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The Installation Of H.R.H. Prince Leopold As P.G.M Of Oxfordshire.
Prince of AVales and his Royal Hi ghness Prince Leopold , the latter of whom entered upon the duties of his office on the day previous . The province has had as its rulers since the mastership of Lord Henry Spencer Churchill , the Rev . Charles
Ridley , who was appointed in 1845 , and Colonel Atkins Bowyor , who was appointed in 1854 . On the death of Colonel Bowyer , the care of the Lodge devolved upon Mr . / Eneas J . MTntyre , Q . C ., in virtue of his office of Grand Registrar of England .
The preparations for the ceremony of installing Prince Leopold began at halfpast ten o'clock , when the Stewards assembled at the theatre and made the necessary arrangements . At 12 o ' clock the Masons of the Province began to arrive ,
and about half-past one the procession was formed in the Divinity School . All those who were not either officers of the Province or of the Grand Lodge of England had previously taken their places in the theatre . At two o ' clock the procession started from
the Divinity School and entered the theatre , the organ playing . The following distinguished Brethren were present : —Lord Skelmersdale , Deputy Grand Master of England ; Mr . YEneas J . MTntyre , Q . C ., Grand Registrar of England , in charge of the province ; Mr . Reginald Bird , Deputy Prov . Grand Master , Oxfordshire ; Lord Limerick , Prov , G . M ., Bristol ; Lord
Methuen , Prov . G . M ., AVilts ; Lord Leigh , Prov . G . M ., Warwickshire ; Colonel Burdott , Prov . G . M ., Middlesex ; General Brownrigg , Prov . G . M ., Surrey ; Colonel A . AY . Adair , P . Prov . G . M . , Somerset ; Mr . W . B . Beach , Prov . G . M ., Hants ,
Alderman Stone , J . Grand Warden , England ; Lord Burlei gh , P . S . G . W ., England ; Mr . Victor Williamson , P . S . G . W ., Eng ^ land ; Lord Jersey ; the Rev . E . Moore , Past Grand Chaplain ; Rev . J . E , Cox , Past Grand Chaplain ; Rev . J . Martyn
; Past Grand Chaplain ; Mr . J . B . Monckton , President of Board of General Purposes , Mr . Heather Bigg , Past President of Board of General Purposes ; Frederick Parker Morrell , Junior Grand Deacon , England ; J . C . ParkinsonPast Junior Grand
, Deacon , England ; Mr . G . Massey ( Freemason ) ; Major Shadwell Gierke ; Colonel Campbell , of Blythswood , Prov . Grand Master , Renfrewshire , E . ; Mr . R . J . Spiers , P . G . S . B ,, P . D . G . M . There were
also many other distinguished Brethren present . The lodge was opened by the Grand Registrar , Mr . Maeaa J . MTntyre , Q . C ., and immediately afterwards it was notified in ancient form that the Deputy Grand
Master of England was present , and Lord Skelmersdale was accordingly saluted in the customary manner . Lord Skelmersdale thereupon took the chair , and proceeded to inform the Brethren of the objects for which the Lodge had been assembled—the
Installation of his Royal Highness Prince Leopold , the presentation of a testimonial to Brother R . J . Spiers on retiring from the office of D eputy Provincial Grand Master , after 20 years' service , and the appointment of certain Provincial Grand Officers .
After the patent of appointment had been road , a deputation was formed for the purpose of introducing Prince Leopold , who had in the meantine arrived , attended by his Equerries , the Hon . Alexander Yorke and Mr . R . H . Collins , C . B . On
re-entering the Lodge the procession was formed as 'follows : — Three Provincial Grand Stewards ; Provincial Grand Master ' s gloves and apron , on a cushion borne by Master of a Lodge ; collar and jewel of Provincial Grand Masteron a cushion borne by
, Master of a Lodge ; Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies , Provincial Grand Registrar , Provincial Grand Treasurer , Provincial Grand Chaplains , six past Provincial Grand AVardens , his Royal Highness Prince Leopold ( the Provincial
Grand Master ) , two Equerries , two Provincial Grand Stewards . His Royal Highness took his seat on the left of the Throne , and after a prayer from the Provincial Grand Chaplain , the ceremony of installation was duly p erformed , according to ancient usagebthe Deputy
, y Grand Master . The installation having been , proclaimed after sound of trumpet , the Brethren saluted the Provincial Grand Master according to ancient form . Lord Skelmersdale then proceeded to address a few words in the name of the
Province , to the newly installed Provincial Grand Master , saying that the ability already shown by his Royal Hig hness rendered it certain that he would be an ornament to the chair and an honour to the Province of which he had been appointed the ruler . , _ Prince Leopold next appointed Jvir .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Installation Of H.R.H. Prince Leopold As P.G.M Of Oxfordshire.
Prince of AVales and his Royal Hi ghness Prince Leopold , the latter of whom entered upon the duties of his office on the day previous . The province has had as its rulers since the mastership of Lord Henry Spencer Churchill , the Rev . Charles
Ridley , who was appointed in 1845 , and Colonel Atkins Bowyor , who was appointed in 1854 . On the death of Colonel Bowyer , the care of the Lodge devolved upon Mr . / Eneas J . MTntyre , Q . C ., in virtue of his office of Grand Registrar of England .
The preparations for the ceremony of installing Prince Leopold began at halfpast ten o'clock , when the Stewards assembled at the theatre and made the necessary arrangements . At 12 o ' clock the Masons of the Province began to arrive ,
and about half-past one the procession was formed in the Divinity School . All those who were not either officers of the Province or of the Grand Lodge of England had previously taken their places in the theatre . At two o ' clock the procession started from
the Divinity School and entered the theatre , the organ playing . The following distinguished Brethren were present : —Lord Skelmersdale , Deputy Grand Master of England ; Mr . YEneas J . MTntyre , Q . C ., Grand Registrar of England , in charge of the province ; Mr . Reginald Bird , Deputy Prov . Grand Master , Oxfordshire ; Lord Limerick , Prov , G . M ., Bristol ; Lord
Methuen , Prov . G . M ., AVilts ; Lord Leigh , Prov . G . M ., Warwickshire ; Colonel Burdott , Prov . G . M ., Middlesex ; General Brownrigg , Prov . G . M ., Surrey ; Colonel A . AY . Adair , P . Prov . G . M . , Somerset ; Mr . W . B . Beach , Prov . G . M ., Hants ,
Alderman Stone , J . Grand Warden , England ; Lord Burlei gh , P . S . G . W ., England ; Mr . Victor Williamson , P . S . G . W ., Eng ^ land ; Lord Jersey ; the Rev . E . Moore , Past Grand Chaplain ; Rev . J . E , Cox , Past Grand Chaplain ; Rev . J . Martyn
; Past Grand Chaplain ; Mr . J . B . Monckton , President of Board of General Purposes , Mr . Heather Bigg , Past President of Board of General Purposes ; Frederick Parker Morrell , Junior Grand Deacon , England ; J . C . ParkinsonPast Junior Grand
, Deacon , England ; Mr . G . Massey ( Freemason ) ; Major Shadwell Gierke ; Colonel Campbell , of Blythswood , Prov . Grand Master , Renfrewshire , E . ; Mr . R . J . Spiers , P . G . S . B ,, P . D . G . M . There were
also many other distinguished Brethren present . The lodge was opened by the Grand Registrar , Mr . Maeaa J . MTntyre , Q . C ., and immediately afterwards it was notified in ancient form that the Deputy Grand
Master of England was present , and Lord Skelmersdale was accordingly saluted in the customary manner . Lord Skelmersdale thereupon took the chair , and proceeded to inform the Brethren of the objects for which the Lodge had been assembled—the
Installation of his Royal Highness Prince Leopold , the presentation of a testimonial to Brother R . J . Spiers on retiring from the office of D eputy Provincial Grand Master , after 20 years' service , and the appointment of certain Provincial Grand Officers .
After the patent of appointment had been road , a deputation was formed for the purpose of introducing Prince Leopold , who had in the meantine arrived , attended by his Equerries , the Hon . Alexander Yorke and Mr . R . H . Collins , C . B . On
re-entering the Lodge the procession was formed as 'follows : — Three Provincial Grand Stewards ; Provincial Grand Master ' s gloves and apron , on a cushion borne by Master of a Lodge ; collar and jewel of Provincial Grand Masteron a cushion borne by
, Master of a Lodge ; Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies , Provincial Grand Registrar , Provincial Grand Treasurer , Provincial Grand Chaplains , six past Provincial Grand AVardens , his Royal Highness Prince Leopold ( the Provincial
Grand Master ) , two Equerries , two Provincial Grand Stewards . His Royal Highness took his seat on the left of the Throne , and after a prayer from the Provincial Grand Chaplain , the ceremony of installation was duly p erformed , according to ancient usagebthe Deputy
, y Grand Master . The installation having been , proclaimed after sound of trumpet , the Brethren saluted the Provincial Grand Master according to ancient form . Lord Skelmersdale then proceeded to address a few words in the name of the
Province , to the newly installed Provincial Grand Master , saying that the ability already shown by his Royal Hig hness rendered it certain that he would be an ornament to the chair and an honour to the Province of which he had been appointed the ruler . , _ Prince Leopold next appointed Jvir .