Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. ← Page 18 of 23 →
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Provincial Lodges.
Br . Ridgeway Brideson proposed the next toast , it was that of the N . M . of 889 upon tho present occasion . The toast having been responded to , the Chairman next proposed the health of the Stewards , which was responded to by Br . Hunt . The Chairman next proposed the health of Br . Pitt , who as M . C . of East Liau cashire had for many years acted as Instructing Master of several Lodges , and that day , although old in years and in Masonry , they found him present giving the honours in a way which no other Mason in England could give . " May he long" ( said the
Chairman ) " be spared to us , and when this transitory life is over may he rise to the G . L . above , where tho World ' s G . A . lives and reigns for evermore . " Br . Pitt , in responding , earnestly exhorted , as an old Mason who had laboured in the Masonic vineyard for 50 years , all present to follow the excellent advice which had fallen from the Chaplain . In the whole course of his experience he did not think he had ever seen proceedings conducted so quietly and so orderly , nor did he think he ever heard an oration so appropriate to the occasion —( hear , hear ) . After some other remarksthe veneral
, speaker urged upon the brethren present to husband their funds so that they might be able to maintain a fund for the use of aged and decayed Masons —( hear , hear ) . . After one or two other toasts , the last toast was given "To all poor , " & c , and the proceedings of the day terminated shortly after 9 o ' clock . We cannot close our Report without expressing our thanks to Br . Stephens for the very excellent arrangements made b y him , as manager of the Liverpool and South Port Railway , for the comfort and accommodation of the brethren from a distance .
LANCASHIRE , EASTERN DIVISION . LODGE OF FIDELITY , BLACKBURN ( NO . 336 ) . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on the evening of Friday , the 1 st of June , the W . M ., Br . D . Thwaites ( West Bank ) presiding in his usual able manner . After the transaction of business , Br . J . N . Haworth was passed to the Second Degree , Br . Eaves , P . M . and S ., officiating , after which the brethren present worked that Degree and adjourned for
refreshment at an early hour . Among the visiting brethren was Br . C . Boardman , W . M ., Lodge of Perseverance , 432 . LODGE OF HARMONY , ROCHDALE ( 375 ) . —On the 24 th of May , the members of this Lodge assembled at Tvveedale's Hotel ( Lodge of Emergency ) , for the purpose of holding a banquet in honour of the worthy and respected host , Br . A . Tweedale , P . M ., and P . P . G . S . D . for East Lancashire , and P . P . Z ., retiring from business . About 50 brethren dinedamongst them were several Past Provincial Grand Officersalso Br
, , . Pitt , P . G .-D . of C , for East Lancashire . The W . M ., Br . P . P . Baker presided , and , in proposing tho chief toast of the evening , he particularly alluded to the great length of time Br . P . M . Tweedale had been a subscribing member of this Lodge ( 38 years ) , and hope 1 that the G . A . O . T . U . would be pleased to spare the life of the worthy Br .
( A . Tweedale ) for many years to come , that the Lodge might be graced by his presence . The toast was received with great enthusiasm , many of the brethren having known him for half a century . In responding to such heartfelt wishes , Br . Tweedale said , he found the greatest difficulty to express his feelings , to convey his gratitude and his brotherly love towards those kind friends who were honouring him that evening ; from a long experience he had discovered that nothing tended to raise the morality and good fellowship amongst men , than that of being a true and faithful , free and and he believed that
accepted Mason ; the beautiful science of Free Masonry , being based on such firm and sublime principles , assisted in carrying out the great work of redemption : he further said that , although he was retiring from business , he he was not retiring from his Lodge , but would , as long as he was able , render every assistance iu his power to promote the welfare and prosperity of Free Masons and Free Masonry . Order and good feeling , with appropriate songs , & c , was kept up till a late hour . LODGE OF PERSEVERANCE , BLACKBURN ( NO . 432 ) . —The usual meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday , the -1 th of June , when Br . C . Boardman , W . M ., occupied the chair . The business of the evening was the ' election of W . M ., to which office
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Provincial Lodges.
Br . Ridgeway Brideson proposed the next toast , it was that of the N . M . of 889 upon tho present occasion . The toast having been responded to , the Chairman next proposed the health of the Stewards , which was responded to by Br . Hunt . The Chairman next proposed the health of Br . Pitt , who as M . C . of East Liau cashire had for many years acted as Instructing Master of several Lodges , and that day , although old in years and in Masonry , they found him present giving the honours in a way which no other Mason in England could give . " May he long" ( said the
Chairman ) " be spared to us , and when this transitory life is over may he rise to the G . L . above , where tho World ' s G . A . lives and reigns for evermore . " Br . Pitt , in responding , earnestly exhorted , as an old Mason who had laboured in the Masonic vineyard for 50 years , all present to follow the excellent advice which had fallen from the Chaplain . In the whole course of his experience he did not think he had ever seen proceedings conducted so quietly and so orderly , nor did he think he ever heard an oration so appropriate to the occasion —( hear , hear ) . After some other remarksthe veneral
, speaker urged upon the brethren present to husband their funds so that they might be able to maintain a fund for the use of aged and decayed Masons —( hear , hear ) . . After one or two other toasts , the last toast was given "To all poor , " & c , and the proceedings of the day terminated shortly after 9 o ' clock . We cannot close our Report without expressing our thanks to Br . Stephens for the very excellent arrangements made b y him , as manager of the Liverpool and South Port Railway , for the comfort and accommodation of the brethren from a distance .
LANCASHIRE , EASTERN DIVISION . LODGE OF FIDELITY , BLACKBURN ( NO . 336 ) . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on the evening of Friday , the 1 st of June , the W . M ., Br . D . Thwaites ( West Bank ) presiding in his usual able manner . After the transaction of business , Br . J . N . Haworth was passed to the Second Degree , Br . Eaves , P . M . and S ., officiating , after which the brethren present worked that Degree and adjourned for
refreshment at an early hour . Among the visiting brethren was Br . C . Boardman , W . M ., Lodge of Perseverance , 432 . LODGE OF HARMONY , ROCHDALE ( 375 ) . —On the 24 th of May , the members of this Lodge assembled at Tvveedale's Hotel ( Lodge of Emergency ) , for the purpose of holding a banquet in honour of the worthy and respected host , Br . A . Tweedale , P . M ., and P . P . G . S . D . for East Lancashire , and P . P . Z ., retiring from business . About 50 brethren dinedamongst them were several Past Provincial Grand Officersalso Br
, , . Pitt , P . G .-D . of C , for East Lancashire . The W . M ., Br . P . P . Baker presided , and , in proposing tho chief toast of the evening , he particularly alluded to the great length of time Br . P . M . Tweedale had been a subscribing member of this Lodge ( 38 years ) , and hope 1 that the G . A . O . T . U . would be pleased to spare the life of the worthy Br .
( A . Tweedale ) for many years to come , that the Lodge might be graced by his presence . The toast was received with great enthusiasm , many of the brethren having known him for half a century . In responding to such heartfelt wishes , Br . Tweedale said , he found the greatest difficulty to express his feelings , to convey his gratitude and his brotherly love towards those kind friends who were honouring him that evening ; from a long experience he had discovered that nothing tended to raise the morality and good fellowship amongst men , than that of being a true and faithful , free and and he believed that
accepted Mason ; the beautiful science of Free Masonry , being based on such firm and sublime principles , assisted in carrying out the great work of redemption : he further said that , although he was retiring from business , he he was not retiring from his Lodge , but would , as long as he was able , render every assistance iu his power to promote the welfare and prosperity of Free Masons and Free Masonry . Order and good feeling , with appropriate songs , & c , was kept up till a late hour . LODGE OF PERSEVERANCE , BLACKBURN ( NO . 432 ) . —The usual meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday , the -1 th of June , when Br . C . Boardman , W . M ., occupied the chair . The business of the evening was the ' election of W . M ., to which office