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A GOOD deal has been Avritten about Guilds , but a good deal remains yet to be discovered and published . As Mr . Toulmin Smith tells us in his interesting though too partial collection , a large number of returns of Guilds , tempore Richard H ., still remains uncollated , imdigested , undecipherecl , and unpublished , awaiting in the dust of oblivion and neglect some " cunnynge clerke " to read them and edit them . ' We might eA'en find a Masons' Guild return among them , just as Mr . Toulmin Smith gives
a " Tylers '" return . Mr . H . L . Coote , in 1871 , read before the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society a most interesting paper on the ordinances of some secular Guilds of London , 1304 to 1496 . From it Ave take the Guild of Glovers , in his ipsissima verba , commending it to the notice and perusal of Masonic students : — " 1 . EA'brother shall pay sixteenpence a yearby quarterlpaymentstoAvards
ery , y ,. proA'iding two wax tapers to burn at the high altar of the chapel of Our Lady , in the new church-haAv beside London , ancl also to the poor of the fraternity Avho well and truly have paid their quarterage so long as they could . > . . ' " 2 . If any brother be behind of payment of his quarterage by a month after the end of any quarter he shall pay sixteenpence , that is to say , eightpence to the old Avork of the church of St . Paid , of London , and the other eightpence to the box of the
fraternity . Also as often as any brother be not obedient- to the summons of the Avardens , or be not present in the ' hevenys that folk be dead , ' and in offering at the funeral of a brother , and in attendance at church with the fraternity on the feasts of the Annunciation and Assumption , and others , he shall pay sixteenpence in like manner . " 3 . Every brother shall come to Placebo ancl Dirige in the ' hevenys of dead folk , ' in suit or livery of the fraternity of the year pastand on the morrow to massand
, , there offer , in his UBAV livery or suit , upon pain of sixteenpence . " 4 . IE a brother be behind of his quarterage for a year and a day , and though it he in his power to pay it he maliciously refuse , he shall be summoned before the official of the Consistory of London , etc . ( see ante ) .
" 5 . If any brother or sister be dead Avithin the city , and have not of his ( or her ) goods him ( or her ) to bury , he ( or she ) shall haA'e burning about his ( or her ) body five tapers ancl four torches at the cost of the brethren , provided the deceased ' haA'e continued seven years in the fraternity , etc . " 6 . All the brethren be clothed in one suit , etc . " 7 . The masters , Avardens , and brethren shall attend ancl hear mass on the feast of
the Assumption , etc . " 8 . Every brother shall keep his livery for four years , etc . " 9 . Settles the fee for entrance into the fraternity , and also the form of oath . " 10 . On the day of the feast when'the brethren have eaten they shall go together to the chapel of our Lady before-mentioned , ancl there continue the time of Placebo and Biriand on the ' morrow shall attend mass of Requiemand from thence come together
ge , , to their Hall , on pain of sixteenpence . " 11 . If any brother revile another he shall be fined sixpence or eightpence , etc . " 12 . All the brethren , Avith their wives , shall go together to their meat the Sunday next after Trinity Sunday , etc ., etc . *
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A GOOD deal has been Avritten about Guilds , but a good deal remains yet to be discovered and published . As Mr . Toulmin Smith tells us in his interesting though too partial collection , a large number of returns of Guilds , tempore Richard H ., still remains uncollated , imdigested , undecipherecl , and unpublished , awaiting in the dust of oblivion and neglect some " cunnynge clerke " to read them and edit them . ' We might eA'en find a Masons' Guild return among them , just as Mr . Toulmin Smith gives
a " Tylers '" return . Mr . H . L . Coote , in 1871 , read before the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society a most interesting paper on the ordinances of some secular Guilds of London , 1304 to 1496 . From it Ave take the Guild of Glovers , in his ipsissima verba , commending it to the notice and perusal of Masonic students : — " 1 . EA'brother shall pay sixteenpence a yearby quarterlpaymentstoAvards
ery , y ,. proA'iding two wax tapers to burn at the high altar of the chapel of Our Lady , in the new church-haAv beside London , ancl also to the poor of the fraternity Avho well and truly have paid their quarterage so long as they could . > . . ' " 2 . If any brother be behind of payment of his quarterage by a month after the end of any quarter he shall pay sixteenpence , that is to say , eightpence to the old Avork of the church of St . Paid , of London , and the other eightpence to the box of the
fraternity . Also as often as any brother be not obedient- to the summons of the Avardens , or be not present in the ' hevenys that folk be dead , ' and in offering at the funeral of a brother , and in attendance at church with the fraternity on the feasts of the Annunciation and Assumption , and others , he shall pay sixteenpence in like manner . " 3 . Every brother shall come to Placebo ancl Dirige in the ' hevenys of dead folk , ' in suit or livery of the fraternity of the year pastand on the morrow to massand
, , there offer , in his UBAV livery or suit , upon pain of sixteenpence . " 4 . IE a brother be behind of his quarterage for a year and a day , and though it he in his power to pay it he maliciously refuse , he shall be summoned before the official of the Consistory of London , etc . ( see ante ) .
" 5 . If any brother or sister be dead Avithin the city , and have not of his ( or her ) goods him ( or her ) to bury , he ( or she ) shall haA'e burning about his ( or her ) body five tapers ancl four torches at the cost of the brethren , provided the deceased ' haA'e continued seven years in the fraternity , etc . " 6 . All the brethren be clothed in one suit , etc . " 7 . The masters , Avardens , and brethren shall attend ancl hear mass on the feast of
the Assumption , etc . " 8 . Every brother shall keep his livery for four years , etc . " 9 . Settles the fee for entrance into the fraternity , and also the form of oath . " 10 . On the day of the feast when'the brethren have eaten they shall go together to the chapel of our Lady before-mentioned , ancl there continue the time of Placebo and Biriand on the ' morrow shall attend mass of Requiemand from thence come together
ge , , to their Hall , on pain of sixteenpence . " 11 . If any brother revile another he shall be fined sixpence or eightpence , etc . " 12 . All the brethren , Avith their wives , shall go together to their meat the Sunday next after Trinity Sunday , etc ., etc . *