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Freemasonry In The Seventeenth Century: Chester, 1650-1700.
Harl . MS ., No . 5955 , is a collection of the engraved plates for "The Acaderaie of Armory , " a copy of the printed list of contents similar to that given in the published volume of the work , and an engraved title , dated 1682 ( S . B ., sculp . ) , but no text . The engraved title of the printed volume was the work nf P . Edwards .
In it are a number of engraved plates intended for the second volume , some of them evidently only proofs , and on i the one headed , * "Lib . 4 , Chap . 6 , fol . . . , " fig . 18 , is the annexed curious representation of the anus of the Free-Masons . The arms of this body have been often changed , and seem to be enveloped in considerable mystery in some j , of its forms ; but to this subject 1 hope at a future time to return . However , the one given by Randle Holme is the
first and only instance , so far as I have been able to discover , of the two columns being attached to the arms as supporters . It is worthy of remark , also , that he figures the chevron plain , not engrailed as in the original grant to the Masons' Company of London . The towers are single , as in his description , and not the old square four-towered castles . The colours are the same as those in the original grant of arms to the Company of Masons . Randle Holme describes the columns as being of the " Corinthian order "
, and of Or , that is , Gold . In Part III . of the Book f another description of the arms , differing in some particulars from that given above is added . It describes the plate fig . 18 , from which the facsimile , the same size as the original , has been taken : — " He beareth , Sable , on a cheueron betweene three towers Argent : a paire of compasses extended of the first w cl 1 is the Armes of the Right Honored & Right Worshi pfull company of ffree = Masons :
whose escochion is cotized ( or rather upheld , or sustained or supported ) by two eolumbes or pillars of the Tuscan , or Doriok or Corinthian orders . " According to modern Freemasonry this would perhaps be read " Ionic , Doriok , or Corinthian " these being now the three Masonic Orders .
The next arms worthy of selection is that of thej " Joyners Incorporated 12 . Q . E : G . a cheueron A . betw . 2 compasses open & a celestiall S phere or Globe 0 , on a chiefe A , an Escalope B . betw : 2 roses G . ( but of old the chief was tripartecl A & B . an escallop A . betw : 2 roses G . ) the crest a demy Woodman ppr , holding of a Launce on his right shoulder 0 . & this it is borne by the auncient Wrights & Joyners of Chester . Marblers , § ston-cutters || : not Incorporated nnlesse ioyned w " y Masons .
G . a cheueron A . betw . 2 [ chipping-axes ] A . & a mallet 0 . the crest an Arme imbowed to the dexter sleeue B . turn up A . holding in the hand a chicell , the point or edge Downwards A . The motto " Grind Well . " After giving a number of merchants marks , Randle Holme , winds up with the following quaint passage % : — " These with thousands more of seuerall veriaties might be produced ; but these may suffice , fro w any Merchant
may make Ms owne devise ivithout offence to Armes , or the rules of Heranldry : these things as I sayd before , being but inarkes , seales . or tokens by w one mans Goods are distinguished from another . So I shall conclude this chapter with my prayers for the happy & florishing estate of all such who endevour to line b y these foresaid Imploys that their Marks may neuer faile them , That stormes & Tempests may not sink or wrack them , nor the Pyrat or comon enimy haue power to assaile them ; but y' still they may arrive at their wished Haven . Amen . "
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Freemasonry In The Seventeenth Century: Chester, 1650-1700.
Harl . MS ., No . 5955 , is a collection of the engraved plates for "The Acaderaie of Armory , " a copy of the printed list of contents similar to that given in the published volume of the work , and an engraved title , dated 1682 ( S . B ., sculp . ) , but no text . The engraved title of the printed volume was the work nf P . Edwards .
In it are a number of engraved plates intended for the second volume , some of them evidently only proofs , and on i the one headed , * "Lib . 4 , Chap . 6 , fol . . . , " fig . 18 , is the annexed curious representation of the anus of the Free-Masons . The arms of this body have been often changed , and seem to be enveloped in considerable mystery in some j , of its forms ; but to this subject 1 hope at a future time to return . However , the one given by Randle Holme is the
first and only instance , so far as I have been able to discover , of the two columns being attached to the arms as supporters . It is worthy of remark , also , that he figures the chevron plain , not engrailed as in the original grant to the Masons' Company of London . The towers are single , as in his description , and not the old square four-towered castles . The colours are the same as those in the original grant of arms to the Company of Masons . Randle Holme describes the columns as being of the " Corinthian order "
, and of Or , that is , Gold . In Part III . of the Book f another description of the arms , differing in some particulars from that given above is added . It describes the plate fig . 18 , from which the facsimile , the same size as the original , has been taken : — " He beareth , Sable , on a cheueron betweene three towers Argent : a paire of compasses extended of the first w cl 1 is the Armes of the Right Honored & Right Worshi pfull company of ffree = Masons :
whose escochion is cotized ( or rather upheld , or sustained or supported ) by two eolumbes or pillars of the Tuscan , or Doriok or Corinthian orders . " According to modern Freemasonry this would perhaps be read " Ionic , Doriok , or Corinthian " these being now the three Masonic Orders .
The next arms worthy of selection is that of thej " Joyners Incorporated 12 . Q . E : G . a cheueron A . betw . 2 compasses open & a celestiall S phere or Globe 0 , on a chiefe A , an Escalope B . betw : 2 roses G . ( but of old the chief was tripartecl A & B . an escallop A . betw : 2 roses G . ) the crest a demy Woodman ppr , holding of a Launce on his right shoulder 0 . & this it is borne by the auncient Wrights & Joyners of Chester . Marblers , § ston-cutters || : not Incorporated nnlesse ioyned w " y Masons .
G . a cheueron A . betw . 2 [ chipping-axes ] A . & a mallet 0 . the crest an Arme imbowed to the dexter sleeue B . turn up A . holding in the hand a chicell , the point or edge Downwards A . The motto " Grind Well . " After giving a number of merchants marks , Randle Holme , winds up with the following quaint passage % : — " These with thousands more of seuerall veriaties might be produced ; but these may suffice , fro w any Merchant
may make Ms owne devise ivithout offence to Armes , or the rules of Heranldry : these things as I sayd before , being but inarkes , seales . or tokens by w one mans Goods are distinguished from another . So I shall conclude this chapter with my prayers for the happy & florishing estate of all such who endevour to line b y these foresaid Imploys that their Marks may neuer faile them , That stormes & Tempests may not sink or wrack them , nor the Pyrat or comon enimy haue power to assaile them ; but y' still they may arrive at their wished Haven . Amen . "