Article MS. MASONIC CONSTITUTIONS (OR CHARGES) No. 5. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MS. MASONIC CONSTITUTIONS (OR CHARGES) No. 5. Page 2 of 2 Article THE FADED SHAWL . Page 1 of 1
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Ms. Masonic Constitutions (Or Charges) No. 5.
and truly served ; Also that noe Maste take any Avork , but that bo take it reasonably , soo thatt the Lord may be truely served with his OAVII goods , anil the Maste to live honestly , and pay bis FOIIOAVS truely their pay as the nuumc of the craft
doth require ; Alsoo thatt noe Maste or FelloAvs subplant others of these works ( thatt is to say ) if be had taken a Avorko or stand-Maste of a Lord ' s Avork ; you shall , nutt putt him out , if he be able and cunning of craft to end tho Avork ; Alsoo
thatt noo Maste or FOIIOAVS take noe Apprentice to be alloAvcd his Apprentice butt for seaven yeares , Ancl thatt Apprentice be able of his Birth and Limbs as be
ought to be . Alsoe that noo Maste 01 Fellows take noe allowance to be made Avithout tho assent of his FOIIOAVS , and thatt att the least Five or Six . And that be thatt shall be made Mason bo able OA-cr all Sciences—( thatt is to say ) that be be free bornand of good Kindredand noo
Bond-, , man , and thatt ho have his right Limbs , as he ought to have : Alsoo thatt noe Maste putt noe Lord ' s Avork to task , thatt Avas Avont to goe to Journey . Alsoo thatt every Maste shall give to his FOIIOAVS , butt as he may deserve , soe
thatt he be not deceived by false Avorke . Alsoe thatt noo FOIIOAV slander one falsly bebinde his back to make him loose his good name or his worldly goods . Alsoe that noe FOIIOAV Avth in the Lodge nor Avithout misaiiswer another neither ungodly or irreverently Avithout reasonable
cause . Alsoo thatt mason prcferr his Elder and put him to Avorshipp . Alsoe thatt noo Mason should play att Hazard or any ofche uuLwftill n-a ! m ) whereby they may be slandered : Alsoe that noe mason bo a common robell in leachery to make the craft to bo slandered and thatt noo
Follow goo intoe tho Town in the Ni ght time , Avherc is a Lodge of Fellows , Avithout a FOIIOAV thatt may bear him Avitnesse thatt bo Avas in an honest place : Alsoo thatt every mason and Fellow come to tho Assembly if it be within Fift y miles about
him ; if ho have reasonable Avarning and stand there att IJLO aArard of Masto and FOIIOAVS : Also thatt every Maste and FOIIOAV if they have Trespassed one to another shall stand the award of Maste and Fellows to make them accord if they may ; and if they may not accord , then to goe to Common LaAV ; Alsoe thatt noe
Ms. Masonic Constitutions (Or Charges) No. 5.
masons make moulds , Square or Rule to any Bough Layers , Alsoe thatt noo Mason sett any Layer Avitbin a Lodge or without to HCAV or mould stones Avith noe mould of bis OAVII makoing—Alsoe thatt every mason shall cherish and receive strange FOIIOAVSAvhen they come over tho countroy
, and sett them on Avork as the niannc is ( thatt is to say ) if they lnwo mould stones in place , he shall sett him a fortnight att the least on Avork , and g ive him bis byre : Ancl if there be noe Stones for him to Avork , be shall refresh him with money ,
to bring hint to the next Lodge . And alsoo you and every mason shall serve truely the workers , and truely make an end of your Avork , bo it Task or Journey ; if you have your pay , as you ought to have .
«& K ? 5 v C-i / isajfjcS thatt Ave have reckoned , and all other thatt belongeth toe Masonry you shall truely keep and Avell observe , so belpe you God ancl Holydoomc ; and this Book , to the uttermost of your Power . FINIS .
Gra : Loquitz : Lo : vera docet : Rho : A-erba solomfc : Mu : canit . Ar : Numeratfc : Go : Ponderat Ast : eapit Astra .
The Faded Shawl .
I ! y II . ASHLAND KUAN . 'A threadbare , dingy thing at best , Soil'd and torn and 1 ' ray'd : I take it gently from the shelf , Where kindly lingers laid . All ! years ago , the relic ruuiint , Anil with a sigh recall
, The dear old face which smiled on me Above this faded slniAvl , The wrinkled face , so mildly sweet , And yet so grandly wise ; Tho thin , pale li [ is , so tremulous , The ineel ; and tender eyes ; The loving voice , whose gentle tones
Stilled many a childish brawl , And the tender arms that nestled mc Unoii the faded shawl . I live again my boyhood ' s days , I drift across the years , And am tho dreaming lad whose life Was half sunshine , and half tears ;
Thrice hallowed memories , tearful , sweet , Clod ble .-s iliem , each and all ! And bless the dear old shoulders That wore the faded shawl !
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ms. Masonic Constitutions (Or Charges) No. 5.
and truly served ; Also that noe Maste take any Avork , but that bo take it reasonably , soo thatt the Lord may be truely served with his OAVII goods , anil the Maste to live honestly , and pay bis FOIIOAVS truely their pay as the nuumc of the craft
doth require ; Alsoo thatt noe Maste or FelloAvs subplant others of these works ( thatt is to say ) if be had taken a Avorko or stand-Maste of a Lord ' s Avork ; you shall , nutt putt him out , if he be able and cunning of craft to end tho Avork ; Alsoo
thatt noo Maste or FOIIOAVS take noe Apprentice to be alloAvcd his Apprentice butt for seaven yeares , Ancl thatt Apprentice be able of his Birth and Limbs as be
ought to be . Alsoe that noo Maste 01 Fellows take noe allowance to be made Avithout tho assent of his FOIIOAVS , and thatt att the least Five or Six . And that be thatt shall be made Mason bo able OA-cr all Sciences—( thatt is to say ) that be be free bornand of good Kindredand noo
Bond-, , man , and thatt ho have his right Limbs , as he ought to have : Alsoo thatt noe Maste putt noe Lord ' s Avork to task , thatt Avas Avont to goe to Journey . Alsoo thatt every Maste shall give to his FOIIOAVS , butt as he may deserve , soe
thatt he be not deceived by false Avorke . Alsoe thatt noo FOIIOAV slander one falsly bebinde his back to make him loose his good name or his worldly goods . Alsoe that noe FOIIOAV Avth in the Lodge nor Avithout misaiiswer another neither ungodly or irreverently Avithout reasonable
cause . Alsoo thatt mason prcferr his Elder and put him to Avorshipp . Alsoe thatt noo Mason should play att Hazard or any ofche uuLwftill n-a ! m ) whereby they may be slandered : Alsoe that noe mason bo a common robell in leachery to make the craft to bo slandered and thatt noo
Follow goo intoe tho Town in the Ni ght time , Avherc is a Lodge of Fellows , Avithout a FOIIOAV thatt may bear him Avitnesse thatt bo Avas in an honest place : Alsoo thatt every mason and Fellow come to tho Assembly if it be within Fift y miles about
him ; if ho have reasonable Avarning and stand there att IJLO aArard of Masto and FOIIOAVS : Also thatt every Maste and FOIIOAV if they have Trespassed one to another shall stand the award of Maste and Fellows to make them accord if they may ; and if they may not accord , then to goe to Common LaAV ; Alsoe thatt noe
Ms. Masonic Constitutions (Or Charges) No. 5.
masons make moulds , Square or Rule to any Bough Layers , Alsoe thatt noo Mason sett any Layer Avitbin a Lodge or without to HCAV or mould stones Avith noe mould of bis OAVII makoing—Alsoe thatt every mason shall cherish and receive strange FOIIOAVSAvhen they come over tho countroy
, and sett them on Avork as the niannc is ( thatt is to say ) if they lnwo mould stones in place , he shall sett him a fortnight att the least on Avork , and g ive him bis byre : Ancl if there be noe Stones for him to Avork , be shall refresh him with money ,
to bring hint to the next Lodge . And alsoo you and every mason shall serve truely the workers , and truely make an end of your Avork , bo it Task or Journey ; if you have your pay , as you ought to have .
«& K ? 5 v C-i / isajfjcS thatt Ave have reckoned , and all other thatt belongeth toe Masonry you shall truely keep and Avell observe , so belpe you God ancl Holydoomc ; and this Book , to the uttermost of your Power . FINIS .
Gra : Loquitz : Lo : vera docet : Rho : A-erba solomfc : Mu : canit . Ar : Numeratfc : Go : Ponderat Ast : eapit Astra .
The Faded Shawl .
I ! y II . ASHLAND KUAN . 'A threadbare , dingy thing at best , Soil'd and torn and 1 ' ray'd : I take it gently from the shelf , Where kindly lingers laid . All ! years ago , the relic ruuiint , Anil with a sigh recall
, The dear old face which smiled on me Above this faded slniAvl , The wrinkled face , so mildly sweet , And yet so grandly wise ; Tho thin , pale li [ is , so tremulous , The ineel ; and tender eyes ; The loving voice , whose gentle tones
Stilled many a childish brawl , And the tender arms that nestled mc Unoii the faded shawl . I live again my boyhood ' s days , I drift across the years , And am tho dreaming lad whose life Was half sunshine , and half tears ;
Thrice hallowed memories , tearful , sweet , Clod ble .-s iliem , each and all ! And bless the dear old shoulders That wore the faded shawl !