Article Cleanings form Old Documents. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE MASON'S ORPHAN DAUGHTER. Page 1 of 3 →
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Cleanings Form Old Documents.
arc ! Faynveder , probably Fairweathor , ( a very good name indeed for a Mason , ) and Walter Cook . Then come thirty-four Masons who work for four working days a week and received 2 d . a day . I give tho names because many interesting facts and considerations arise out of the same . I
haA r e anglicized them as far as possible : William lo Ferour , Henry de Sfceventon , Henry Costard , William Drinkpcny , Walter le Waller , Alexr . of Westminster , John of Wilton , Richard Squyrel , Richard lo Thirgner , William of
Chiding-Adam of Colowyl ., fold , Stephen Att-folde , Jak Ardingo , ( clearly Nicholas Welland , Jack Hardinge . ) Walseman , William Ardingo , John lo Grom , Thomas Wonder , Robert Sterling , John de Stanstede , William Gilchawc , Philip Edyman , John de Beverly , John Balemond ,
Walter le Heldere , Robert de TJpplio , John Lowe , Thomas de Oakham , John le Gardiner , Stephen do Fulham , Adam do Biflete , AVilliam Joseph , Robert lo Fand , Richard le Gardiner . In addition to these names AVO have also
given , Gregory k Tresour , paid for Wo days only 3 d . a day , and Simon of AA oodhull , 2 | d . a day . Ralph , the painter ( Pistori ) 5 d . per day for two days work , and Richard Lucas and AA ymarck , both apparently paintersthe same amount for
, the same time . Master AValter the painter receives 12 d . a day , and as ho receives 7 s . for the week , it would almost seem as , if he worked on the Sunday , whereas our good old Master Mason remembered " tho Sabbath day to keep it holy . " But it may
be what is called a " wage of contract , " or weekly wage , that is 12 d . reckoned per day , whether he works or not , and if ho was a foreigner that would probably bo the
case . The Roll concludes with a payment to Hugoni Chrico ( Hugo the clerk or clergyman ) for writing this weekly roll , or paylist , namely Is . Gd . The wages in all amount to £ 2 that is . £ 30 of our money , the things bought to £ 13 3 s . 5 d , about
£ 19-5 of our money , in all , £ 225 as the weekly amount according to the comparative value of money HOAV and then . I will give other extracts if such a matter interests tho brethren , and the readers of the Magazine , but hero I must stop for to-day .
The Mason's Orphan Daughter.
A MYSTIC STOI 5 Y . —BY JEFFEItSON . " Who Avill put what God hath given , To the Avisest , noblest use ? Who will clothe the homeless orphan , Fill Avith oil the widow's cruse ? And like him of old Samaria
Help the stranger in his need , Reckless of his name or nation , Eeckless of his father's creed ? Call the roll . " — [ Bolton . In a late visitation which AVO made to one of the Orphan Homes of this State , AVO
found among the interesting groups of fatherless inmates of the institution , a sweet-faced little girl of some eleven summers , whose mild blue eye and simple , womanly manners at once attracted our attention , and kindled within our heart , as is somewhat natural in such cases , . an inquisitive desire to knoiv something of her history .
The wonderful , attractive power which some persons possess , and which is often found even in the eye and contour and manners of the young , seems to wear tho mystic blandishment of some weird land . There is an unearthly beauty in the
personnel , and wand power of immediate influence in the individual spirit which but feAV can resist . It conies over us like a divinity , and fastens our admiration as AA'ith the tethers of an irresistible affinity . It was this sort of a soul-subjugation ,
which came over us when Ave looked into the eyes and apparent angel character of this little orphan girl as she sat among the rest , as if she were but a common lamb of the fold , Avith tho helpless and innocent consciousness that she AA as only an orphan child , homeless and friendless , and Avithout a single bright star to illuminate her unknown future .
To us her condition seemed a sad one—Avithout father or mother , brother or sister , and alone in the world with no guardian power over her save that of the sympathy of public charity . AVhen tho songs and prayers of the
evening were over , and the orphan family had retired to their respective chambers for the night , AVO began our questioning with the kind-hearted matron , Avho herself is the relict of a Masonic brother AA'horn we once
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Cleanings Form Old Documents.
arc ! Faynveder , probably Fairweathor , ( a very good name indeed for a Mason , ) and Walter Cook . Then come thirty-four Masons who work for four working days a week and received 2 d . a day . I give tho names because many interesting facts and considerations arise out of the same . I
haA r e anglicized them as far as possible : William lo Ferour , Henry de Sfceventon , Henry Costard , William Drinkpcny , Walter le Waller , Alexr . of Westminster , John of Wilton , Richard Squyrel , Richard lo Thirgner , William of
Chiding-Adam of Colowyl ., fold , Stephen Att-folde , Jak Ardingo , ( clearly Nicholas Welland , Jack Hardinge . ) Walseman , William Ardingo , John lo Grom , Thomas Wonder , Robert Sterling , John de Stanstede , William Gilchawc , Philip Edyman , John de Beverly , John Balemond ,
Walter le Heldere , Robert de TJpplio , John Lowe , Thomas de Oakham , John le Gardiner , Stephen do Fulham , Adam do Biflete , AVilliam Joseph , Robert lo Fand , Richard le Gardiner . In addition to these names AVO have also
given , Gregory k Tresour , paid for Wo days only 3 d . a day , and Simon of AA oodhull , 2 | d . a day . Ralph , the painter ( Pistori ) 5 d . per day for two days work , and Richard Lucas and AA ymarck , both apparently paintersthe same amount for
, the same time . Master AValter the painter receives 12 d . a day , and as ho receives 7 s . for the week , it would almost seem as , if he worked on the Sunday , whereas our good old Master Mason remembered " tho Sabbath day to keep it holy . " But it may
be what is called a " wage of contract , " or weekly wage , that is 12 d . reckoned per day , whether he works or not , and if ho was a foreigner that would probably bo the
case . The Roll concludes with a payment to Hugoni Chrico ( Hugo the clerk or clergyman ) for writing this weekly roll , or paylist , namely Is . Gd . The wages in all amount to £ 2 that is . £ 30 of our money , the things bought to £ 13 3 s . 5 d , about
£ 19-5 of our money , in all , £ 225 as the weekly amount according to the comparative value of money HOAV and then . I will give other extracts if such a matter interests tho brethren , and the readers of the Magazine , but hero I must stop for to-day .
The Mason's Orphan Daughter.
A MYSTIC STOI 5 Y . —BY JEFFEItSON . " Who Avill put what God hath given , To the Avisest , noblest use ? Who will clothe the homeless orphan , Fill Avith oil the widow's cruse ? And like him of old Samaria
Help the stranger in his need , Reckless of his name or nation , Eeckless of his father's creed ? Call the roll . " — [ Bolton . In a late visitation which AVO made to one of the Orphan Homes of this State , AVO
found among the interesting groups of fatherless inmates of the institution , a sweet-faced little girl of some eleven summers , whose mild blue eye and simple , womanly manners at once attracted our attention , and kindled within our heart , as is somewhat natural in such cases , . an inquisitive desire to knoiv something of her history .
The wonderful , attractive power which some persons possess , and which is often found even in the eye and contour and manners of the young , seems to wear tho mystic blandishment of some weird land . There is an unearthly beauty in the
personnel , and wand power of immediate influence in the individual spirit which but feAV can resist . It conies over us like a divinity , and fastens our admiration as AA'ith the tethers of an irresistible affinity . It was this sort of a soul-subjugation ,
which came over us when Ave looked into the eyes and apparent angel character of this little orphan girl as she sat among the rest , as if she were but a common lamb of the fold , Avith tho helpless and innocent consciousness that she AA as only an orphan child , homeless and friendless , and Avithout a single bright star to illuminate her unknown future .
To us her condition seemed a sad one—Avithout father or mother , brother or sister , and alone in the world with no guardian power over her save that of the sympathy of public charity . AVhen tho songs and prayers of the
evening were over , and the orphan family had retired to their respective chambers for the night , AVO began our questioning with the kind-hearted matron , Avho herself is the relict of a Masonic brother AA'horn we once