Article AN HERMETIC WORK. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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An Hermetic Work.
hundred ; so is the Medicine but one in substance , and in virtue twice five hundred , or a thousand . For this cause the Jews thought Christ to be John Baptist , risen from the Bead , and therefore did such mighty Avorks . And this Ave know ( saith St . Paul ) that such as he is , such like shall we be at the Resurrection , if Ave have his Spirit , and folloAv him in pious Obedience , Patience , and Humility . So that in this Epitaph , as well as by the said Scutcheons and Motto ' s , is plainly set forth the divine and natural Stone of
the Wise-men , with their Sulphur and Mercury ; though to be understood with a grain of Salt ; and likewise the Moral , Natural , and mortal fate of Man . The whole Art therefore of this Philosophy , is to begin where Nature ends , and to take what you find most ready and perfect in Nature , ancl that which is nearest of kin ; ancl intirely separate the Heterogeneal gross parts , and congregate the Homogeneal , make them Essential , and separate the Elements , kill the Quick , and quicken the Dead , and Circulate , Fix
and Ferment all to the highest degree of Exaltation , and Philosophical Sublimation and Perfection . As Ripley saith , Kill the Quick , and to the Dead give Life ; Make Trinity one without any Strife . Thus opening and shutting by Ixions Wheel , in heavenly mansion , both in a natural aud artificial vessel , till it come to the greatest perfection and number , if not Infinite . Aud now note , though most Philosophers in their Writings have concealed their true privy Mercury , Fire-Vessel , Time and Bath . Yet here thou maist easily find all the Secret ; If God have ordained thee to be helpful towards the Redemption of his poor Creatures , groaning under their burdens of Oppressions and Mortality .
NOAV as this Epitaph cloth thus set forth the true Elixir of Philosophers , and mans Mortality ; so likewise these Scutcheons or Hyeroglifical Figures you see do the same in the honourable Peclegree of the Philosophick true Medicine , or Golden-fleece , as well for the Life and Health of mans Body as Metalls , both in the Elements and Principles of the said Elixir , and in its Ccelestial and Terrestrial parts , proceeding from their Saline Chaos , or first mercurial matter , and their glorified Sulphur to their Ccelestial
Sphears of Multiplication , Fermentation , and Projection ; and so they and their Motto ' s agree sincerely , with all the Philosophick sayings ancl intentions ; namely thus , Some Philosophers Avould have it one thing , and affirm , that the Salt of Metals is the Philosophers Stone ; Others say , all ' s in Mercury that the Wise-men seek ; and again , others do teach , that the whole Art depends in and upon the true preparation of their Sulphur , as being the most perfect of the three principles , Avhose Orbs must be thrice turned
about , as in my three Figures ancl Ccelestial Wheels : and some would have it one thing , comprising the nature of two , as a Hermophradite or Embrio ; moreover , some Avould have it absolutely tivo things , as Male ancl Female , Fire ancl Water , or Water ancl Earth , Sul phur and Mercury , or Heaven and Earth . Some likewise would have it consist of three , Salt Sulphur , and Mercury © . ) . & g . Body , Soul , ancl Spirit ; Others would have it the four Elementsand the Conversion of them is the whole work
, say , . And some again Avould have it a fifth Essence and Quintessential Spiritual Body ; and say their Mastery and Mistery consists in these five numbers , 1 , 2 , 3 , I , & 5 . as in my said E pitaph ancl Circular Scutcheons appear , thus comprehended , in and by the Chaos and Products .
The Chaos in th' Excentrick Centre still , Hath death ' s Heads Ternary , Crows or owly Bill , Whose square Face , under Times confused Glass , Of Pire and Water , six days Angles pass , Within the S piny Bush , Expansion till , A Sabatean Rest makes all stand still .
After each Colour Fram'd to th' owners praise , Then all things multiply to the end of days . The two in number , are but one in kind , And four in Nature , three in one do bind . And then the Quintessence Avheels thrice in'ts Sphear ,
To conquer all the Mortals every Avhere ; 2 E 2
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An Hermetic Work.
hundred ; so is the Medicine but one in substance , and in virtue twice five hundred , or a thousand . For this cause the Jews thought Christ to be John Baptist , risen from the Bead , and therefore did such mighty Avorks . And this Ave know ( saith St . Paul ) that such as he is , such like shall we be at the Resurrection , if Ave have his Spirit , and folloAv him in pious Obedience , Patience , and Humility . So that in this Epitaph , as well as by the said Scutcheons and Motto ' s , is plainly set forth the divine and natural Stone of
the Wise-men , with their Sulphur and Mercury ; though to be understood with a grain of Salt ; and likewise the Moral , Natural , and mortal fate of Man . The whole Art therefore of this Philosophy , is to begin where Nature ends , and to take what you find most ready and perfect in Nature , ancl that which is nearest of kin ; ancl intirely separate the Heterogeneal gross parts , and congregate the Homogeneal , make them Essential , and separate the Elements , kill the Quick , and quicken the Dead , and Circulate , Fix
and Ferment all to the highest degree of Exaltation , and Philosophical Sublimation and Perfection . As Ripley saith , Kill the Quick , and to the Dead give Life ; Make Trinity one without any Strife . Thus opening and shutting by Ixions Wheel , in heavenly mansion , both in a natural aud artificial vessel , till it come to the greatest perfection and number , if not Infinite . Aud now note , though most Philosophers in their Writings have concealed their true privy Mercury , Fire-Vessel , Time and Bath . Yet here thou maist easily find all the Secret ; If God have ordained thee to be helpful towards the Redemption of his poor Creatures , groaning under their burdens of Oppressions and Mortality .
NOAV as this Epitaph cloth thus set forth the true Elixir of Philosophers , and mans Mortality ; so likewise these Scutcheons or Hyeroglifical Figures you see do the same in the honourable Peclegree of the Philosophick true Medicine , or Golden-fleece , as well for the Life and Health of mans Body as Metalls , both in the Elements and Principles of the said Elixir , and in its Ccelestial and Terrestrial parts , proceeding from their Saline Chaos , or first mercurial matter , and their glorified Sulphur to their Ccelestial
Sphears of Multiplication , Fermentation , and Projection ; and so they and their Motto ' s agree sincerely , with all the Philosophick sayings ancl intentions ; namely thus , Some Philosophers Avould have it one thing , and affirm , that the Salt of Metals is the Philosophers Stone ; Others say , all ' s in Mercury that the Wise-men seek ; and again , others do teach , that the whole Art depends in and upon the true preparation of their Sulphur , as being the most perfect of the three principles , Avhose Orbs must be thrice turned
about , as in my three Figures ancl Ccelestial Wheels : and some would have it one thing , comprising the nature of two , as a Hermophradite or Embrio ; moreover , some Avould have it absolutely tivo things , as Male ancl Female , Fire ancl Water , or Water ancl Earth , Sul phur and Mercury , or Heaven and Earth . Some likewise would have it consist of three , Salt Sulphur , and Mercury © . ) . & g . Body , Soul , ancl Spirit ; Others would have it the four Elementsand the Conversion of them is the whole work
, say , . And some again Avould have it a fifth Essence and Quintessential Spiritual Body ; and say their Mastery and Mistery consists in these five numbers , 1 , 2 , 3 , I , & 5 . as in my said E pitaph ancl Circular Scutcheons appear , thus comprehended , in and by the Chaos and Products .
The Chaos in th' Excentrick Centre still , Hath death ' s Heads Ternary , Crows or owly Bill , Whose square Face , under Times confused Glass , Of Pire and Water , six days Angles pass , Within the S piny Bush , Expansion till , A Sabatean Rest makes all stand still .
After each Colour Fram'd to th' owners praise , Then all things multiply to the end of days . The two in number , are but one in kind , And four in Nature , three in one do bind . And then the Quintessence Avheels thrice in'ts Sphear ,
To conquer all the Mortals every Avhere ; 2 E 2