Article FAITH, HOPE, AND CHARITY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article WHIST. Page 1 of 1
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Faith, Hope, And Charity.
The arms of Faith ancl Hope are bold , To guide the helm , the anchor hold ; . But Love the steady strength will lend , To each one whom it calls a friend . Faith stands erect as on a rock ;
Hope forward leans to . meet the shock ; Love bends its supple , yielding form , While o'er it vainly blows the storm . Faith moves with slow ancl steady tread ; ¦ And sanguine Hope leaps far ahead ;
Fleeter than Faith , than Hope more strong , Love runneth best—it runneth along . Sovereign of all the virtues rare , With thee nor Faith nor Hope compare ; Faith may grow weak and Hope grow cold ; Love will be young when Time is old .
LooKcre backward down the ages , Through the dust of rolling years , Gleaming bright against a background Dark with tumult , toil , ancl fears ; Grateful glimpses as of firelight Shining out through chilling mist , Catch we of that care-dispelling , Rare , time-honoured game of Whist .
Dim the legends and traditions That surround its natal hour ; Whence , like some bright streamlet flowing , Making e'er its banks to flower , It hath rippled on unfailing , Cheering many a way-worn heart
That hath sought a brief refreshment From the world ' s , fierce strife apart . Ever loved by sage and scholar , Sought by mean of weary brain , It alike , at cot or castle ,
Still doth favourite remain ; With its ineUow , genial presence , It hath stood the crucial test ; Peerless , mid a host of rivals , It doth wear the victor ' s crest . Hartford , February 1878 . V . E . CoilUfs .
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Faith, Hope, And Charity.
The arms of Faith ancl Hope are bold , To guide the helm , the anchor hold ; . But Love the steady strength will lend , To each one whom it calls a friend . Faith stands erect as on a rock ;
Hope forward leans to . meet the shock ; Love bends its supple , yielding form , While o'er it vainly blows the storm . Faith moves with slow ancl steady tread ; ¦ And sanguine Hope leaps far ahead ;
Fleeter than Faith , than Hope more strong , Love runneth best—it runneth along . Sovereign of all the virtues rare , With thee nor Faith nor Hope compare ; Faith may grow weak and Hope grow cold ; Love will be young when Time is old .
LooKcre backward down the ages , Through the dust of rolling years , Gleaming bright against a background Dark with tumult , toil , ancl fears ; Grateful glimpses as of firelight Shining out through chilling mist , Catch we of that care-dispelling , Rare , time-honoured game of Whist .
Dim the legends and traditions That surround its natal hour ; Whence , like some bright streamlet flowing , Making e'er its banks to flower , It hath rippled on unfailing , Cheering many a way-worn heart
That hath sought a brief refreshment From the world ' s , fierce strife apart . Ever loved by sage and scholar , Sought by mean of weary brain , It alike , at cot or castle ,
Still doth favourite remain ; With its ineUow , genial presence , It hath stood the crucial test ; Peerless , mid a host of rivals , It doth wear the victor ' s crest . Hartford , February 1878 . V . E . CoilUfs .