Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. ← Page 17 of 23 →
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Provincial Lodges.
o ' clock , the brethren proceeded to church , when a most excellent sermon was preached by Br . Moratta , from Hebrews xiii ., 1 st and part of 2 nd verse , " Let brotherly love continue . Be not forgetful to entertain strangers . " After the service , a collection was made in behalf of the Strangers' Charity , which amounted to within a few pence of j £ 20 . The brethren afterwards dined together in the Lodge-room , which was elegantly decorated with banners , & c . Br . Lambert , P . M . of 889 , presided , and amongst the
company we observed Brs . Ridgway Brideson , P . G . M ., East Lancashire ; Wylie , P . G . S .: Peers , and AUander , P . G . Stewards ; Billinge , P . G . ; M . C . Wetherall , W . M . 889 ; the Chaplin of 889 : Pitt , P . P . G . M . C , East Lancashire , Bell , P . S . G . W . ; Greenbulgh , P . G . P . ; Jeffrey , W . M ., 368 ; Shand , W . M ., 711 ; Goss , W . M ., 845 ; Griffith , P . M ., 701 ; Wingfield , J . W ., 701 ; Clark , S . D . 701 ; Ramsden , J . D ., 701 ; Hornby , I . G ., 701 ; Hiskey , Braitan , Salisbury , and Jones , also of 701 ; Greene , P . M . ; and Marshall , J . D . of 782 , & c , & c .
On the removal of the cloth the Chairman proposed " The health of her Majesty the Queen , " which was drunk with the usual loyal demonstration , and followed by " God save the Queen . " This was followed by " Prince Albert , and the rest of the Royal family . " Glee , " Hail Albert . " The Chairman next proposed " The health of the M . W ., the G . M . of England , the Earl of Zetland , " eulogising his lordship for the eminent services he had conferred upon Masonry , and including in the toast " The Earl of Yarborough , the R . W . D . G . M .
and the Grand Lodge of England . " The toast was drunk with musical honours . Br . Withnall , W . M . of 889 , proposed the health of Le Gendre M . Starkie , Esq ., R . W . P . G . M . of West Lancashire . The Chairman next proposed the health of a nobleman who was as highly estimated for his private virtues as his public worth , the Earl of Ellesmere , R . W . P . G . M . of East Lancashire . Br . Bel ) , S . G . W . of E . L ., responded to the toast . The chairman next proposed "The health of Lord Viscount Combermere
R . W . P . G . M . of Cheshire , " and Br . Stephens of 889 , formerly of Chester , being called upon responded to the toast . The Chairman rose and proposed "The health of the Rev . Gilmore Robinson , R . W . D . P . G . M . of West Lancashire , " whose absence he' deeply regretted from the cause of it , indisposition , a gentlemen who was beloved and esteemed by all , more especially in his own neighbourhood , where he was not only the pastor of his flock , but also afforded assistance with his advice as a medical man . The toast was drunk
with Masonic honours . Br . Wylie , P . G . S ., responded to the toast and concluded by proposing "The health of the AV . M . and prosperity to Lodge 889 . " Br . Withnall responded , ancl said that although the Lodge had only been in existence for twelve months , yet they could now boast of two P . M ' s ., a Chaplain , an organist , and 35 members , and although the Lodge , as would , be perceived , must have spent a large sum in fittings , furniture , & c , yet he was happy to say they were out of debt , and had funds in hand —( hear , and cheers ) .
The chairman next proposed " The health of Br . Stephen Blair , R . W-D . P . G . M . of East Lancashire , " which was responded to by Br . Bell . The chairman next proposed " The health of Br . Moratta , the Chaplain of the Lodge , " a gentleman , a scholar , and a minister of the Gospel , whose conduct in the performance of the ceremonies of that day could not be excelled . > Br . Moratta responded . He believed the Lodge would really prove an ornament to West Lancashire , and if the respected G . M . had been present that day he would
have been delighted with the proceedings—( cheers ) . The Chairman next proposed the healths of the P . G . Officers of West Lancashire , which was responded to by Br . Billinge , G . M . C ., who expressed the pleasure he felt at the proceedings of that day . The Lodge had been got up in a manner not to be excelled by any Lodge in the province , and he had no doubt it would prove an example to the whole province . The Chan-man next proposed the healths of the visiting brethren , which was responded to by Br . Hamer , P . G . S .
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Provincial Lodges.
o ' clock , the brethren proceeded to church , when a most excellent sermon was preached by Br . Moratta , from Hebrews xiii ., 1 st and part of 2 nd verse , " Let brotherly love continue . Be not forgetful to entertain strangers . " After the service , a collection was made in behalf of the Strangers' Charity , which amounted to within a few pence of j £ 20 . The brethren afterwards dined together in the Lodge-room , which was elegantly decorated with banners , & c . Br . Lambert , P . M . of 889 , presided , and amongst the
company we observed Brs . Ridgway Brideson , P . G . M ., East Lancashire ; Wylie , P . G . S .: Peers , and AUander , P . G . Stewards ; Billinge , P . G . ; M . C . Wetherall , W . M . 889 ; the Chaplin of 889 : Pitt , P . P . G . M . C , East Lancashire , Bell , P . S . G . W . ; Greenbulgh , P . G . P . ; Jeffrey , W . M ., 368 ; Shand , W . M ., 711 ; Goss , W . M ., 845 ; Griffith , P . M ., 701 ; Wingfield , J . W ., 701 ; Clark , S . D . 701 ; Ramsden , J . D ., 701 ; Hornby , I . G ., 701 ; Hiskey , Braitan , Salisbury , and Jones , also of 701 ; Greene , P . M . ; and Marshall , J . D . of 782 , & c , & c .
On the removal of the cloth the Chairman proposed " The health of her Majesty the Queen , " which was drunk with the usual loyal demonstration , and followed by " God save the Queen . " This was followed by " Prince Albert , and the rest of the Royal family . " Glee , " Hail Albert . " The Chairman next proposed " The health of the M . W ., the G . M . of England , the Earl of Zetland , " eulogising his lordship for the eminent services he had conferred upon Masonry , and including in the toast " The Earl of Yarborough , the R . W . D . G . M .
and the Grand Lodge of England . " The toast was drunk with musical honours . Br . Withnall , W . M . of 889 , proposed the health of Le Gendre M . Starkie , Esq ., R . W . P . G . M . of West Lancashire . The Chairman next proposed the health of a nobleman who was as highly estimated for his private virtues as his public worth , the Earl of Ellesmere , R . W . P . G . M . of East Lancashire . Br . Bel ) , S . G . W . of E . L ., responded to the toast . The chairman next proposed "The health of Lord Viscount Combermere
R . W . P . G . M . of Cheshire , " and Br . Stephens of 889 , formerly of Chester , being called upon responded to the toast . The Chairman rose and proposed "The health of the Rev . Gilmore Robinson , R . W . D . P . G . M . of West Lancashire , " whose absence he' deeply regretted from the cause of it , indisposition , a gentlemen who was beloved and esteemed by all , more especially in his own neighbourhood , where he was not only the pastor of his flock , but also afforded assistance with his advice as a medical man . The toast was drunk
with Masonic honours . Br . Wylie , P . G . S ., responded to the toast and concluded by proposing "The health of the AV . M . and prosperity to Lodge 889 . " Br . Withnall responded , ancl said that although the Lodge had only been in existence for twelve months , yet they could now boast of two P . M ' s ., a Chaplain , an organist , and 35 members , and although the Lodge , as would , be perceived , must have spent a large sum in fittings , furniture , & c , yet he was happy to say they were out of debt , and had funds in hand —( hear , and cheers ) .
The chairman next proposed " The health of Br . Stephen Blair , R . W-D . P . G . M . of East Lancashire , " which was responded to by Br . Bell . The chairman next proposed " The health of Br . Moratta , the Chaplain of the Lodge , " a gentleman , a scholar , and a minister of the Gospel , whose conduct in the performance of the ceremonies of that day could not be excelled . > Br . Moratta responded . He believed the Lodge would really prove an ornament to West Lancashire , and if the respected G . M . had been present that day he would
have been delighted with the proceedings—( cheers ) . The Chairman next proposed the healths of the P . G . Officers of West Lancashire , which was responded to by Br . Billinge , G . M . C ., who expressed the pleasure he felt at the proceedings of that day . The Lodge had been got up in a manner not to be excelled by any Lodge in the province , and he had no doubt it would prove an example to the whole province . The Chan-man next proposed the healths of the visiting brethren , which was responded to by Br . Hamer , P . G . S .