Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE COLONIES. Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch.
refreshment , and due justice was done to the elegant repast provided . Owing to the length of the ceremony , and the lateness of the hour at which it commenced , there was harely time to give the usual toasts . The healths of the usual members of 83 being drunk and they having been thanked for their kind assistance , towards the small hours the companions wended their way home , having spent a very pleasant evening . We anticipate , when next we have the pleasure of visiting this rising Chapter , they will have procured suitable paraphernalia of their own , as from their increased numbers they can now accomplish this desideratum , and make themselves equal to the other Chapters in the neighbourhood .
LANCASHIRE . CHAPTER OF HOPE , ROCHDALE ( No . 62 ) . —This flourishing Chapter held a convocation on the 3 rd inst ., at the Spread Eagle Inn , at 6 o ' clock . The Chapter was opened in due form . The Principal Comps . I . Lord , Z ., W . Roberts , H . and P . L . Holland , P . P . Z . as I . presiding . The minutes of the last meeting having been confirmed , the bye-laws were duly signed by the Officers and Comps . present . Comp . J . Lord , P . Z ., gave a lecture on the R . A . Jewel , which was highly instructive , and received by the Comps- with applause . At the conclusion of the business , the Chapter was closed and adjourned . The Comps . partook of refreshments and separated at 9 o ' clock in the greatest harmony .
The Colonies.
AUSTRALIA . AUSTRALASIAN MASONIC HOTEL , SYDNEY . —According to arrangement previously announced , the formal opening of this important hotel was commemorated on Dec . 14 , by a grand dinner given by the lessee , Mr . R . Swete , to the members of the Masonic Order , and such other friends or patrons of the Society as chose to attend . The premises occupied are those lately known as the Town Hall . They have been fitted
up , carpeted , and decorated in such a style as to combine considerable artistic beauty with the utmost amount of personal convenience and general house accommodation thus providing a capacious and tastefully-ornamented Hall , in which all the Lodges of the Masonic Order may , and will , meet from time to time , for the transaction of business , whether of a festive or an ordinary character . The room was brilliantly lighted up , and the tables were set off with bouquets of choice flowers , all of which harmonised exquisitely with the gay and enthusiastic feeling expressed by the company in approval of the object of the entertainment . The chair was occupied by the Grand
Master , Captain limes , who was supported by Mr . Parkes , M . L . C ., and several other gentlemen of note . The gallant Chairman , in proposing the first toast , " The Queen , " paid a graceful and eloquent compliment to the soldiers and sailors engaged in the present war . He said that , although there were others besides Masons present , and although they were forbidden by their laws from discussing political or party questions , yet he was happy to say that there was one green spot on which they could all meet , whatever were the religious or political feelings entertained , and that was loyalty to the Soverei
gn ( loud cheers)—a sentiment dear to every British heart ( renewed cheers ) . The toast was received with the usual honours , as was also that of Prince Albert and the Royal Family . Several other toasts were drank , and responded to with great enthusiasm ; amongst which were , " Success to the combined forces of England and France ; " " Prosperity to the Hotel , combining as it did the Masonic Hall of all the Lodges j" the health of Mr . Parkes , one of the Members for the City ; and the health of Her Majesty ' s Ministers , to whom in a great measure the success of the present war was attributable .
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Royal Arch.
refreshment , and due justice was done to the elegant repast provided . Owing to the length of the ceremony , and the lateness of the hour at which it commenced , there was harely time to give the usual toasts . The healths of the usual members of 83 being drunk and they having been thanked for their kind assistance , towards the small hours the companions wended their way home , having spent a very pleasant evening . We anticipate , when next we have the pleasure of visiting this rising Chapter , they will have procured suitable paraphernalia of their own , as from their increased numbers they can now accomplish this desideratum , and make themselves equal to the other Chapters in the neighbourhood .
LANCASHIRE . CHAPTER OF HOPE , ROCHDALE ( No . 62 ) . —This flourishing Chapter held a convocation on the 3 rd inst ., at the Spread Eagle Inn , at 6 o ' clock . The Chapter was opened in due form . The Principal Comps . I . Lord , Z ., W . Roberts , H . and P . L . Holland , P . P . Z . as I . presiding . The minutes of the last meeting having been confirmed , the bye-laws were duly signed by the Officers and Comps . present . Comp . J . Lord , P . Z ., gave a lecture on the R . A . Jewel , which was highly instructive , and received by the Comps- with applause . At the conclusion of the business , the Chapter was closed and adjourned . The Comps . partook of refreshments and separated at 9 o ' clock in the greatest harmony .
The Colonies.
AUSTRALIA . AUSTRALASIAN MASONIC HOTEL , SYDNEY . —According to arrangement previously announced , the formal opening of this important hotel was commemorated on Dec . 14 , by a grand dinner given by the lessee , Mr . R . Swete , to the members of the Masonic Order , and such other friends or patrons of the Society as chose to attend . The premises occupied are those lately known as the Town Hall . They have been fitted
up , carpeted , and decorated in such a style as to combine considerable artistic beauty with the utmost amount of personal convenience and general house accommodation thus providing a capacious and tastefully-ornamented Hall , in which all the Lodges of the Masonic Order may , and will , meet from time to time , for the transaction of business , whether of a festive or an ordinary character . The room was brilliantly lighted up , and the tables were set off with bouquets of choice flowers , all of which harmonised exquisitely with the gay and enthusiastic feeling expressed by the company in approval of the object of the entertainment . The chair was occupied by the Grand
Master , Captain limes , who was supported by Mr . Parkes , M . L . C ., and several other gentlemen of note . The gallant Chairman , in proposing the first toast , " The Queen , " paid a graceful and eloquent compliment to the soldiers and sailors engaged in the present war . He said that , although there were others besides Masons present , and although they were forbidden by their laws from discussing political or party questions , yet he was happy to say that there was one green spot on which they could all meet , whatever were the religious or political feelings entertained , and that was loyalty to the Soverei
gn ( loud cheers)—a sentiment dear to every British heart ( renewed cheers ) . The toast was received with the usual honours , as was also that of Prince Albert and the Royal Family . Several other toasts were drank , and responded to with great enthusiasm ; amongst which were , " Success to the combined forces of England and France ; " " Prosperity to the Hotel , combining as it did the Masonic Hall of all the Lodges j" the health of Mr . Parkes , one of the Members for the City ; and the health of Her Majesty ' s Ministers , to whom in a great measure the success of the present war was attributable .