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Extracts From The Minute Books Of The Carmarthen Lodge.
"At the same time ' tis agreed that advertising the Lodge is necessary ; it is hkewise ordered that Bro . James should get it advertised , ancl charge the same to the Lodge . John Evans , Master ; Lazarus Thomas , Daniel James , Wardens . ( Can any one explain the use of the truells , mentioned in the above minute ?) " 29 th October , 1753 .
" At a Lodge held this night , it is ordered that , upon the good recommendation given by Bro . Lazarus Thomas , that John Evans , carpenter , he admitted a Brother of this Honourable Fraternity , and that he be made next Lodge Night . * * * * * * * * * "By order of the Lodge , . . " WILLIAM SEAHS , Secretary . "
] . ' " 5 th November , 1753 . I " By a Dispensation granted by our Bight Worshipfull Master , for the Rev . Mr . Francis j Heal , it is ordered that the said Mr . Beal be made a Bro . of the Honourable Fraternity at j the Lodge held this night , and he is made accordingly . " s 5 ( Sir Edivard Mansell , Bart ., who Avas appointed in 1726 by Lord Paisley , Grand
I Alaster , Avas the . first P . G . Master of South Wales ; indeed , as for as I can find , of all P . G . ) Masters the first—and in that capacity granted the above-mentioned dispensation . ) , 'December 3 rd . I | ********* It is ordered that every Brother that has been admitted | and made Masons in this Lodge , shall have certificates of their being made , and Avhen and | what Degree . j "JO ' EVANS , Master . "
) "December 27 th , 1753 . ( | " At a Lodge held this day by proper Summons , and agreeable to an Order made last I Lodge Night , 'tis ordered that Bro . Edward Don Lee be . raised a FelloAV Craft , and he is I raised accordingl y | " Upon the motion of Bro . Daniel James , a petition was read of Benjamin M , clerk , | praying he might be made a Mason , and was balloted for accordingly , lvhen it appeared the I numbers stood : For , 3 ; Against , 10 (!) upon which it ivas rejected . " ( No Avonder . )
I " : 21 st of January , 1754 . j j "At a Lodge held here this night , and agreeable to an Order made the 17 th Dec . last , 1 Herbert Leighton , Esq ., was made an Entered Apprentice . ( And ) upon the motion of the j Senior Warden ****** * ] le is raise ( j a Mlow Cl .. :. | " April 22 nd , 175 i .
j "At a Lodge held here this night ****** it is ordered that the Secretary i should send summons to A . B ., Esq ., and C . D ., Apothecary , to attend here personally j lle -U Lodge ni ght to answer what is alledged to their charge . "
| "Mag loth , 1754 . "It is unanimously agreed upon that the said A . B . and C . D . he expelled this and '"' other Lodges whatsoever . " Mar ! " u - '' - liaS P Ieasecl Gocl to take unto himself our Provincial Grand Master , Sir Edward | "sell , u iS desired that the Eight ( sic ) Worshipfull Master be pleased to recommend to the ouvT = ° Ur most wortliy Brot , ler I ) avid Jories Gwyime , of Taliavis , Esq ., to become i Provincial Grand Master . " 2 *
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Extracts From The Minute Books Of The Carmarthen Lodge.
"At the same time ' tis agreed that advertising the Lodge is necessary ; it is hkewise ordered that Bro . James should get it advertised , ancl charge the same to the Lodge . John Evans , Master ; Lazarus Thomas , Daniel James , Wardens . ( Can any one explain the use of the truells , mentioned in the above minute ?) " 29 th October , 1753 .
" At a Lodge held this night , it is ordered that , upon the good recommendation given by Bro . Lazarus Thomas , that John Evans , carpenter , he admitted a Brother of this Honourable Fraternity , and that he be made next Lodge Night . * * * * * * * * * "By order of the Lodge , . . " WILLIAM SEAHS , Secretary . "
] . ' " 5 th November , 1753 . I " By a Dispensation granted by our Bight Worshipfull Master , for the Rev . Mr . Francis j Heal , it is ordered that the said Mr . Beal be made a Bro . of the Honourable Fraternity at j the Lodge held this night , and he is made accordingly . " s 5 ( Sir Edivard Mansell , Bart ., who Avas appointed in 1726 by Lord Paisley , Grand
I Alaster , Avas the . first P . G . Master of South Wales ; indeed , as for as I can find , of all P . G . ) Masters the first—and in that capacity granted the above-mentioned dispensation . ) , 'December 3 rd . I | ********* It is ordered that every Brother that has been admitted | and made Masons in this Lodge , shall have certificates of their being made , and Avhen and | what Degree . j "JO ' EVANS , Master . "
) "December 27 th , 1753 . ( | " At a Lodge held this day by proper Summons , and agreeable to an Order made last I Lodge Night , 'tis ordered that Bro . Edward Don Lee be . raised a FelloAV Craft , and he is I raised accordingl y | " Upon the motion of Bro . Daniel James , a petition was read of Benjamin M , clerk , | praying he might be made a Mason , and was balloted for accordingly , lvhen it appeared the I numbers stood : For , 3 ; Against , 10 (!) upon which it ivas rejected . " ( No Avonder . )
I " : 21 st of January , 1754 . j j "At a Lodge held here this night , and agreeable to an Order made the 17 th Dec . last , 1 Herbert Leighton , Esq ., was made an Entered Apprentice . ( And ) upon the motion of the j Senior Warden ****** * ] le is raise ( j a Mlow Cl .. :. | " April 22 nd , 175 i .
j "At a Lodge held here this night ****** it is ordered that the Secretary i should send summons to A . B ., Esq ., and C . D ., Apothecary , to attend here personally j lle -U Lodge ni ght to answer what is alledged to their charge . "
| "Mag loth , 1754 . "It is unanimously agreed upon that the said A . B . and C . D . he expelled this and '"' other Lodges whatsoever . " Mar ! " u - '' - liaS P Ieasecl Gocl to take unto himself our Provincial Grand Master , Sir Edward | "sell , u iS desired that the Eight ( sic ) Worshipfull Master be pleased to recommend to the ouvT = ° Ur most wortliy Brot , ler I ) avid Jories Gwyime , of Taliavis , Esq ., to become i Provincial Grand Master . " 2 *