Article FREEMASONRY DEFENDED. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Monthly Odds and Ends. Page 1 of 1
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Freemasonry Defended.
Wore these secrets to be indiscriminatel y dispersed , they would soon Ioso their value —becoming familiar , they would cease to be important , and that which was no man ' s peculiar property , would find not one to protect it from corruptionor to preserve it
, from oblivion . If there be any suspicion that there are mysteries which are carefull y covered Avith the veil of secrecy , Ave would state , that our doors , though closed to tho unworthy , are ever open at the knocks of the deserving . To the good man
and true , there need be no mysteries in Masonry Avith Avhich he is unacquainted . If ho be offended that he does not share our confidence , we say to him , approach the vestibule of our temple , show on your part a willingness to mingle in our
de-A'otions , and AVO Avill gladly embrace you as a felloAV worshipper at our altar—to you Ave will readily impart AAdiat AA * e haA'e received , and with you , will investigate all the doctrines , ceremonies and symbols , Avhich constitute the esoteric Avork of Freemasonry .
Bat if from indifference to truth , or an indisposition to investigate , you are unwilling to seek this entrance within our Avails , then AVO demand of you in all fairness and candour , Avhether you are a Blanchardor other narroAv mindedor
, , hypocritical canting knave , or othenviso , that you Avill at least cease to reproach or censure us for the exclusive possession of secrets in tho ownership of which j-ou yourself have refused to participate . The principle that governs Freemasonry
in all its branches in the distribution of its charities , and the exercise of all the friendly affections , is that AA'hich Avas laid doAvn by St . Paul for the government of the infant church at Galatia ; "As Ave have opportunity , therefore lot us do good
to all men , especially unto those AVIIO are of the household . " This sentiment of preference for one ' s OATO household , thus sanctioned by apostolic authority , is the dictate of human nature , and the AVOKIS of scripture find their echo in eA ery heart .
Blood is thicker than water , and those AVIIO have established the claim of Avorsbiping at our altar , have established the hi gher claim of Masonic consanguinity . —New York Dispatch .
Monthly Odds And Ends.
Monthly Odds and Ends .
A young man who belongs to a club where euchre is the principal intellectual study , took a young lady to church the other Sunday evening , and fell into a gentle dose before the minister had reached his " thirdlys . " He cannot explain exactly how it happened , but just as the reverend gentleman said
something about the " last trump , " the younoman earnestly ejaculated , " I'll go alone !" The young lady says the next time he can " go alone , " for she won't go with him .
The other day , at a concert , a gentleman having put his hat upon a chair to keep a place , returned to claim it after a short absence . The hat he found , sure enough , where it had been left , only there was a stout lady sitting on it . " Madam , " said he , " you are sitting on hat . " The ladblushed a
my y little , turned round , and said in the blandest manner . " Oh , I beg pardon ! I ' m sure [ thought it AA * as my husband's . " A gawkey saw , for the first time , a schoolgirl going through some of her gymnastic exercises for the amusement of the little ones
at home . After gazing on her with looks of interest and commisseration for a while , he asked a boy near by " If that gal had fits ?" " No , " replied the lad contemptuously ; that ' s gymnastics . " "Oh , 'tis they ? " said the verdant ; " IIOAV long has she had them ?"
A waiter iu a St . Louis restaurant was asked for a toothpick by one of the patronshe had just finished a bowl of oyster soup . " What do you Avant Avith a toothpick ?" queried the waiter , Avho had cultivated considerable familiarity with all the custom-¦ ers . " I Avant to pick an oyster from my
teeth . " " Oh , no , you don't ! There was only one oyster in that soup , and 1 ate that on my Avay from the kitchen !" A young man in Indiana sues his father for loaned money , Avhich the father claims Avas Ills OAVU property . The father's counsel , in
summing up the case of his client , remarked : "Twice has this prodigal returned to his father ' s bouse ; twice has he been received with open arms ; twice for him has the fatted calf been killed ; and now he comes back and Avants the old cow . " A little girl asked a minister"Do
, yon think my father will go to heaven 1 " " Why , yes , my child . Why do you ask V " Well , because if fie doesn ' t have his OAA ' Avay there he won't stay long , I Avas thinking . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry Defended.
Wore these secrets to be indiscriminatel y dispersed , they would soon Ioso their value —becoming familiar , they would cease to be important , and that which was no man ' s peculiar property , would find not one to protect it from corruptionor to preserve it
, from oblivion . If there be any suspicion that there are mysteries which are carefull y covered Avith the veil of secrecy , Ave would state , that our doors , though closed to tho unworthy , are ever open at the knocks of the deserving . To the good man
and true , there need be no mysteries in Masonry Avith Avhich he is unacquainted . If ho be offended that he does not share our confidence , we say to him , approach the vestibule of our temple , show on your part a willingness to mingle in our
de-A'otions , and AVO Avill gladly embrace you as a felloAV worshipper at our altar—to you Ave will readily impart AAdiat AA * e haA'e received , and with you , will investigate all the doctrines , ceremonies and symbols , Avhich constitute the esoteric Avork of Freemasonry .
Bat if from indifference to truth , or an indisposition to investigate , you are unwilling to seek this entrance within our Avails , then AVO demand of you in all fairness and candour , Avhether you are a Blanchardor other narroAv mindedor
, , hypocritical canting knave , or othenviso , that you Avill at least cease to reproach or censure us for the exclusive possession of secrets in tho ownership of which j-ou yourself have refused to participate . The principle that governs Freemasonry
in all its branches in the distribution of its charities , and the exercise of all the friendly affections , is that AA'hich Avas laid doAvn by St . Paul for the government of the infant church at Galatia ; "As Ave have opportunity , therefore lot us do good
to all men , especially unto those AVIIO are of the household . " This sentiment of preference for one ' s OATO household , thus sanctioned by apostolic authority , is the dictate of human nature , and the AVOKIS of scripture find their echo in eA ery heart .
Blood is thicker than water , and those AVIIO have established the claim of Avorsbiping at our altar , have established the hi gher claim of Masonic consanguinity . —New York Dispatch .
Monthly Odds And Ends.
Monthly Odds and Ends .
A young man who belongs to a club where euchre is the principal intellectual study , took a young lady to church the other Sunday evening , and fell into a gentle dose before the minister had reached his " thirdlys . " He cannot explain exactly how it happened , but just as the reverend gentleman said
something about the " last trump , " the younoman earnestly ejaculated , " I'll go alone !" The young lady says the next time he can " go alone , " for she won't go with him .
The other day , at a concert , a gentleman having put his hat upon a chair to keep a place , returned to claim it after a short absence . The hat he found , sure enough , where it had been left , only there was a stout lady sitting on it . " Madam , " said he , " you are sitting on hat . " The ladblushed a
my y little , turned round , and said in the blandest manner . " Oh , I beg pardon ! I ' m sure [ thought it AA * as my husband's . " A gawkey saw , for the first time , a schoolgirl going through some of her gymnastic exercises for the amusement of the little ones
at home . After gazing on her with looks of interest and commisseration for a while , he asked a boy near by " If that gal had fits ?" " No , " replied the lad contemptuously ; that ' s gymnastics . " "Oh , 'tis they ? " said the verdant ; " IIOAV long has she had them ?"
A waiter iu a St . Louis restaurant was asked for a toothpick by one of the patronshe had just finished a bowl of oyster soup . " What do you Avant Avith a toothpick ?" queried the waiter , Avho had cultivated considerable familiarity with all the custom-¦ ers . " I Avant to pick an oyster from my
teeth . " " Oh , no , you don't ! There was only one oyster in that soup , and 1 ate that on my Avay from the kitchen !" A young man in Indiana sues his father for loaned money , Avhich the father claims Avas Ills OAVU property . The father's counsel , in
summing up the case of his client , remarked : "Twice has this prodigal returned to his father ' s bouse ; twice has he been received with open arms ; twice for him has the fatted calf been killed ; and now he comes back and Avants the old cow . " A little girl asked a minister"Do
, yon think my father will go to heaven 1 " " Why , yes , my child . Why do you ask V " Well , because if fie doesn ' t have his OAA ' Avay there he won't stay long , I Avas thinking . "