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A Heart.
Beneath the storms of fate hath perished The wreath whose blossoms I counted dear , Careworn , Avithout a friend I cherished , I wait until the end appear . So stricken by the cold that found it
Still lingering on the naked tree , ( While wintry storms are heard around it , ) The late leaf trembles hopelessly . These sad verses arc said to be some of the last Avritten by Puschkin , ancl just previous to his melancholy and premature death in 1837 .
The Origin And References Of The Hermesian Spurious Freemasonry.
BY KEY . ' GEO . OLIVER , D . D . ( Continued from page 424 . ) ASTRONOMY , including the solar worship , was practised on the plains of Shinar , embodied in a secret institution whichfor distinction ' s sakewe call the
, , Spurious Freemasonry ] and the circle , the crescent , the triangle , and the scpiare , were used as the authorized symbols of the siderel deities . Hence Babylon is styled " the mother of harlots , and abominations of the earth . " * The institution Avas systematized , and a regular priesthood established prior to the dispersion ; for Josephus asserts from Hesticeus , t that tile priests of Jupiter , surviving the general destruction , having preserved the holy vessels and ornaments , repaired Avith them to Babylon .
In the cosmogonies of Paganism there is one striking point of similarity - . they each allude to the worship of the Sun as the first apostacy . Sanchoniatho's account is , that in a season of great drought the inhabitants of the earth began to worship the Sim , considering him the Lord of Heaven . Hesiod describes the original sin of man as consisting of stealing fire from that luminary , to animate his female image . Zoroaster says that Ahriman , the . author of all sin , leapt from the Sun . These allegories are all explained by Moses , AVIIO states that the sin of the Avoman was the setting up of an idol , calling it Bathshish , the daughter of the Sun . t
The great pyramidal tower Avas erected by Nimrod , assisted by his Cuthite folloAvers , on astronomical principles , ancl dedicated to the Sun , " quia , " to use the language of Cicero , § "Solus ex omnibus sideribus tautus est j" the loAver apartments being for the funereal portion of the initiations , or the aphanisus , ancl the upper for astronomical observations , and the perfect regeneration of the Epopt in the euresis by a revelation of the autopsia , and a communication of the ineffable secrets of the Greater M 3 'steries . Hence this lofty apartment was technically called heaven , as the summit of a mountain Avhich it Avas intended to represent Avas supposed to be the consecrated residence of the deity .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Heart.
Beneath the storms of fate hath perished The wreath whose blossoms I counted dear , Careworn , Avithout a friend I cherished , I wait until the end appear . So stricken by the cold that found it
Still lingering on the naked tree , ( While wintry storms are heard around it , ) The late leaf trembles hopelessly . These sad verses arc said to be some of the last Avritten by Puschkin , ancl just previous to his melancholy and premature death in 1837 .
The Origin And References Of The Hermesian Spurious Freemasonry.
BY KEY . ' GEO . OLIVER , D . D . ( Continued from page 424 . ) ASTRONOMY , including the solar worship , was practised on the plains of Shinar , embodied in a secret institution whichfor distinction ' s sakewe call the
, , Spurious Freemasonry ] and the circle , the crescent , the triangle , and the scpiare , were used as the authorized symbols of the siderel deities . Hence Babylon is styled " the mother of harlots , and abominations of the earth . " * The institution Avas systematized , and a regular priesthood established prior to the dispersion ; for Josephus asserts from Hesticeus , t that tile priests of Jupiter , surviving the general destruction , having preserved the holy vessels and ornaments , repaired Avith them to Babylon .
In the cosmogonies of Paganism there is one striking point of similarity - . they each allude to the worship of the Sun as the first apostacy . Sanchoniatho's account is , that in a season of great drought the inhabitants of the earth began to worship the Sim , considering him the Lord of Heaven . Hesiod describes the original sin of man as consisting of stealing fire from that luminary , to animate his female image . Zoroaster says that Ahriman , the . author of all sin , leapt from the Sun . These allegories are all explained by Moses , AVIIO states that the sin of the Avoman was the setting up of an idol , calling it Bathshish , the daughter of the Sun . t
The great pyramidal tower Avas erected by Nimrod , assisted by his Cuthite folloAvers , on astronomical principles , ancl dedicated to the Sun , " quia , " to use the language of Cicero , § "Solus ex omnibus sideribus tautus est j" the loAver apartments being for the funereal portion of the initiations , or the aphanisus , ancl the upper for astronomical observations , and the perfect regeneration of the Epopt in the euresis by a revelation of the autopsia , and a communication of the ineffable secrets of the Greater M 3 'steries . Hence this lofty apartment was technically called heaven , as the summit of a mountain Avhich it Avas intended to represent Avas supposed to be the consecrated residence of the deity .