Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 2 of 2
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the power of granting these degrees" ( Mark and Past Master ) " shall be vested in chapters only , as formerly declared by a resolution of the Supreme Chapter , dated 16 th September , 1846 . " Also because the granting of the Warrant did not interfere with any of those degrees which flourish under the guardianship of the G . L . or the Su P- G - Chapter of England . Had either of the two last bodies taken cognizance of the Mark Degree , most assuredly the members of Chapter No . 70 would never have granted such a WarrantIt was solel for the extension ancl of know
. y promotion a - ledge of one of the most beautiful and perfect of the Masonic Degrees . How it has succeeded in effecting that object , may be judged from the Mark Roll of the Bonaccord Chapter , on which are recorded the names of some of the most accomplished Masous that England can boast of .
I will copy the different regulations of the Supreme Chapter , to show that the Bonaccord Chapter has acted in accordance with the spirit of their obligations , in order to promote and advance a knowledge of Masonry . The members would not have granted the Warrant , had it been contrary to the laws , or spirit of the laws , of the Supreme Chapter , and I for one would never have sanctioned such a step , as I never have countenanced , either in my private or public capacity in the Craft , a departure from the rules or regulations of Order to which I belong
any . In the laws of the Supremo G . R . A of Scotland , published 1845 , chap . iv . par 35 , will be found : — "As the G . L . of Scotland does not at present permit its daughter Lodges to confer the degrees of Mark ancl P . M ., and as therefore these degrees cannot be legally obtained in a Lodge of St . John's Masonry in Scotland , the Supreme Chapter issues Warrants constituting Lodges for these degrees only . " This was the law hi 1845 the 1848 the
. In year above law was abrogated by the Supreme Chapter . _ Upon March 12 th , inter alia , it was resolved to abrogate the law , chapter iv . par . 35 , by which the Supreme Chapter agrees to issue Warrants constituting Lodges to confer the degree of Mark and P . M ., and to enact and declare "that the power of these decrees shall be vested in Chapters only , as formerly declared by a resolution of the Supreme Chapter , dated 16 th September , 1846 . This is shortly the history of the London Bon-accord Mark Master Lodge . r-I remain , Sir and Brother , yotu-s fraternally ,
JAMES RETTIE , Aberdeen , May 4 1855 . First Principal , Bon-accord Chapter ,- No . 70 .-. LONDON BON ACCORD MARK MASTER LODGE . To the Editor of the Masonic Mirror . Aberdeen , June \ Wi , 1855 . biR— Ihe above Lodgeand the Chapter to whom it owes obedienceis likelto
, , y get "scrimp justice , " at the hands of the Supreme Chapter of Scotland , if we may judge from the correspondence which appeared in your last number . In that correspondence we find that , not only does one of the Grand Scribes , but also the Depute P . Z . for Scotland condemn the above Lodge , and the conduct of Chapter No . 70 , as illegal , without a hearing . Against such un-Masonic conduct I most emphatically protest ; as it is contrary to the Rules , and the spirit of the Rules of Craft or Arch Masonry . The Rule is far I have been able to
, _ so as make out—that any Brother or Lodge , any Companion or Chapter , against whom a charge is brought , ought to be informed what that charge is by the superior body . Up to the present moment , there is no cnarge made against Chapter No . 70 , by the Supreme Chapter . It is quite possible that Chapter . No . 70 may be wrong—it . is equally so that it may be ri ght ; and it would be very foolish to give the line of defence , until we know what charge is laid against And have to that
us . I regret any Englishman should have so far forgotten that manly national characteristic , fair-play , as to have joined in the cry against-the London Bon Accord Mark Master Lodge , of "illegal , " "spurious , " before hearing both sides of the question . ' I remain , Sir , Your obedient Servant , JAMES RETTIE , P . Z . Chanter No . 70 , Scotland .
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the power of granting these degrees" ( Mark and Past Master ) " shall be vested in chapters only , as formerly declared by a resolution of the Supreme Chapter , dated 16 th September , 1846 . " Also because the granting of the Warrant did not interfere with any of those degrees which flourish under the guardianship of the G . L . or the Su P- G - Chapter of England . Had either of the two last bodies taken cognizance of the Mark Degree , most assuredly the members of Chapter No . 70 would never have granted such a WarrantIt was solel for the extension ancl of know
. y promotion a - ledge of one of the most beautiful and perfect of the Masonic Degrees . How it has succeeded in effecting that object , may be judged from the Mark Roll of the Bonaccord Chapter , on which are recorded the names of some of the most accomplished Masous that England can boast of .
I will copy the different regulations of the Supreme Chapter , to show that the Bonaccord Chapter has acted in accordance with the spirit of their obligations , in order to promote and advance a knowledge of Masonry . The members would not have granted the Warrant , had it been contrary to the laws , or spirit of the laws , of the Supreme Chapter , and I for one would never have sanctioned such a step , as I never have countenanced , either in my private or public capacity in the Craft , a departure from the rules or regulations of Order to which I belong
any . In the laws of the Supremo G . R . A of Scotland , published 1845 , chap . iv . par 35 , will be found : — "As the G . L . of Scotland does not at present permit its daughter Lodges to confer the degrees of Mark ancl P . M ., and as therefore these degrees cannot be legally obtained in a Lodge of St . John's Masonry in Scotland , the Supreme Chapter issues Warrants constituting Lodges for these degrees only . " This was the law hi 1845 the 1848 the
. In year above law was abrogated by the Supreme Chapter . _ Upon March 12 th , inter alia , it was resolved to abrogate the law , chapter iv . par . 35 , by which the Supreme Chapter agrees to issue Warrants constituting Lodges to confer the degree of Mark and P . M ., and to enact and declare "that the power of these decrees shall be vested in Chapters only , as formerly declared by a resolution of the Supreme Chapter , dated 16 th September , 1846 . This is shortly the history of the London Bon-accord Mark Master Lodge . r-I remain , Sir and Brother , yotu-s fraternally ,
JAMES RETTIE , Aberdeen , May 4 1855 . First Principal , Bon-accord Chapter ,- No . 70 .-. LONDON BON ACCORD MARK MASTER LODGE . To the Editor of the Masonic Mirror . Aberdeen , June \ Wi , 1855 . biR— Ihe above Lodgeand the Chapter to whom it owes obedienceis likelto
, , y get "scrimp justice , " at the hands of the Supreme Chapter of Scotland , if we may judge from the correspondence which appeared in your last number . In that correspondence we find that , not only does one of the Grand Scribes , but also the Depute P . Z . for Scotland condemn the above Lodge , and the conduct of Chapter No . 70 , as illegal , without a hearing . Against such un-Masonic conduct I most emphatically protest ; as it is contrary to the Rules , and the spirit of the Rules of Craft or Arch Masonry . The Rule is far I have been able to
, _ so as make out—that any Brother or Lodge , any Companion or Chapter , against whom a charge is brought , ought to be informed what that charge is by the superior body . Up to the present moment , there is no cnarge made against Chapter No . 70 , by the Supreme Chapter . It is quite possible that Chapter . No . 70 may be wrong—it . is equally so that it may be ri ght ; and it would be very foolish to give the line of defence , until we know what charge is laid against And have to that
us . I regret any Englishman should have so far forgotten that manly national characteristic , fair-play , as to have joined in the cry against-the London Bon Accord Mark Master Lodge , of "illegal , " "spurious , " before hearing both sides of the question . ' I remain , Sir , Your obedient Servant , JAMES RETTIE , P . Z . Chanter No . 70 , Scotland .