Article EARLY HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY IN AMERICA. ← Page 5 of 5 Article DOWN INTO THE DUST . Page 1 of 1 Article Reviews. Page 1 of 3 →
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Early History Of Freemasonry In America.
connected with this letter , viz : There was no Grand Lodge held in London in the month of August , 1734 . Nor was a G . L . held there during that year . To sum up with regard to
Philadelphia . I know that Franklin made Price ' s acquaintance in Boston in 1733 . I also know that Franklin printed Anderson ' s Constitution in 1734 , and that Price disposed of some copies of that work for Franklin . And last I
know , that Franklin asked Price for a deputation , accompanied , however , by the conditions , that Price should furnish vouchers to the authenticity of his own alleged authority . But I do not know that Price ever complied with
tlie required conditions , and if he did , whether they were srtisfactory to Franklin , and whether Franklin ever accepted such a deputation from Price . These are precisely the points that I want Bro . MacCalla to clear up . Has he a shadoAv of evidence to prove them ? Boston , U . S ., January 23 rd , 1874 .
Down Into The Dust .
JOAQUJ . N- MlLI . EIi . Is it worth while that we jostle a brother , Hearing his load on tho rough road of life ? Is it worth while that Ave jeer at each other JM blackness of heart?—that Ave war to the knife ? ( Joii pity ns all in our pitiful strife .
God pity us all as we jostle each other ; God pardon us all for the triumphs we feel When a felloiv goes down 'neath his load on the heather , Pierced to the heart-, words are keener than steel , Ami mightier far for woe or for weal . Were it not wellin this brief little journey
, On over the isthmus , down into the tide , Wc give him a fish instead of a serpent , Krc folding the hands to be and abide Forever and aye in dust at his side ? Look at the roses saluting each other ; I . ouk at the herds all at peace on the plain—Man and man only makes war on his brother ,
' And laughs in his heart at his peril and pain ; Shamed by the beasts that go down on the plain . Is it worth while that wc battle to humble Some poor fellow-soldier down into the dust ? God ] , ity us all ! Time eftsoon will tumble Ali of us together like leaves in a gust , Humbled indeed down into the dust .
Reviews .
The Freemason ' s Liber Mvsicus . Edited by Bro . Dr . AVm . Spark . —Metzler & Co . AVe have been favoured with the sight and perusal of Bro . Dr . Spark's goodly sized and admirably elaborated "Liber Musicus . "
Not being professional musicians ourselves , AA ' are unable naturally to enter into the artistic merits of his selection ; but AVC have long since advocated the introduction of music into our ceremonies , and therefore AVO hail our Avell-knoAVii
brothers very handsome book , not only as a stew in the ri ght direction , but as a genuine endeavour on his part to advance the becoming arrangement and the solemn developementof our admirable ritual , and of our impressive ceremonial . Such a book
could not have been produced A-nthout much sacrifice of time , and labour , and care , and brains , and money ; and Ave , therefore , Avish our brother all proper support from the Craft , and trust that he may be alike remunerated by the liberal patronage
of his brethren , and the self-consciousness that ho lias honestly laboured , at much of personal cost , to add the pleasantness of SAvcet sounds , and the elevating inlluence of the poetry of music , in short , to the otherwise somewhat prosaic ( not to say prosy , ) routine of our Masonic Lodge Meetings and routine ceremonies .
TV / A Millennium . An Epic Poem . B y Edward Francis Hughes , Melbourne . AVe opened the book in awe , and iveput it down in despair ; 10 , 000 lines mainly on that remarkable and recondite-subject , are too muchrealland trulfor
, y y , any mental organization or personal psychology . Not _ that the verse is Aveak , or that the sentiments are miAvorthy of so mysterious a proposition . On the contrary , much of the poetry is very good indeed , and seems to tell us that the true spirit of poesy is
abiding with the Author . But , then , Avhat can anyone say to affect us deeply on a question Avhich is most disputable , more th an questionable , and stands in the midst of the veriest " debateable ground " of past and present reli gious controversy i
The writer evidentl y believes what he says , and is carried away by his own enthusiasm , to dejiict in flowery lines
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Early History Of Freemasonry In America.
connected with this letter , viz : There was no Grand Lodge held in London in the month of August , 1734 . Nor was a G . L . held there during that year . To sum up with regard to
Philadelphia . I know that Franklin made Price ' s acquaintance in Boston in 1733 . I also know that Franklin printed Anderson ' s Constitution in 1734 , and that Price disposed of some copies of that work for Franklin . And last I
know , that Franklin asked Price for a deputation , accompanied , however , by the conditions , that Price should furnish vouchers to the authenticity of his own alleged authority . But I do not know that Price ever complied with
tlie required conditions , and if he did , whether they were srtisfactory to Franklin , and whether Franklin ever accepted such a deputation from Price . These are precisely the points that I want Bro . MacCalla to clear up . Has he a shadoAv of evidence to prove them ? Boston , U . S ., January 23 rd , 1874 .
Down Into The Dust .
JOAQUJ . N- MlLI . EIi . Is it worth while that we jostle a brother , Hearing his load on tho rough road of life ? Is it worth while that Ave jeer at each other JM blackness of heart?—that Ave war to the knife ? ( Joii pity ns all in our pitiful strife .
God pity us all as we jostle each other ; God pardon us all for the triumphs we feel When a felloiv goes down 'neath his load on the heather , Pierced to the heart-, words are keener than steel , Ami mightier far for woe or for weal . Were it not wellin this brief little journey
, On over the isthmus , down into the tide , Wc give him a fish instead of a serpent , Krc folding the hands to be and abide Forever and aye in dust at his side ? Look at the roses saluting each other ; I . ouk at the herds all at peace on the plain—Man and man only makes war on his brother ,
' And laughs in his heart at his peril and pain ; Shamed by the beasts that go down on the plain . Is it worth while that wc battle to humble Some poor fellow-soldier down into the dust ? God ] , ity us all ! Time eftsoon will tumble Ali of us together like leaves in a gust , Humbled indeed down into the dust .
Reviews .
The Freemason ' s Liber Mvsicus . Edited by Bro . Dr . AVm . Spark . —Metzler & Co . AVe have been favoured with the sight and perusal of Bro . Dr . Spark's goodly sized and admirably elaborated "Liber Musicus . "
Not being professional musicians ourselves , AA ' are unable naturally to enter into the artistic merits of his selection ; but AVC have long since advocated the introduction of music into our ceremonies , and therefore AVO hail our Avell-knoAVii
brothers very handsome book , not only as a stew in the ri ght direction , but as a genuine endeavour on his part to advance the becoming arrangement and the solemn developementof our admirable ritual , and of our impressive ceremonial . Such a book
could not have been produced A-nthout much sacrifice of time , and labour , and care , and brains , and money ; and Ave , therefore , Avish our brother all proper support from the Craft , and trust that he may be alike remunerated by the liberal patronage
of his brethren , and the self-consciousness that ho lias honestly laboured , at much of personal cost , to add the pleasantness of SAvcet sounds , and the elevating inlluence of the poetry of music , in short , to the otherwise somewhat prosaic ( not to say prosy , ) routine of our Masonic Lodge Meetings and routine ceremonies .
TV / A Millennium . An Epic Poem . B y Edward Francis Hughes , Melbourne . AVe opened the book in awe , and iveput it down in despair ; 10 , 000 lines mainly on that remarkable and recondite-subject , are too muchrealland trulfor
, y y , any mental organization or personal psychology . Not _ that the verse is Aveak , or that the sentiments are miAvorthy of so mysterious a proposition . On the contrary , much of the poetry is very good indeed , and seems to tell us that the true spirit of poesy is
abiding with the Author . But , then , Avhat can anyone say to affect us deeply on a question Avhich is most disputable , more th an questionable , and stands in the midst of the veriest " debateable ground " of past and present reli gious controversy i
The writer evidentl y believes what he says , and is carried away by his own enthusiasm , to dejiict in flowery lines