Article FREEMASONRY IN PERU. ← Page 2 of 2 Article FREEMASONRY IN PERU. Page 2 of 2 Article AN INTERESTING EVENT. Page 1 of 2 →
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Freemasonry In Peru.
revolution , were many men opposed to all principles of progress . These men thereupon exerted themselves to the utmost to drive Masons and their Art from the country , and in consequence of the persecution it was found advisable to close the
Lodges , and thus only the brethren escaped the violence and threats of their enemies . In the place of Lodges , the opposers of Masonry founded Secret Societies , which happily in time became extinguished as Freemasonry , although dormant for a
period , by degrees recovered its position and effectually closed those clandestine meetings which had been formed to support the leaders of a military despotism . In 184 : 5 , after a recess of some twelve years , several enthusiastic brethren
assembled and re-opened the symbolic Lodge , " Orden y Libertad , " ancl the Chapter llose-Croix , " Regeneracion Peruana , " in Limaa , nd continued to work regular ! v until 1841 , when on the 1 st November of that year a general assembly of Masons was held
, and the Grand Orient re-opened by the deputies elect , and the representatives of the above-mentioned bodies . The Supreme Council of the 33 rd Degree
Freemasonry In Peru.
was re-constituted and re-opened on the 30 th of January , 1849 , by the M . P . Sov . Grand Commander , Juan Elizalde , regular successor of the 111 . Bro . General Don Domingo Tristan , first Sov . Gr . Com . of the Council in 1830 .
On the 13 th of July , 1852 , the " Gran Oriente Pcruano" was re-organized ancl reconstituted , under the title of " Gran Oriente Nacional del Peru . " In 1852 , the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland granted its charter to hold a Holy Royal Arch Chapter
( " Estrella Boreal , " No . 74 ) , of Freemasons in Callao . This was the first Masonic body of the ' York Rite" opened in the Republic , and the Sup . Council of Peru appears to have ignored its existence . Neither was it admitted into the " Gran Oriente Nacional del Peru . "
Previous to this date no record exists of Peruvian Masonry having been formally recognized by any of the Supreme Governing Powers in Europe or in North or South America . Under patent dated 25 th of November , 1853 , Bro . Richard H . Hartley
was accredited as representative of the M , AV . the Grand Lodge of New York , near the " Gran Oriente Nacional del Peru ;" and in the same year , Bro . Finlay M . Eing ( Past M . AV . Grand Master ) , as the representative of the Peruvian Gran Oriente
near the Grand Lodge of New York . The Supreme Council of the 33 rd Degree for the Northern Jurisdiction of the United States of America ( of which the late 111 . Bro . Edward A . Raymond was then Sov . Grand Commander , and Bro . Charles AV .
Moore Grand Secretary ) , likewise accredited 111 , Bro . Richard H . Hartley , 33 rd , by patent dated 1 st November , 1854 , as its representative near the Supreme Council of the 33 rd Degree for the Republic of Peru ancl its Masonic dependencies .
An Interesting Event.
A NOTABLE event m the Alasonic history of Nevada—we may say in the United States — occured near this city lately . After the destruction of their hall by fire , the Masons met for some time in the Lodgeroom of the Odd Fellows , in Odd Fellows ' building . This was likewise destroyed by fire a few days ago , leaving the Order without an appropriate place of meeting .
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Freemasonry In Peru.
revolution , were many men opposed to all principles of progress . These men thereupon exerted themselves to the utmost to drive Masons and their Art from the country , and in consequence of the persecution it was found advisable to close the
Lodges , and thus only the brethren escaped the violence and threats of their enemies . In the place of Lodges , the opposers of Masonry founded Secret Societies , which happily in time became extinguished as Freemasonry , although dormant for a
period , by degrees recovered its position and effectually closed those clandestine meetings which had been formed to support the leaders of a military despotism . In 184 : 5 , after a recess of some twelve years , several enthusiastic brethren
assembled and re-opened the symbolic Lodge , " Orden y Libertad , " ancl the Chapter llose-Croix , " Regeneracion Peruana , " in Limaa , nd continued to work regular ! v until 1841 , when on the 1 st November of that year a general assembly of Masons was held
, and the Grand Orient re-opened by the deputies elect , and the representatives of the above-mentioned bodies . The Supreme Council of the 33 rd Degree
Freemasonry In Peru.
was re-constituted and re-opened on the 30 th of January , 1849 , by the M . P . Sov . Grand Commander , Juan Elizalde , regular successor of the 111 . Bro . General Don Domingo Tristan , first Sov . Gr . Com . of the Council in 1830 .
On the 13 th of July , 1852 , the " Gran Oriente Pcruano" was re-organized ancl reconstituted , under the title of " Gran Oriente Nacional del Peru . " In 1852 , the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland granted its charter to hold a Holy Royal Arch Chapter
( " Estrella Boreal , " No . 74 ) , of Freemasons in Callao . This was the first Masonic body of the ' York Rite" opened in the Republic , and the Sup . Council of Peru appears to have ignored its existence . Neither was it admitted into the " Gran Oriente Nacional del Peru . "
Previous to this date no record exists of Peruvian Masonry having been formally recognized by any of the Supreme Governing Powers in Europe or in North or South America . Under patent dated 25 th of November , 1853 , Bro . Richard H . Hartley
was accredited as representative of the M , AV . the Grand Lodge of New York , near the " Gran Oriente Nacional del Peru ;" and in the same year , Bro . Finlay M . Eing ( Past M . AV . Grand Master ) , as the representative of the Peruvian Gran Oriente
near the Grand Lodge of New York . The Supreme Council of the 33 rd Degree for the Northern Jurisdiction of the United States of America ( of which the late 111 . Bro . Edward A . Raymond was then Sov . Grand Commander , and Bro . Charles AV .
Moore Grand Secretary ) , likewise accredited 111 , Bro . Richard H . Hartley , 33 rd , by patent dated 1 st November , 1854 , as its representative near the Supreme Council of the 33 rd Degree for the Republic of Peru ancl its Masonic dependencies .
An Interesting Event.
A NOTABLE event m the Alasonic history of Nevada—we may say in the United States — occured near this city lately . After the destruction of their hall by fire , the Masons met for some time in the Lodgeroom of the Odd Fellows , in Odd Fellows ' building . This was likewise destroyed by fire a few days ago , leaving the Order without an appropriate place of meeting .