the South ; and in
the evening to the West . t In pursuance of this triad system , the Egyptians believed that every man had three angels attending upon him . The rites of the Spurious Freemasonry of Egypt were intendedamongst other
, things , to commemorate the deluge ; and a conspicuous emblem of the system Avas Orus , variously depicted seated on the calyx of the lotus , ! or lily of the Nile ; sometimes as a man , at others as a new born child ; and in the Bembine table he
is portrayed under the figure of a frog . It is also a curious fact , that during the initiations the hierophants were croAvned with lotus flowers , as the imitation of a custom used by Orus and Harpocrates || In an engraving of medals attached to
Bryant ' s Analysis , we find this emblem on the head of Oueph , whence it would appear to be a symbol of life rather than death , signifying the egress of Noah from the ark , or the resurrection of the aspiiant ; both of which Avere considered a new birth . It
was in fact a symbol equally of the - sun and immortality . We no longer Avonder at the veneration of the ancient Avorld for the lotus , after reading the description Avhich M . Schomburgh gives of a specimen which he found on the river Berbice in Guiana .. "It has
a gigantic leaf , " he says , " from five to six feet- in diameter , salver shaped , Avith a broad rim of light green above , ancl a vivid crimson below , resting on the Avater . Quite in character with the wonderful leaf was the luxurant flowers , consisting of many hundred petals , passing in alternate
tints from pure white to rose and pinky The smooth water was covered with them . The calyx is four leaved , each upwards of seven inches in length , and three in breadth at the base ; the diameter of the calyx is twelve to thirteen inches ; on in rests the
magnificent flowers , which , Avhen fully developed , covers completely the calyx . "When it first opens it is white Avith pink in the middle , Avhich spreads over the whole flower the more it advances in age ; ancl it is generally found the next day of a
pink colour ; as if to enchance its beauty , it is sweet scented . " It Avill be unnecessary to add that the mystical calyx of the symbolical lotus , was the ark of Noah ; and the infant , the UBAV born patriarchsubsequentldeified and
, y worshipped as Osiris or Orus . The emblem therefore indicated the salvation of the diluvian voyager from the waters of the deluge , and the reproduction of the world after it bad been submerged and swalloAved up by the abyss .
Some writers were of opinion that the deity here symbolized by the flower of the lotus , was the same as Baal Peor—the Lord of Opening—of our scriptures ; Avho is identified by Milton with the Chemosh of King Solomon . *
Chemos , th' obscene dread of Moab ' s sonsi From Arver to Nebo , and the wild Of southmost Abarim ; in Hesebon And Horonaim , Sihon ' s realm , beyond The flowery vale of Sibma , clad with vines ; And Eleale , to the Asphaltio pool
; Peor his other name , when he enticed Israelii ! Shittim ; on their march from Nile , To do him wanton rites which cost their Avoe . t
The learned Mr . Taylor says in his edition of Calmet , "this false God ( Baal Peor ) is supposed to be the Adonis or Orus adored by the Egyptians and other Eastern people ; " although Wilkinson says , } that Orus is erroneously identified
with Priapus , or Baal Peor , for he was in reality the god Pah . " Scripture informs us , " continues our author , " that the Israelites , being encamped in the Avilclemess , were seduced to worshi p Baal Peor , to partake of his sacrifices , and to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Origin And References Of The Hermesian Spurious Freemasonry.
and the same personage under different p hases . And hence Plutarch considers Osiris—Isis—Orus , as a sacred triad . Osiris the beginning , Isis the receptacle , and Orus the completion of the godhead . * Ancl the Egyptians had another triad which referred to the circle and its
prototype the sun , named Harpocrates , at his rising in the East ; Orus , at his meridian in the South ; ancl Osiris , at his setting in the West . And hence Hermes Trismegistus says that in their morning devotions the people should turn towards the East ; at noon to the South ; and in
the evening to the West . t In pursuance of this triad system , the Egyptians believed that every man had three angels attending upon him . The rites of the Spurious Freemasonry of Egypt were intendedamongst other
, things , to commemorate the deluge ; and a conspicuous emblem of the system Avas Orus , variously depicted seated on the calyx of the lotus , ! or lily of the Nile ; sometimes as a man , at others as a new born child ; and in the Bembine table he
is portrayed under the figure of a frog . It is also a curious fact , that during the initiations the hierophants were croAvned with lotus flowers , as the imitation of a custom used by Orus and Harpocrates || In an engraving of medals attached to
Bryant ' s Analysis , we find this emblem on the head of Oueph , whence it would appear to be a symbol of life rather than death , signifying the egress of Noah from the ark , or the resurrection of the aspiiant ; both of which Avere considered a new birth . It
was in fact a symbol equally of the - sun and immortality . We no longer Avonder at the veneration of the ancient Avorld for the lotus , after reading the description Avhich M . Schomburgh gives of a specimen which he found on the river Berbice in Guiana .. "It has
a gigantic leaf , " he says , " from five to six feet- in diameter , salver shaped , Avith a broad rim of light green above , ancl a vivid crimson below , resting on the Avater . Quite in character with the wonderful leaf was the luxurant flowers , consisting of many hundred petals , passing in alternate
tints from pure white to rose and pinky The smooth water was covered with them . The calyx is four leaved , each upwards of seven inches in length , and three in breadth at the base ; the diameter of the calyx is twelve to thirteen inches ; on in rests the
magnificent flowers , which , Avhen fully developed , covers completely the calyx . "When it first opens it is white Avith pink in the middle , Avhich spreads over the whole flower the more it advances in age ; ancl it is generally found the next day of a
pink colour ; as if to enchance its beauty , it is sweet scented . " It Avill be unnecessary to add that the mystical calyx of the symbolical lotus , was the ark of Noah ; and the infant , the UBAV born patriarchsubsequentldeified and
, y worshipped as Osiris or Orus . The emblem therefore indicated the salvation of the diluvian voyager from the waters of the deluge , and the reproduction of the world after it bad been submerged and swalloAved up by the abyss .
Some writers were of opinion that the deity here symbolized by the flower of the lotus , was the same as Baal Peor—the Lord of Opening—of our scriptures ; Avho is identified by Milton with the Chemosh of King Solomon . *
Chemos , th' obscene dread of Moab ' s sonsi From Arver to Nebo , and the wild Of southmost Abarim ; in Hesebon And Horonaim , Sihon ' s realm , beyond The flowery vale of Sibma , clad with vines ; And Eleale , to the Asphaltio pool
; Peor his other name , when he enticed Israelii ! Shittim ; on their march from Nile , To do him wanton rites which cost their Avoe . t
The learned Mr . Taylor says in his edition of Calmet , "this false God ( Baal Peor ) is supposed to be the Adonis or Orus adored by the Egyptians and other Eastern people ; " although Wilkinson says , } that Orus is erroneously identified
with Priapus , or Baal Peor , for he was in reality the god Pah . " Scripture informs us , " continues our author , " that the Israelites , being encamped in the Avilclemess , were seduced to worshi p Baal Peor , to partake of his sacrifices , and to