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Jimmy Jackson An' His Bad Wife.
theer , an rrstud a bit , Jimmy sed he wad gan oot an leeak fer a ship , an tak ther ' passidge i' t' lost ' at waz gahiu' te sail . Seea Ben sed ' at ho wad giv him hiz brass an' he cud git bohths fer 'em all three , fer he waz varry tired , an' him an' Mally watl stop iu an' rist , Seea sed , seea deean . An' Jimmy went oot an' left ' em . Iv aboot tweea boors he lauded back ageean , an' telt ' ran ' at ther waz a shij ) gahiu' to sail t' varry next day , i' I' efterneean , au' seea he 'd beeakt 'em te gan wiv her . An' he gav Ben t' chanfe he 'd gitten oot ov hiz brass .
I next mooanin tha wer astir betabnios , au teeak ther things cloon tit ship , an ' i' t' efterneean tha all went abooard . Aboot fowwer o ' clock , a pahlot com abooard , te tak ' em doon t' river , au' off tha went . Mally began te rayder whimper a bit aboot leeavin' t' awd kuntrey , bud Jimmy telt her te cheer up , az sheea waz gahiu' tiv a gud laud , an' wad hev things all her awu way when sheea gat theer . An' then tha all all three laft an' joked az tha went doon t' Marsey . Just az t ' pahlot wer gahin' te leeav ' em , Jimmy went tit ship sahd , an' watch all tha did ; au' just at t' varry last minnet , when t' pahlot hed getteu intiv hiz booat te gan back te Liverpeeal , what sud Jimmy deea bud lowp in efter him .
" Jim ! Jim 1 ! " Mally shooted oot , at t' top ov her voice . " Whativver iz tha deeain ' , thoo feeal , thoo ! 1 ! That booat ' z gahiu' back ageean te Liverpeeal , thoo fond hoity ! ! ! " " All reet , Mally , me lass ! " sed Jim , az keeal az a cowcummer , " Ah knaw what Ah ' z aboot . Gud day , an' a fair wind wi' ya ! Yoo ' ve plagued me lang aneeaf . Ah ' z sartinlie bev a bit o' peeace noo . Gud day , an' gud luck te ya 1 "
Off went t' booat , an' Jimmy alang wi' ' t , back te Liverpeeal , wahl t' ship went on her way across t' breead Atlantic . An' Jimmy went stright back ageean tiv hiz awd wai'kshop , an' telt t' maister what he 'd deeau . An' a rare gud laff beeath him an' all t' men hed aboot it . It wer cheeaper a vast , tha all sed , then onny o' ther divooas kooats . An' Jimmy gat gud ludinsfer he wer weel knownan' varry mitch rispectid . An' he startid wark ageeau
g , , iv hiz awd bohth t' Munda mooanin' efter . An' t' maister youst awlus te say ' at Jimmy wer t' sharpist chap he hed aboot te pleeace , —fer nowder hisse ! ner neean o' t ' rist on ' em wad ivver hev shown hawf o' t' sense ' at Jimmy hed deean i' gettin' shot ov hiz worthless wife . Rose Cottage , Stokesley .
Lost And Saved ; Or Nellie Powers The Missionary's Daughter.
BY C . 11 . LO 0 M 1 S . CHAP . III . When the second mate came on deck the wind had increased somewhat and a
, heavy sea was running . The heavens were black with the angry clouds . The g leam from the binnacle shone out on the seething waters , and was the only cheering ray the new watch saw when they came on deck . Some of the light sails were taken in ana everything made snug before the captain went below . At four bells , when the man at the wheel was relieved , a cold drizzling rain began to fall , and the watch wont below to encase themselves in their oil skins .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Jimmy Jackson An' His Bad Wife.
theer , an rrstud a bit , Jimmy sed he wad gan oot an leeak fer a ship , an tak ther ' passidge i' t' lost ' at waz gahiu' te sail . Seea Ben sed ' at ho wad giv him hiz brass an' he cud git bohths fer 'em all three , fer he waz varry tired , an' him an' Mally watl stop iu an' rist , Seea sed , seea deean . An' Jimmy went oot an' left ' em . Iv aboot tweea boors he lauded back ageean , an' telt ' ran ' at ther waz a shij ) gahiu' to sail t' varry next day , i' I' efterneean , au' seea he 'd beeakt 'em te gan wiv her . An' he gav Ben t' chanfe he 'd gitten oot ov hiz brass .
I next mooanin tha wer astir betabnios , au teeak ther things cloon tit ship , an ' i' t' efterneean tha all went abooard . Aboot fowwer o ' clock , a pahlot com abooard , te tak ' em doon t' river , au' off tha went . Mally began te rayder whimper a bit aboot leeavin' t' awd kuntrey , bud Jimmy telt her te cheer up , az sheea waz gahiu' tiv a gud laud , an' wad hev things all her awu way when sheea gat theer . An' then tha all all three laft an' joked az tha went doon t' Marsey . Just az t ' pahlot wer gahin' te leeav ' em , Jimmy went tit ship sahd , an' watch all tha did ; au' just at t' varry last minnet , when t' pahlot hed getteu intiv hiz booat te gan back te Liverpeeal , what sud Jimmy deea bud lowp in efter him .
" Jim ! Jim 1 ! " Mally shooted oot , at t' top ov her voice . " Whativver iz tha deeain ' , thoo feeal , thoo ! 1 ! That booat ' z gahiu' back ageean te Liverpeeal , thoo fond hoity ! ! ! " " All reet , Mally , me lass ! " sed Jim , az keeal az a cowcummer , " Ah knaw what Ah ' z aboot . Gud day , an' a fair wind wi' ya ! Yoo ' ve plagued me lang aneeaf . Ah ' z sartinlie bev a bit o' peeace noo . Gud day , an' gud luck te ya 1 "
Off went t' booat , an' Jimmy alang wi' ' t , back te Liverpeeal , wahl t' ship went on her way across t' breead Atlantic . An' Jimmy went stright back ageean tiv hiz awd wai'kshop , an' telt t' maister what he 'd deeau . An' a rare gud laff beeath him an' all t' men hed aboot it . It wer cheeaper a vast , tha all sed , then onny o' ther divooas kooats . An' Jimmy gat gud ludinsfer he wer weel knownan' varry mitch rispectid . An' he startid wark ageeau
g , , iv hiz awd bohth t' Munda mooanin' efter . An' t' maister youst awlus te say ' at Jimmy wer t' sharpist chap he hed aboot te pleeace , —fer nowder hisse ! ner neean o' t ' rist on ' em wad ivver hev shown hawf o' t' sense ' at Jimmy hed deean i' gettin' shot ov hiz worthless wife . Rose Cottage , Stokesley .
Lost And Saved ; Or Nellie Powers The Missionary's Daughter.
BY C . 11 . LO 0 M 1 S . CHAP . III . When the second mate came on deck the wind had increased somewhat and a
, heavy sea was running . The heavens were black with the angry clouds . The g leam from the binnacle shone out on the seething waters , and was the only cheering ray the new watch saw when they came on deck . Some of the light sails were taken in ana everything made snug before the captain went below . At four bells , when the man at the wheel was relieved , a cold drizzling rain began to fall , and the watch wont below to encase themselves in their oil skins .