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The Adventures Of Don Pasquale.
know , was , as I before pointed out , both a " militaire " and a " philosophe , " ( as some soldiers are , ) and though he perceived the clanger he Avas in , yet he bore it all very cheerfully , Avith little of outAvard feeling . And to say the truth it was not very easy to quarrel Avith Compton ; he had youth ancl good looks , too , on his side , and Anna was not at all insensible , ( as why should she be ?) to the attentions of so agreeable and desirable a companion . But Ave must leave them for a short time in this little amiisin « embroglio . \ ( To be Continued . )
Extracts From The Minute Books Of The Carmarthen Lodge.
BY BRO . J . MARSDEN , B . D . P . M . OS ST . PHTER ' S , 476 , CARMARTHEN . ON the first page there is a prayer , of wlueh the following is the concluding portion : — " 0 God , give us Wisdom to contrive in all our doings , Strength to support in all difficulties , and Beauty to adorn these heavenly mansions , Avhere Thy honour dwells ; and grant , 0 Lordthat Ave may together in BrotherlLove and Charity one toward
, agree y another , and in all our dealings with the Avorld do justice to all men , love Mercy , and Avalk humbly with Thee , our God , and at last may an Abundant Entrance be administered unto us , into Thy Kingdom , 0 Great Jehovah . Now to the King Eternal , Immortal , Invisible , the onl y Wise God , be poAver ancl glory , for ever and ever . Amen . " Then follows in order the following important document , AA'hich I give verbatim et literatim :
" By Virtae of a power granted me from the Grand Master of Pree and Accepted Masons of Great Britain as Provincial Grand Master of South Wales , I do by these presents Ordain , constitute , and appoint a Lodge to be Erected and held at the dwelling house of Daniel James , in the County Borrough of Carmarthen , and do hereby depute and delegate Lazarus Thomas , John Evans , and Daniel James , Master Masons , to see that all things herein are done decently ancl in order , as beeometh the Bules of this most Antient Society . Given under my hand and Seal , this 1 . 9 th day of October , 1753 .
" EDWABD MANSELL , Grand Master . " The Lodge Avas in existence in 1734 , as Pine ' s engraved list of that date proves . Weighing that fact together with the contents of the foregoing entries , it appears probable the Carmarthen Lodge had for many years Avorked Avithout a regular Charter , and as a time immemorial Lodge .
" 24 ft October , 1753 . " By the authority aforesaid I do hereb y appoint Bro . Lazarus Thomas to he my Senior Warden , ancl to act as Master in my absence , and Bro . Daniel James to be Junior \\ anku > not doubting of their care to preserve the cement of the Lodge . " JOHN EVANS , Master . "
At the same time it is also ordered by the Master and Wardens that Bro . Daniel James shall provide Three Silver Jeivells , Three Aprons , Truells ( sie ) , and a Constitution Book , and a Book of Rules , together Avith any other thing he shall think necessary for opening a Loilg " the 29 th of this instant October , and to charge the expense of the same to the Lodge .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Adventures Of Don Pasquale.
know , was , as I before pointed out , both a " militaire " and a " philosophe , " ( as some soldiers are , ) and though he perceived the clanger he Avas in , yet he bore it all very cheerfully , Avith little of outAvard feeling . And to say the truth it was not very easy to quarrel Avith Compton ; he had youth ancl good looks , too , on his side , and Anna was not at all insensible , ( as why should she be ?) to the attentions of so agreeable and desirable a companion . But Ave must leave them for a short time in this little amiisin « embroglio . \ ( To be Continued . )
Extracts From The Minute Books Of The Carmarthen Lodge.
BY BRO . J . MARSDEN , B . D . P . M . OS ST . PHTER ' S , 476 , CARMARTHEN . ON the first page there is a prayer , of wlueh the following is the concluding portion : — " 0 God , give us Wisdom to contrive in all our doings , Strength to support in all difficulties , and Beauty to adorn these heavenly mansions , Avhere Thy honour dwells ; and grant , 0 Lordthat Ave may together in BrotherlLove and Charity one toward
, agree y another , and in all our dealings with the Avorld do justice to all men , love Mercy , and Avalk humbly with Thee , our God , and at last may an Abundant Entrance be administered unto us , into Thy Kingdom , 0 Great Jehovah . Now to the King Eternal , Immortal , Invisible , the onl y Wise God , be poAver ancl glory , for ever and ever . Amen . " Then follows in order the following important document , AA'hich I give verbatim et literatim :
" By Virtae of a power granted me from the Grand Master of Pree and Accepted Masons of Great Britain as Provincial Grand Master of South Wales , I do by these presents Ordain , constitute , and appoint a Lodge to be Erected and held at the dwelling house of Daniel James , in the County Borrough of Carmarthen , and do hereby depute and delegate Lazarus Thomas , John Evans , and Daniel James , Master Masons , to see that all things herein are done decently ancl in order , as beeometh the Bules of this most Antient Society . Given under my hand and Seal , this 1 . 9 th day of October , 1753 .
" EDWABD MANSELL , Grand Master . " The Lodge Avas in existence in 1734 , as Pine ' s engraved list of that date proves . Weighing that fact together with the contents of the foregoing entries , it appears probable the Carmarthen Lodge had for many years Avorked Avithout a regular Charter , and as a time immemorial Lodge .
" 24 ft October , 1753 . " By the authority aforesaid I do hereb y appoint Bro . Lazarus Thomas to he my Senior Warden , ancl to act as Master in my absence , and Bro . Daniel James to be Junior \\ anku > not doubting of their care to preserve the cement of the Lodge . " JOHN EVANS , Master . "
At the same time it is also ordered by the Master and Wardens that Bro . Daniel James shall provide Three Silver Jeivells , Three Aprons , Truells ( sie ) , and a Constitution Book , and a Book of Rules , together Avith any other thing he shall think necessary for opening a Loilg " the 29 th of this instant October , and to charge the expense of the same to the Lodge .