Article BOYS' HOMES. ← Page 3 of 3 Article A VISIT TO TETUAN FORTY YEARS AGO. Page 1 of 6 →
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Boys' Homes.
madden the Avomen eA'en more . One of the constables undertook to attend to each woman Avhile I darted to the bed , pulled doAA'n the clothing , and there Avithout a stitch upon him lay my boy 1 His clothes ' Avere gone , and I afterwards learned that the greater part had been paAvned early in the eA'ening , and that his shirt ancl stockings had been hastily stripped off AA'hen AA'e first knocked at the street door . Underneath the mattress we found his belt
nnd shirt , ancl one of his boots Ave picked up in the back yard . The remainder of the clothing AA'as recovered from the pawnbroker ' s next day . The policemen UOAV insisted upon the two Avomen going with them to the station , having recognised them as persons AVIIO Avere " Avanted " for other offences .
It Avas a dreadful scene ; the Avhole neighbourhood turned out . With much difficulty , ancl only by the help of other officers Avho AA'ere summoned to their aid , did the constables get the women away . It transpired that they Avere abandoned persons of the most hopeless class , companions of noted criminals , and half-sisters of this poor lad AA'hoin Ave had rescued . The saddest part is , hoAvever , yet to be told . As I reached the police-station at King David ' s . Lane , a huge mob from another neighbourhood met the
crowd Avhich accompanied us . That mob surrounded a stretcher , on which was an elderly woman , violently drunk and abusive , but fastened doAvn to the poles , on AA'hich she had been carried by IAVO constables , her grey hairs the AA'hEe falling over her face , a croAvn not of glory , but of dishonour ancl shame . She proved to be the mother of my lad and of his turn wretched sisters ,- and was herseE a Avoman of evil life . The meeting inside the station-house , Avhen the crowd was dispersed and the doors AA'ere closed , betAveen the tAvo women and the boy AA'ho came AA'ith my party , and the aged AA'oman AA'ho Avas mother of all three , is not to be described .
Such AA'as the family from Avhich this poor lad had been taken—his mother arid two sisters El-conducted drunkards , companions of thieA'es . Happy I am , hoAveA'er , to say . that the boy expressed his great desire to come back AA'ith me , Avhich be at once did . He has been now six years in our Home , and is Avith me to-day , a good Avorkman , an honest , truthful , industrious lad , and I hope , also , one who has felt and OAATIS the power of hi gh and gracious influences .
Never haA'e I more forcibly felt the A'alue of such Homes as ours in lessening crime than I did that night , or rather morning , AA'hen leaA'ing the station-house with my recovered boy , the child and the brother of criminals , but , like many other street boys , himseE still young enough to be guided into another path , and to be moulded by a Hi gher poAver . Since that time AA'ider experience , more complete organisation , and more careful research , have enabled us to avoid such distressing occurrences , Avhilst an extended knoAvled ge of our work has at the same time made even the class to Avhich this poor boy belonged prize the inestimable advantages of a training in our Home .
A Visit To Tetuan Forty Years Ago.
( Contributed . ) WISHFUL to send a paper to Brother Kenning ' s " excellent Masonic Magazine , I remembered me of a contribution of mine sent ; some twenty-four years ago , to an excellent periodical UOAV long since numbered with the "things of the past . " On re-reading it to-day , Avith one or two needful if sli ght corrections , as its readers - . Avere not many , and probably not one of our many friends has ever . seen it , I thought , as I still think , that it will not be out of place in the pleasant pages of so g 00 d and
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Boys' Homes.
madden the Avomen eA'en more . One of the constables undertook to attend to each woman Avhile I darted to the bed , pulled doAA'n the clothing , and there Avithout a stitch upon him lay my boy 1 His clothes ' Avere gone , and I afterwards learned that the greater part had been paAvned early in the eA'ening , and that his shirt ancl stockings had been hastily stripped off AA'hen AA'e first knocked at the street door . Underneath the mattress we found his belt
nnd shirt , ancl one of his boots Ave picked up in the back yard . The remainder of the clothing AA'as recovered from the pawnbroker ' s next day . The policemen UOAV insisted upon the two Avomen going with them to the station , having recognised them as persons AVIIO Avere " Avanted " for other offences .
It Avas a dreadful scene ; the Avhole neighbourhood turned out . With much difficulty , ancl only by the help of other officers Avho AA'ere summoned to their aid , did the constables get the women away . It transpired that they Avere abandoned persons of the most hopeless class , companions of noted criminals , and half-sisters of this poor lad AA'hoin Ave had rescued . The saddest part is , hoAvever , yet to be told . As I reached the police-station at King David ' s . Lane , a huge mob from another neighbourhood met the
crowd Avhich accompanied us . That mob surrounded a stretcher , on which was an elderly woman , violently drunk and abusive , but fastened doAvn to the poles , on AA'hich she had been carried by IAVO constables , her grey hairs the AA'hEe falling over her face , a croAvn not of glory , but of dishonour ancl shame . She proved to be the mother of my lad and of his turn wretched sisters ,- and was herseE a Avoman of evil life . The meeting inside the station-house , Avhen the crowd was dispersed and the doors AA'ere closed , betAveen the tAvo women and the boy AA'ho came AA'ith my party , and the aged AA'oman AA'ho Avas mother of all three , is not to be described .
Such AA'as the family from Avhich this poor lad had been taken—his mother arid two sisters El-conducted drunkards , companions of thieA'es . Happy I am , hoAveA'er , to say . that the boy expressed his great desire to come back AA'ith me , Avhich be at once did . He has been now six years in our Home , and is Avith me to-day , a good Avorkman , an honest , truthful , industrious lad , and I hope , also , one who has felt and OAATIS the power of hi gh and gracious influences .
Never haA'e I more forcibly felt the A'alue of such Homes as ours in lessening crime than I did that night , or rather morning , AA'hen leaA'ing the station-house with my recovered boy , the child and the brother of criminals , but , like many other street boys , himseE still young enough to be guided into another path , and to be moulded by a Hi gher poAver . Since that time AA'ider experience , more complete organisation , and more careful research , have enabled us to avoid such distressing occurrences , Avhilst an extended knoAvled ge of our work has at the same time made even the class to Avhich this poor boy belonged prize the inestimable advantages of a training in our Home .
A Visit To Tetuan Forty Years Ago.
( Contributed . ) WISHFUL to send a paper to Brother Kenning ' s " excellent Masonic Magazine , I remembered me of a contribution of mine sent ; some twenty-four years ago , to an excellent periodical UOAV long since numbered with the "things of the past . " On re-reading it to-day , Avith one or two needful if sli ght corrections , as its readers - . Avere not many , and probably not one of our many friends has ever . seen it , I thought , as I still think , that it will not be out of place in the pleasant pages of so g 00 d and