Article THE CHARTER OF COLOGNE. ← Page 4 of 10 →
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The Charter Of Cologne.
consuetudine illorum temporum magistros esse vocatos ex peritissimis et optimis disoipulorum collaborators collegisse atque cooptasse , unde nomen socii exortum , qnum caeteri collect ! , non vero cooptati , more hebraeorum , graecorum et romanorum p hilosophorum , discipuli appellatione
designarentur . B . Consociationem nostrumut olim
, , ita et nunc , tribns hisce , discipuli , socii , magistrique gradibus , postremos autem , . magistros , electis magistris , summisque electis magistris constare : omnes vero consociationes , vel fratemitates sic dictas , quae plures , aliasve , admittunt denominationes , subdivisiones , aliamve sibi adsciscunt originem , politicis vel ecclesiasticis
nogotiis se admiscentes , odium et invidiam cuipiam jm-atae pollicentur atque obtestantnr , quibuscunque id tandem fiat titulis caementariorum liberorum , fratrumve Joannis sacris adscriptornm , aliisve , non ad nostrum pertinere ordinem , sed veluti schismaticas ex eo repelli atque ejici .
P . Illos inter doctores , hujus que ordinis magistros mathematicas , astronomicas , aliasve disciplinas exercentes , post illorum per totum terrarum orbem dispersum , matuum doctrinae atque lueis conimercium constitisse , quo factum est , ut ex iis quidem electis magistris unus insuper eligi coeptus sit , veluti prae caeteris excellens , qui ut summus magister
electus vel patriarcha veneraretur , solis electis magistris cognitus , simulque et visibile atque invisibile totoisque consociationis nostrae caput et princeps haberetur , quemadmodum et hodie hoc pacto supremus magister atque patriarcha , siquidem paucissimis notus , re vera exstitit . Hisce igitur praemissis , ex vetnstissimorum
membranorum ordinis , ipsiusque chartarum congerie collatis , nostri patriarchae auctoritate , Sanctis cum documentis , in posterum praesidis ejusque successorum fidei - commissis , sedulo comparatis ejnsdem illustrissimi patriarchae auctoritate muniti , statuimus atque praecipimus . A . Societatis nostrae imen modus
reg atque ratio , quibus lueis igneae radii ad illuminatos fratres , sicnti et in orben profanum , deferantur atque promoveantur , sunt penes summos electus magistros : iis vigilandum est et videndum , ne quid contra vera societatis nostrae principia moliantur cujuscunque status et ordinis socii : iisdem etiam . ordinis proceribus incumbit societatis
defensio , ipsiusque incolumitatis eonservatio atque tutamen : hunc , si casus incident , suarum fortunarum devotions , vitaeque poriculo , contra omnes instituti
called Brethren dedicated to John , following the example and imitation of John the Baptist , precursor of the Rising Light , first among the Martyr Stars of the Morning . That these Doctors and Scribes who were also , according to the customs of those times , called Masters , did from the most experienced
and best of the disciples ( i . e ., Apprentices ) , collect and choose fellow labourers , whence arose the name of Socius ( Fellow Craft ) . When others were elected but not chosen , they were designed after the manner of the Hebrew , Greek , and Roman Philosophers by the appellation of Disciple ( recti non vero cooptati )—i . e ., Apprentices .
B . That our Association now , as formerly , consists of Three Degrees of Disciple , Fellow , and Master—the last , or Masters , admitting of Elect Masters and Superior Elect Masters , { i . e ., Masters of Lodges , and Provincial Grand Masters or rulers of Districts ) . But that all Associations or Fraternities so called who admit of more or other denominations
or subdivisions , and who ascribe to themselves another origin , and intermeddling with political and ecclesiastical affairs , make promises and protestations , under whatever titles they may assume of Free Masons and Brethren attached to the solemnities of John , or others which belong not to our Order , but are to be expelled and ejected from it as schismatics .
r . That among the Doctors , Masters of this Order cultivating the sciences of mathematics , astronomy , and other studies , a mutual interchange of doctrine and light was maintained , which led to the practice of electing out of those who were already Elect Masters . , One in particular , who , as excelling the rest , should be venerated as
Supreme Elect Master or Patriarch ; being known only to the Elect Master , he was regarded both as the Visible and the Invisible Head and Chief of our whole Association , so that according to this ordinance the Supreme Master and Patriarch , though known to very few , yet still exists . The premises being compiled from the mass of parchments and
charter of the Order itself committed by authority of our Patriarchs , and the sacred documents , in future to the charge of our Preses and his successors , aud being therewith diligently compared , We , sanctioned by authority of the same illustrious Patriarch , ordain and command as follows : — A- The Government of our Societthe
y , mode and rule according to which the Flaming Light may be imparted and diffused among the Illuminated Brethren as well as the profane world , rest entirely with the highest Elect Masters . To them belongs the charge of watching and taking care lest the members ( Socii ) of whatever rank or order should attempt anything contrary to the true
principles of our Society . Upon the same Cheifs of the Society are incumbent the defence of the Order , the preservation and safeguard of its welfare , which , should
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Charter Of Cologne.
consuetudine illorum temporum magistros esse vocatos ex peritissimis et optimis disoipulorum collaborators collegisse atque cooptasse , unde nomen socii exortum , qnum caeteri collect ! , non vero cooptati , more hebraeorum , graecorum et romanorum p hilosophorum , discipuli appellatione
designarentur . B . Consociationem nostrumut olim
, , ita et nunc , tribns hisce , discipuli , socii , magistrique gradibus , postremos autem , . magistros , electis magistris , summisque electis magistris constare : omnes vero consociationes , vel fratemitates sic dictas , quae plures , aliasve , admittunt denominationes , subdivisiones , aliamve sibi adsciscunt originem , politicis vel ecclesiasticis
nogotiis se admiscentes , odium et invidiam cuipiam jm-atae pollicentur atque obtestantnr , quibuscunque id tandem fiat titulis caementariorum liberorum , fratrumve Joannis sacris adscriptornm , aliisve , non ad nostrum pertinere ordinem , sed veluti schismaticas ex eo repelli atque ejici .
P . Illos inter doctores , hujus que ordinis magistros mathematicas , astronomicas , aliasve disciplinas exercentes , post illorum per totum terrarum orbem dispersum , matuum doctrinae atque lueis conimercium constitisse , quo factum est , ut ex iis quidem electis magistris unus insuper eligi coeptus sit , veluti prae caeteris excellens , qui ut summus magister
electus vel patriarcha veneraretur , solis electis magistris cognitus , simulque et visibile atque invisibile totoisque consociationis nostrae caput et princeps haberetur , quemadmodum et hodie hoc pacto supremus magister atque patriarcha , siquidem paucissimis notus , re vera exstitit . Hisce igitur praemissis , ex vetnstissimorum
membranorum ordinis , ipsiusque chartarum congerie collatis , nostri patriarchae auctoritate , Sanctis cum documentis , in posterum praesidis ejusque successorum fidei - commissis , sedulo comparatis ejnsdem illustrissimi patriarchae auctoritate muniti , statuimus atque praecipimus . A . Societatis nostrae imen modus
reg atque ratio , quibus lueis igneae radii ad illuminatos fratres , sicnti et in orben profanum , deferantur atque promoveantur , sunt penes summos electus magistros : iis vigilandum est et videndum , ne quid contra vera societatis nostrae principia moliantur cujuscunque status et ordinis socii : iisdem etiam . ordinis proceribus incumbit societatis
defensio , ipsiusque incolumitatis eonservatio atque tutamen : hunc , si casus incident , suarum fortunarum devotions , vitaeque poriculo , contra omnes instituti
called Brethren dedicated to John , following the example and imitation of John the Baptist , precursor of the Rising Light , first among the Martyr Stars of the Morning . That these Doctors and Scribes who were also , according to the customs of those times , called Masters , did from the most experienced
and best of the disciples ( i . e ., Apprentices ) , collect and choose fellow labourers , whence arose the name of Socius ( Fellow Craft ) . When others were elected but not chosen , they were designed after the manner of the Hebrew , Greek , and Roman Philosophers by the appellation of Disciple ( recti non vero cooptati )—i . e ., Apprentices .
B . That our Association now , as formerly , consists of Three Degrees of Disciple , Fellow , and Master—the last , or Masters , admitting of Elect Masters and Superior Elect Masters , { i . e ., Masters of Lodges , and Provincial Grand Masters or rulers of Districts ) . But that all Associations or Fraternities so called who admit of more or other denominations
or subdivisions , and who ascribe to themselves another origin , and intermeddling with political and ecclesiastical affairs , make promises and protestations , under whatever titles they may assume of Free Masons and Brethren attached to the solemnities of John , or others which belong not to our Order , but are to be expelled and ejected from it as schismatics .
r . That among the Doctors , Masters of this Order cultivating the sciences of mathematics , astronomy , and other studies , a mutual interchange of doctrine and light was maintained , which led to the practice of electing out of those who were already Elect Masters . , One in particular , who , as excelling the rest , should be venerated as
Supreme Elect Master or Patriarch ; being known only to the Elect Master , he was regarded both as the Visible and the Invisible Head and Chief of our whole Association , so that according to this ordinance the Supreme Master and Patriarch , though known to very few , yet still exists . The premises being compiled from the mass of parchments and
charter of the Order itself committed by authority of our Patriarchs , and the sacred documents , in future to the charge of our Preses and his successors , aud being therewith diligently compared , We , sanctioned by authority of the same illustrious Patriarch , ordain and command as follows : — A- The Government of our Societthe
y , mode and rule according to which the Flaming Light may be imparted and diffused among the Illuminated Brethren as well as the profane world , rest entirely with the highest Elect Masters . To them belongs the charge of watching and taking care lest the members ( Socii ) of whatever rank or order should attempt anything contrary to the true
principles of our Society . Upon the same Cheifs of the Society are incumbent the defence of the Order , the preservation and safeguard of its welfare , which , should