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A Cigar Scientifically Dissected.
No person that smokes can be in perfect health , and an imperfect organism , cannot reproduce a perfect one . Therefore it is logical to conclude that , Avere smoking the practice of every individual of a nation , then that people would degenerate into a physically inferior race .
Notes By Father Foy On His Second Lecture.
NOTE BY THE EDITOR . AT Father Foy ' s request AVO haA'e published the folloAving notes of his , which he Avished printed as the justification , apparently , of his sAveeping statements . We do sothough Ave can ill afford the spaceancl
, , though , aboA'e all , the notes are neither neAV in themselves nor important as contributions to the history of Freemasonry . They are all Avell knoAA'n , accessible to all students , and , practically , " nihil ad rem . " For the " Illuminatism" to which they
mainly refer is " a thing of the past , " lasting only from 1782 to 1786 , in German }' , when it Avas suppressed ; ancl though it may have flourished for a short time in France and Paris , and included men like Egalit 6 Orleans in its ranksit
, also soon disappeared there . It has never been knoAA'n in Great Britain , Canada , or America , and , therefore , as all this proA'es nothing as regards Anglo-Saxon Freemasons , Ave may unanimously repudiate alike Illuminatism ancl Bahrdt ' s German
Union , AA'hicli quickly came to grief in Germany itself , and lieA'or had any real importance . In fact Freemasons knoAV about as much of the " Illnminati" as of the "Man in the Moon . "
But Ave should remember that Weishaupt Avas a Jesuit , a R . C . Professor of Canon LaAv at Ingoldstadt , ancl that other Jesuits and Roman Catholics had undoubtedly something to do Avith the earlier movements of the Illuniinati . Von Knigge , who began
as a Protestant in the Illnminati , died a Roman Catholic , and Avas buried before the high altar in a Roman Catholic church in tho Wurzburg district . It is but fair to note that he quarrelled Avith Weishaupt . We have no evidence that Weishaupt ever
left the Roman Catholic Church , though he died at Gotha , Ave believe , under the pr 0 tection of the reigning Grand Duke . If any one Avishes to knoAV what Jesuits Avill teach as regards gOA'ernment , and political and social law , ancl Avhy it is that
various States have successively declared them to be dangerous to order , peace , and liberty , let them read De la Ghalotais ' Report on the Constitution of the Jesuits , delivered to the Parliament of Bologna on the 1 st 3 rd 5 thancl 6 th December 1761 .
, , , , As Freemasons we smile at all this bugbear of revolutionary teaching , of Avhich as a loyal , religious , peaceful , charitable , tolerant Order Ave knoAV positively nothing about . There is probably no . more Avell-affected and patriotic body of men than the million
of Freemasons AVIIO belong to our Anglo-Saxon Masonic Family . That in parts of the Continent some Freemasons may use very A'iolent language and do very foolish acts Ave do not deny ; but in Holland and in Germany , in SAveclen and in Denmark , the Freemasons are most numerousloyal
, , intelligent , and peaceable ; AA'hile in Portugal ancl in the Grand Lodge of Rome , and in Spain , Ave do not believe that any such thing as Illuminatism exists . Even in France , as far as Ave are aAvare , the Grand Orient has never yet
countenanced irregular proceedings , and though French and Belgian Masonry are not in a satisfactory state , according to our VIBAVS , ancl just noAv they are making a great mistake , Ave believe that they IUIOAV nothing of the doctrine of the Illnminati .
WILLIAM MORGAN . From Blaclde ' s "Encyclopaedia . " "WILLIAM MORGAN AA'as a native of Virginia , but for some time previous to the autumn of 1826 had been an inhabitant of
the Avestorn part of the State of NOAV York . As early as the month of August of that year it became generally knoAvn that ho Avas engaged in preparing for the press a Avork by Avhich the obligations and secret proceedings of freemasonry Avere to be
divulged . Some members of the fraternity in and about Batavia , Avhere Morgan then resided , Avere alarmed , ancl eventually became much excited on account of the contemplated publication . Remonstrances and inducements to dissuade hiui
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Cigar Scientifically Dissected.
No person that smokes can be in perfect health , and an imperfect organism , cannot reproduce a perfect one . Therefore it is logical to conclude that , Avere smoking the practice of every individual of a nation , then that people would degenerate into a physically inferior race .
Notes By Father Foy On His Second Lecture.
NOTE BY THE EDITOR . AT Father Foy ' s request AVO haA'e published the folloAving notes of his , which he Avished printed as the justification , apparently , of his sAveeping statements . We do sothough Ave can ill afford the spaceancl
, , though , aboA'e all , the notes are neither neAV in themselves nor important as contributions to the history of Freemasonry . They are all Avell knoAA'n , accessible to all students , and , practically , " nihil ad rem . " For the " Illuminatism" to which they
mainly refer is " a thing of the past , " lasting only from 1782 to 1786 , in German }' , when it Avas suppressed ; ancl though it may have flourished for a short time in France and Paris , and included men like Egalit 6 Orleans in its ranksit
, also soon disappeared there . It has never been knoAA'n in Great Britain , Canada , or America , and , therefore , as all this proA'es nothing as regards Anglo-Saxon Freemasons , Ave may unanimously repudiate alike Illuminatism ancl Bahrdt ' s German
Union , AA'hicli quickly came to grief in Germany itself , and lieA'or had any real importance . In fact Freemasons knoAV about as much of the " Illnminati" as of the "Man in the Moon . "
But Ave should remember that Weishaupt Avas a Jesuit , a R . C . Professor of Canon LaAv at Ingoldstadt , ancl that other Jesuits and Roman Catholics had undoubtedly something to do Avith the earlier movements of the Illuniinati . Von Knigge , who began
as a Protestant in the Illnminati , died a Roman Catholic , and Avas buried before the high altar in a Roman Catholic church in tho Wurzburg district . It is but fair to note that he quarrelled Avith Weishaupt . We have no evidence that Weishaupt ever
left the Roman Catholic Church , though he died at Gotha , Ave believe , under the pr 0 tection of the reigning Grand Duke . If any one Avishes to knoAV what Jesuits Avill teach as regards gOA'ernment , and political and social law , ancl Avhy it is that
various States have successively declared them to be dangerous to order , peace , and liberty , let them read De la Ghalotais ' Report on the Constitution of the Jesuits , delivered to the Parliament of Bologna on the 1 st 3 rd 5 thancl 6 th December 1761 .
, , , , As Freemasons we smile at all this bugbear of revolutionary teaching , of Avhich as a loyal , religious , peaceful , charitable , tolerant Order Ave knoAV positively nothing about . There is probably no . more Avell-affected and patriotic body of men than the million
of Freemasons AVIIO belong to our Anglo-Saxon Masonic Family . That in parts of the Continent some Freemasons may use very A'iolent language and do very foolish acts Ave do not deny ; but in Holland and in Germany , in SAveclen and in Denmark , the Freemasons are most numerousloyal
, , intelligent , and peaceable ; AA'hile in Portugal ancl in the Grand Lodge of Rome , and in Spain , Ave do not believe that any such thing as Illuminatism exists . Even in France , as far as Ave are aAvare , the Grand Orient has never yet
countenanced irregular proceedings , and though French and Belgian Masonry are not in a satisfactory state , according to our VIBAVS , ancl just noAv they are making a great mistake , Ave believe that they IUIOAV nothing of the doctrine of the Illnminati .
WILLIAM MORGAN . From Blaclde ' s "Encyclopaedia . " "WILLIAM MORGAN AA'as a native of Virginia , but for some time previous to the autumn of 1826 had been an inhabitant of
the Avestorn part of the State of NOAV York . As early as the month of August of that year it became generally knoAvn that ho Avas engaged in preparing for the press a Avork by Avhich the obligations and secret proceedings of freemasonry Avere to be
divulged . Some members of the fraternity in and about Batavia , Avhere Morgan then resided , Avere alarmed , ancl eventually became much excited on account of the contemplated publication . Remonstrances and inducements to dissuade hiui