Article A SIMILAR CASE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article A REVERIE. Page 1 of 1
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A Similar Case.
WeE , I neecmt ask you further , And I'm sure I Avish you joy ; Think I'll Avander CIOAVU and see you When you ' re married—eh , my boy ? When the honeymoon is over And you ' re settled doAvn , we'E try—What ? The deuce you say ! Rejected . — You rejected ? So Avas I !
A Reverie.
OZN distant hEls a gallant host is standing Armed to the teeth in goodliest array , Noble in presence , and in port commanding , Like those AA'e often see on festal clay ; May all of good be Avith them ! Let us pray , We who in far-off England Avatching now
, That God may shield them in the deadly fray , Aud give bright laurels to each soldier-brow . May the " Old Lion" hold its onward Avay 'Mid treacherous Afghan , and 'mid subtle foe : And if the cannon-throats like war-dogs bay , And angry hosts in the dark dust lie low
, Where England's gallant soldiers onward press , Ready for " Queen and country , " aye , to die , May a good angel be near to aid and bless , And lead them on to honoured victory .
Idle the chant of Beace ! Where treachery dares To sap the mighty Empire of the Seas , For covert sneers or chUdish taunts Avho cares ? We cannot listen to the eiwen ' s pleas . Old England ' s up ancl doing ! DOAVII she'll cast , In her roused might , into the veriest dust ,
The foe Avho dares , forgiven in the past , To brave her kindly patience , ever just , Forbearing and enduring . But when her SAvord she draAA's , She draws in earnest . Woe to him AVIIO has to meet That SAvord so heaA'y , only draAvn in a good cause , So keen , so avenging , and so fleet . - A .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Similar Case.
WeE , I neecmt ask you further , And I'm sure I Avish you joy ; Think I'll Avander CIOAVU and see you When you ' re married—eh , my boy ? When the honeymoon is over And you ' re settled doAvn , we'E try—What ? The deuce you say ! Rejected . — You rejected ? So Avas I !
A Reverie.
OZN distant hEls a gallant host is standing Armed to the teeth in goodliest array , Noble in presence , and in port commanding , Like those AA'e often see on festal clay ; May all of good be Avith them ! Let us pray , We who in far-off England Avatching now
, That God may shield them in the deadly fray , Aud give bright laurels to each soldier-brow . May the " Old Lion" hold its onward Avay 'Mid treacherous Afghan , and 'mid subtle foe : And if the cannon-throats like war-dogs bay , And angry hosts in the dark dust lie low
, Where England's gallant soldiers onward press , Ready for " Queen and country , " aye , to die , May a good angel be near to aid and bless , And lead them on to honoured victory .
Idle the chant of Beace ! Where treachery dares To sap the mighty Empire of the Seas , For covert sneers or chUdish taunts Avho cares ? We cannot listen to the eiwen ' s pleas . Old England ' s up ancl doing ! DOAVII she'll cast , In her roused might , into the veriest dust ,
The foe Avho dares , forgiven in the past , To brave her kindly patience , ever just , Forbearing and enduring . But when her SAvord she draAA's , She draws in earnest . Woe to him AVIIO has to meet That SAvord so heaA'y , only draAvn in a good cause , So keen , so avenging , and so fleet . - A .