Article SUMMARY OF NEWS FOR JUNE. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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Summary Of News For June.
admitted . Of these , 69 had been cured , 9 nearly cured , 49 improved , 71 had discontinued attendance , and 41 were still under treatment . The anniversary festival of the United Land Clerks' Society was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on the ] 2 th ult . Lord Justice Turner presided . The report said—The number of members who , in the past year , claimed relief on account of sickness , has been 25 ; £ 121 7 s . 6 d . has been expended in meeting these claims—considerably less than was required in the two preceding years . Each applicant receives one guinea
weekly so long as his illness disables him from following his employment , but not exceeding one year . Should it extend over that period , the member is entitled to half the amount during a second year ; and if his affliction assume a permanent character , then he is entitled to relief for life out of the Superannuation Fund . Two of these cases of sickness terminated in the members being placed on that fund , ancl three others ended in death . The total relief afforded to the members on account of sickness alone amounts to the sum of £ 3349 16 s . 6 d . The claims on the Superannuation Fund are
, increasing . Last year there were five ; there are now seven , requiring a yearly expenditure of £ 239 4 s . In three of these cases the members receive yearly £ 31 4 s . each , and the remaining four £ 36 8 s . The Committee were able to announce at the last anniversary that in the year preceding not one case of death had occurred amongst 524 members . On this occasion they have to report the death , since the last festival , of six members . The family of- each received the sum of £ 50 . The Committee have also to report the death of the wives of five members ; to each of these members the
sum of £ 25 has been paid . The total expenditure on account of death has reached the sum of £ 4 , 927 10 s . On the 26 th , Prince Albert inaugurated the R . C . Medical Benevolent College at Epsom as an asylum for decayed members of the Profession and their widows , and as a school for the education of their children . The arrangements were of the worst possible character .
PROVIDENT . The Times Life Insurance Company held its annual meeting on the 7 th ult . During the year the company completed and issued 1612 policies , covering 393 , 515 / ., and yielding in premiums 7012 / . 8 s . 10 c / . A bonus of one per cent , per annum , was declared on the life policies entitled to a division of profits , and a bonus of 2 s . 6 d . per share on the capital stock of the Company . On the 21 st ult . the proprietors of the Royal Exchange declared a
dividendequiva-, , lent to 11 per cent , per annum . The Achilles Insurance Company held its annual meeting on the 6 th ult ., when it was stated , that during the past year the Company completed 225 policies , assuring 101 , 230 / ., and producing a new income of 3 , 128 , 134 / . The average amount of each policy was 450 / , A special meeting of the Law Life Assurance Company was held on the 8 th ult ., for the declaration of the surplus profits of the 4 th septennial period of the Company's
career , when it appeared that they amounted to 793 , 147 / . 9 s . id ., one-fifth of which belonged to the proprietors , and the remaining four-fifths to the assured . The Guarantee Fund on the 31 st December , was 615 , 858 / . 16 s . 4 c / . The interest accruing from this sum of 615 , 858 / . 16 s . id ., as at present invested , will enable the directors to pay to the proprietors an annual dividend of 21 . 10 s . per share , clear of income tax ; being an increase of dividend of 14 s . per share ; the entire dividend being after the rate of 25 per cent , per annum on the amount paid up on each share . The sum
of 634 , 517 / . 19 s . Od . falling to the share of the assured , has been allotted among them in proportion to their respective interests , a reserve being made for those policies which are not yet entitled to participate , by reason of their not being of three full years' standing . During the month , the Waterloo Life Assurance Company held meetings at Liverpool and Kendal . The Company , although established only 3 | years , has now a premium income of upwards of 14 , 000 / . per annum , and has invested 30 , 000 / . The claims which have as yet fallen in , amount to only 1500 / . On the 16 th ult ., Lord Torrington presided at the annual meeting of the Indisputable Insurance Company , when a report was read , which stated that there was a con-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Summary Of News For June.
admitted . Of these , 69 had been cured , 9 nearly cured , 49 improved , 71 had discontinued attendance , and 41 were still under treatment . The anniversary festival of the United Land Clerks' Society was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on the ] 2 th ult . Lord Justice Turner presided . The report said—The number of members who , in the past year , claimed relief on account of sickness , has been 25 ; £ 121 7 s . 6 d . has been expended in meeting these claims—considerably less than was required in the two preceding years . Each applicant receives one guinea
weekly so long as his illness disables him from following his employment , but not exceeding one year . Should it extend over that period , the member is entitled to half the amount during a second year ; and if his affliction assume a permanent character , then he is entitled to relief for life out of the Superannuation Fund . Two of these cases of sickness terminated in the members being placed on that fund , ancl three others ended in death . The total relief afforded to the members on account of sickness alone amounts to the sum of £ 3349 16 s . 6 d . The claims on the Superannuation Fund are
, increasing . Last year there were five ; there are now seven , requiring a yearly expenditure of £ 239 4 s . In three of these cases the members receive yearly £ 31 4 s . each , and the remaining four £ 36 8 s . The Committee were able to announce at the last anniversary that in the year preceding not one case of death had occurred amongst 524 members . On this occasion they have to report the death , since the last festival , of six members . The family of- each received the sum of £ 50 . The Committee have also to report the death of the wives of five members ; to each of these members the
sum of £ 25 has been paid . The total expenditure on account of death has reached the sum of £ 4 , 927 10 s . On the 26 th , Prince Albert inaugurated the R . C . Medical Benevolent College at Epsom as an asylum for decayed members of the Profession and their widows , and as a school for the education of their children . The arrangements were of the worst possible character .
PROVIDENT . The Times Life Insurance Company held its annual meeting on the 7 th ult . During the year the company completed and issued 1612 policies , covering 393 , 515 / ., and yielding in premiums 7012 / . 8 s . 10 c / . A bonus of one per cent , per annum , was declared on the life policies entitled to a division of profits , and a bonus of 2 s . 6 d . per share on the capital stock of the Company . On the 21 st ult . the proprietors of the Royal Exchange declared a
dividendequiva-, , lent to 11 per cent , per annum . The Achilles Insurance Company held its annual meeting on the 6 th ult ., when it was stated , that during the past year the Company completed 225 policies , assuring 101 , 230 / ., and producing a new income of 3 , 128 , 134 / . The average amount of each policy was 450 / , A special meeting of the Law Life Assurance Company was held on the 8 th ult ., for the declaration of the surplus profits of the 4 th septennial period of the Company's
career , when it appeared that they amounted to 793 , 147 / . 9 s . id ., one-fifth of which belonged to the proprietors , and the remaining four-fifths to the assured . The Guarantee Fund on the 31 st December , was 615 , 858 / . 16 s . 4 c / . The interest accruing from this sum of 615 , 858 / . 16 s . id ., as at present invested , will enable the directors to pay to the proprietors an annual dividend of 21 . 10 s . per share , clear of income tax ; being an increase of dividend of 14 s . per share ; the entire dividend being after the rate of 25 per cent , per annum on the amount paid up on each share . The sum
of 634 , 517 / . 19 s . Od . falling to the share of the assured , has been allotted among them in proportion to their respective interests , a reserve being made for those policies which are not yet entitled to participate , by reason of their not being of three full years' standing . During the month , the Waterloo Life Assurance Company held meetings at Liverpool and Kendal . The Company , although established only 3 | years , has now a premium income of upwards of 14 , 000 / . per annum , and has invested 30 , 000 / . The claims which have as yet fallen in , amount to only 1500 / . On the 16 th ult ., Lord Torrington presided at the annual meeting of the Indisputable Insurance Company , when a report was read , which stated that there was a con-