Article MASONIC DRONES. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC DRONES. Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY DEFENDED. Page 1 of 3 →
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Masonic Drones.
Candour compels us to make the shamefaced confession that there are by far too many drones in the great Masonic hive . A Masonic Lodge is not the appropriate theatre for the do-nothing and idler . It is emphatically a place where Masons
meet to work , and to work nicely , harmoniously and smoothly . At its sessions , during its intervals of refreshment , Ave should sedulously , whenever opportunity offers , employ ourselves in such manner as Avill lead to the complete mastery of
our desires and passions aud our general improvement in the science . The working bees should set their heads together and devise some sure means by Avhich to kill off the drones . If I were called upon to define a Masonic drone , I would do so someAvhat after the folloAving manner : 1 . That Mason who holds his affiliation
with the Craft in the form of a rumpled dimit , carefully laid away in some place where it may become the prey of rats and mice , is a drone in the great Masonic hive . 2 . That Mason who is so careless and improvident in the application of his
time' gauge as always to have on Lodge days something on band that is obliged to be done—that Avill not suffer the slightest postponement , and which , therefore , much to his asserted displeasure , prevents his attendance at Lodge sessions , is a drone
in the groat Masonic hive . 3 . That Mason who is always tard y in his- appearance , and who nine times in ten knocks for admission after the Lodge has been opened and is engaged in business , thus making his want of punctuality a cause of tempoary distraction or confusion , is a drone in the great Masonic hive .
4 . That Mason Avho , Avhen called upon to fill some station or place for the time , begs to be excused , as he is a little rusty , and fears that he will make some mistake that will invite a laugh at his expense , is a drone in the great Masonic hive .
5 . That Mason who is always going to pay up his dues at the next meeting , but never lets the next meeting come till affectionately reminded of a certain by-law in regard to those in arrears , is a drone in the great Masonic hive ,-
Masonic Drones.
6 . That Mason AVIIO , while the Lodge is engaged in work or general business , is always wispering something loud enough to be heard over the entire room , to the Brother near him ; and that one also who keeps up an incessant squirting of the
tobacco juice almost equal in destructive force to the "Greek fire , " and which renders his immediate vicinity less cleanly than a dirty pig pen , is a drone in the great Masonic hive . 7 . That Mason who always forgets that
he Avas on the committee till the report is called for , and AVIIO therefore never reports on anything Avithout asking further time , is a drone in the great Masonic hive . 8 . That Mason who , generally about tho time business is half gone through with , rises to explain that he lives a good .
Avays of , or that he has a right smart headache , and would like to retire , is a drone in the great Masonic hive . 9 . That Mason who' would have been at a Brother ' s funeral if he had known exactly at Avhat hour it Avas coming off , or ,
if it hadn't looked so much like rain , is a drone in the great Masonic hive . 10 . That Mason AVIIO , just about the time the Lodge commences conferring a degree , eloquently announces that it is getting lateandthereforeasks the W . M .
, , , to " cut the thing as short as possible , " is a drone in the great Masonic hive . 11 . That Mason who only bunglingly knoAvs the words and tokens , and not a solitary thing of the essence and spirit of the scienceis a drone in the great Masonic
, hive . 12 . Last , but not least , that Mason who will not by every possible means encourage and foster the Masonic literature , at least , of his own jurisdiction , is a drone in tho great Masonic hive . —The Keystone .
Freemasonry Defended.
In all the transactions of life , between man and man , there are numerous occasions when it is neither necessary nor prudent that the world should be admitted to the counsels of the parties . No private association of individuals conducts its meetings
with open doors , and public bodies have reserved to themselves the ri ght of holding secret sessions whenever , in their own opinion , the interests of the country re-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Drones.
Candour compels us to make the shamefaced confession that there are by far too many drones in the great Masonic hive . A Masonic Lodge is not the appropriate theatre for the do-nothing and idler . It is emphatically a place where Masons
meet to work , and to work nicely , harmoniously and smoothly . At its sessions , during its intervals of refreshment , Ave should sedulously , whenever opportunity offers , employ ourselves in such manner as Avill lead to the complete mastery of
our desires and passions aud our general improvement in the science . The working bees should set their heads together and devise some sure means by Avhich to kill off the drones . If I were called upon to define a Masonic drone , I would do so someAvhat after the folloAving manner : 1 . That Mason who holds his affiliation
with the Craft in the form of a rumpled dimit , carefully laid away in some place where it may become the prey of rats and mice , is a drone in the great Masonic hive . 2 . That Mason who is so careless and improvident in the application of his
time' gauge as always to have on Lodge days something on band that is obliged to be done—that Avill not suffer the slightest postponement , and which , therefore , much to his asserted displeasure , prevents his attendance at Lodge sessions , is a drone
in the groat Masonic hive . 3 . That Mason who is always tard y in his- appearance , and who nine times in ten knocks for admission after the Lodge has been opened and is engaged in business , thus making his want of punctuality a cause of tempoary distraction or confusion , is a drone in the great Masonic hive .
4 . That Mason Avho , Avhen called upon to fill some station or place for the time , begs to be excused , as he is a little rusty , and fears that he will make some mistake that will invite a laugh at his expense , is a drone in the great Masonic hive .
5 . That Mason who is always going to pay up his dues at the next meeting , but never lets the next meeting come till affectionately reminded of a certain by-law in regard to those in arrears , is a drone in the great Masonic hive ,-
Masonic Drones.
6 . That Mason AVIIO , while the Lodge is engaged in work or general business , is always wispering something loud enough to be heard over the entire room , to the Brother near him ; and that one also who keeps up an incessant squirting of the
tobacco juice almost equal in destructive force to the "Greek fire , " and which renders his immediate vicinity less cleanly than a dirty pig pen , is a drone in the great Masonic hive . 7 . That Mason who always forgets that
he Avas on the committee till the report is called for , and AVIIO therefore never reports on anything Avithout asking further time , is a drone in the great Masonic hive . 8 . That Mason who , generally about tho time business is half gone through with , rises to explain that he lives a good .
Avays of , or that he has a right smart headache , and would like to retire , is a drone in the great Masonic hive . 9 . That Mason who' would have been at a Brother ' s funeral if he had known exactly at Avhat hour it Avas coming off , or ,
if it hadn't looked so much like rain , is a drone in the great Masonic hive . 10 . That Mason AVIIO , just about the time the Lodge commences conferring a degree , eloquently announces that it is getting lateandthereforeasks the W . M .
, , , to " cut the thing as short as possible , " is a drone in the great Masonic hive . 11 . That Mason who only bunglingly knoAvs the words and tokens , and not a solitary thing of the essence and spirit of the scienceis a drone in the great Masonic
, hive . 12 . Last , but not least , that Mason who will not by every possible means encourage and foster the Masonic literature , at least , of his own jurisdiction , is a drone in tho great Masonic hive . —The Keystone .
Freemasonry Defended.
In all the transactions of life , between man and man , there are numerous occasions when it is neither necessary nor prudent that the world should be admitted to the counsels of the parties . No private association of individuals conducts its meetings
with open doors , and public bodies have reserved to themselves the ri ght of holding secret sessions whenever , in their own opinion , the interests of the country re-