Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. ← Page 21 of 23 →
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Provincial Lodges.
to Mr . W . Thompson , forming very prominent features on the tables , and imparting an additional degree of elegance to the scene . Banners and flags were placed in various parts of the saloon , which , when lighted up , had a most brilliant and effective appearance . The following brethren acted as Stewards on the occasion : —Br . W . W . B . Beach , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W ., President ; Br . the Earl of Lincoln , Prov . G . Sec ., Vice-President ; Br . J . II . Arkwright , Christ Church ; Br . G . D , Atkinson , University ; Br .
C . S . Bigge , Christ Church ; Br . J . T . Du Boulay , Exeter ; Br . A . Coleridge , Magdalen ; Br . F . Cox , Christ Church ; Br . V . C . Cave , Exeter ; Br . J . E . Codrington , S . D ., Brasenose ; Br . Clement C ' ottrell Dormer , S D . Rousham ; Br . G . Drummond , Christ Church ; Br . C . Dalison , Merton ; Br . Hon . C . II . Ellis , Balliol ; Br . F . W . Elers , Trinity ; Br . Viscount Fordwich , Christ Church ; Br . J . C . Farnborough , I . G . Magdalen Hall ; Br . A . Faber , New College ; Br . F . J . Hayward , Magdalen ; Br . W . W . HarrisonP . Prov . G . SecBrasenose ; Br . C . S . GlynUniversityBr . Lord
, , , ; Garlies , Christ Church ; Br . the Mayor of Oxford ; Br . J . Morrell , junr ., Saint Giles ' s ; Br . J . W . Malcoim , W . M . 460 , Dover Castle ; Br . Hon . W . H . North , Christ Church ; Br . Sir H . Peyton , Bart ., Swift ' s House ; Br . H . Potfinger , Merton ; Br . W . S . Portal , Malshanger House ; Br . II . A . Pickard , P . Prov . D . C . Christ Church ; Br . J . Stratton , Farthinghoe ; Br . Hon . H . Wodehouse , Balliol ; Br . M . S . Walrond , Balliol ; Br . W . H . Welby , Corpus Christi . The Stewards were distinguished
by a badge , from the design of Mr . Dalison , of Merton College : it was most chaste and elegant , consisting of a Maltese Cross in blue and gold , with a red centre , with the points of fellowship worked therein in gold . The brethren of the Order appeared in full Masonic costume . The company , in number about 600 , consisted of the elite of the County , University , and Ciry , with a large proportion of visitors . There was a numerous attendance of the MembeM of the Masonic fraternity in full Masonic costume , and in many
instances their clothing , jewels , decorations , & c , were of a very superb character , especially those worn by the Prov . G . M . ( Br . Captain Bowyer ) , and his deputy ( Br . R . J . Spiers ) . Many of tlie visitors from London appeared to hold hi gh position in the Craft , judging from the number and beauty of their decorations , and nothing could surpass the brilliancy of the scene as the jewels and orders glistened and sparkled in the mazes of the dance . Weippert ' s band was engaged for the occasionand the festiiities were kept up with great spirit until a late hour . The
com-, plete success of this ball , the hopes and anticipations which it gave rise to , and which were SD fully realized , will , we doubt not , cause it to become a staple feature in future commemorations , and serve as a practical illustration that one of the chief characteristics of those bound together by the mystic tie is to diffuse pleasure and happiness among all within their reach .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST RIDINGS . ) A Special Grjnd Lodge of the province of these Ridings was held at Foley , on the lit ult-., ti dedicate the Royal Lodge , No . 920 , iu the Register of the United Grand Lodge . After the conclusion of the ceremony , the new Lodge commenced its workin " , when several gentlemen were initiated into the Order . YORKSHIRE ( WEST RIDING . )
PROVINCIAL GUANO LODGE . —A Provincial Grand Lod ge was hoi den in the Masonic Hall , South Parade , Huddersfield , on Wednesday , the 11 th of April , when there were present—R . W ., the Right Hon . the Earl of Mexborough , D . G . M ., W . Charles Lee , D . P . G . M ., and a large number of the brethren . The officers of the Lodge of Harmony , No . 342 ( in whose hall this Provincial Grand Lodge was hoklen ) , Inving opened in tho Three Degrees , the Provincial Grand Officers entered in duo form . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then opened in form and with solemn praver , and a portion of H : ly 'cripture was read .
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Provincial Lodges.
to Mr . W . Thompson , forming very prominent features on the tables , and imparting an additional degree of elegance to the scene . Banners and flags were placed in various parts of the saloon , which , when lighted up , had a most brilliant and effective appearance . The following brethren acted as Stewards on the occasion : —Br . W . W . B . Beach , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W ., President ; Br . the Earl of Lincoln , Prov . G . Sec ., Vice-President ; Br . J . II . Arkwright , Christ Church ; Br . G . D , Atkinson , University ; Br .
C . S . Bigge , Christ Church ; Br . J . T . Du Boulay , Exeter ; Br . A . Coleridge , Magdalen ; Br . F . Cox , Christ Church ; Br . V . C . Cave , Exeter ; Br . J . E . Codrington , S . D ., Brasenose ; Br . Clement C ' ottrell Dormer , S D . Rousham ; Br . G . Drummond , Christ Church ; Br . C . Dalison , Merton ; Br . Hon . C . II . Ellis , Balliol ; Br . F . W . Elers , Trinity ; Br . Viscount Fordwich , Christ Church ; Br . J . C . Farnborough , I . G . Magdalen Hall ; Br . A . Faber , New College ; Br . F . J . Hayward , Magdalen ; Br . W . W . HarrisonP . Prov . G . SecBrasenose ; Br . C . S . GlynUniversityBr . Lord
, , , ; Garlies , Christ Church ; Br . the Mayor of Oxford ; Br . J . Morrell , junr ., Saint Giles ' s ; Br . J . W . Malcoim , W . M . 460 , Dover Castle ; Br . Hon . W . H . North , Christ Church ; Br . Sir H . Peyton , Bart ., Swift ' s House ; Br . H . Potfinger , Merton ; Br . W . S . Portal , Malshanger House ; Br . II . A . Pickard , P . Prov . D . C . Christ Church ; Br . J . Stratton , Farthinghoe ; Br . Hon . H . Wodehouse , Balliol ; Br . M . S . Walrond , Balliol ; Br . W . H . Welby , Corpus Christi . The Stewards were distinguished
by a badge , from the design of Mr . Dalison , of Merton College : it was most chaste and elegant , consisting of a Maltese Cross in blue and gold , with a red centre , with the points of fellowship worked therein in gold . The brethren of the Order appeared in full Masonic costume . The company , in number about 600 , consisted of the elite of the County , University , and Ciry , with a large proportion of visitors . There was a numerous attendance of the MembeM of the Masonic fraternity in full Masonic costume , and in many
instances their clothing , jewels , decorations , & c , were of a very superb character , especially those worn by the Prov . G . M . ( Br . Captain Bowyer ) , and his deputy ( Br . R . J . Spiers ) . Many of tlie visitors from London appeared to hold hi gh position in the Craft , judging from the number and beauty of their decorations , and nothing could surpass the brilliancy of the scene as the jewels and orders glistened and sparkled in the mazes of the dance . Weippert ' s band was engaged for the occasionand the festiiities were kept up with great spirit until a late hour . The
com-, plete success of this ball , the hopes and anticipations which it gave rise to , and which were SD fully realized , will , we doubt not , cause it to become a staple feature in future commemorations , and serve as a practical illustration that one of the chief characteristics of those bound together by the mystic tie is to diffuse pleasure and happiness among all within their reach .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST RIDINGS . ) A Special Grjnd Lodge of the province of these Ridings was held at Foley , on the lit ult-., ti dedicate the Royal Lodge , No . 920 , iu the Register of the United Grand Lodge . After the conclusion of the ceremony , the new Lodge commenced its workin " , when several gentlemen were initiated into the Order . YORKSHIRE ( WEST RIDING . )
PROVINCIAL GUANO LODGE . —A Provincial Grand Lod ge was hoi den in the Masonic Hall , South Parade , Huddersfield , on Wednesday , the 11 th of April , when there were present—R . W ., the Right Hon . the Earl of Mexborough , D . G . M ., W . Charles Lee , D . P . G . M ., and a large number of the brethren . The officers of the Lodge of Harmony , No . 342 ( in whose hall this Provincial Grand Lodge was hoklen ) , Inving opened in tho Three Degrees , the Provincial Grand Officers entered in duo form . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then opened in form and with solemn praver , and a portion of H : ly 'cripture was read .