Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. ← Page 13 of 23 →
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Provincial Lodges.
use of the Town Hall , retarned thanks , and mentioned the readiness with which his request had been granted , as a proof that his Worship was well disposed towards Freemasonry— ( cheers ) . The health of Br . Moses , who had been 51 years a Mason , was drunk , and responded to by the aged veteran . " Br . Philpot , and thanks for his excellent entertainment , " acknowledged by Br . Philpot ; " The Ladies ; " and " To all poor distressed Masons throughout the world , " were amongst the other toasts drunk before the
conclusion of this interesting festival . The proceedings of the evening were enlivened by the excellent singing of Brs . Genge and Farquharson . It would be doing an injustice to our own feelings , as well as to the brethren , were we to omit the opportunity of expressing our acknowledgments—and we are sure we may add , of the other visitors—for the courtesy and attention displayed towards us and them , by Br . Chas . Isaacs , the P . G S ., and Br . Pou-ssett , the P . D . of ceremmies , than whom no Brother could be found better qualified for the office .
UNITED INDUSTRIOUS LODGE , CANTERBURY ( NO . 34 ) . —The brethren of this Lodge met together on Thursday , June 14 th , for the purpose of initiating five gentlemen into the order , and installing their Worshipful Master , Br . 11 . A . Clarke , manager of the London ancl County Bank . The ceremonies were most ably performed under the direction of Br . C . Isaacs , of Chatham , P . G . S ., to whom the province is very deeply indebted for the exertions he has made to extend a knowledge of the beautiful principles and ceremonies of the Order amongst the brethren . Among the gentlemen
initiated , who were all of the leading families , was Mr . Alderman Cooper . This Lodge , which has been in abeyance for many years , now bids fair to be the first Lodge in the Province , and musters nearly thirty members . After the ceremony , the brethren sat down to an elegant supper provided for the occasion . After the usual Masonic toasts , the health of the newly initiated brethren was proposed , and responded to by Brother Alderman Cooper , who stated he was much pleased in being admitted a member of this ancient and honourable society , and regretted he had not
become one many years before : he hoped , however , to prove a worthy member of the Craft . The health of Brother Isaacs was proposed by the W . M ., thanking him , in the name of the Lodce , for the many services he had rendered them ; as a proof of his desire to promote the interest of the Lodge , he had become a subscribing member for the purpose of assisting them . Br . Isaacs returned thanks , and assured them he felt great pleasure in assisting to carry out the principles of the Order . It was with great pleasure he saw the Lod making such and installing
ge progress , the Worshipful Master , Br . Clarke , whom he had known for many years . Among the visitors , was Br . Hartopp , of the 1 st Royal Dragoons , who had lately returned severely wounded , from the Crimea , having been in the charge of cavalry at Balaklava . He returned thanks on behalf of the army and navy . The Brethren did not separate until a late hour , highly pleased with the proceedings of the day .
LANCASHIRE , WEST . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . ( From the Special Reporter of the Masonic Mirror . ) The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , for the transaction of the usual business of the province , was held at the Adel phi Hotel , Liverpool , on Tuesday , June 10 th . The brethren assembled at ten o ' clock in the forenoon , and , shortly afterwards
, the Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form by Br . the Rev . Gilmore Robinson , R . W . D . P . G . M ., in the absence of the P . G . M . Le Gendre Nicholas Starkie , Esq ., of Huntroyd , who was prevented from attending by indisposition . After the usual business of the province had been gone through in the harmony and brotherly feeling which invariably characterises Freemason's Lodges , a Court of Governors of the W . L . Masonic Institutian for the education and advancement in life of children of distressed Masons was held . The funds of this truly benevolent charity have increased during the year , and the institution itself bids fair to be one of
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Provincial Lodges.
use of the Town Hall , retarned thanks , and mentioned the readiness with which his request had been granted , as a proof that his Worship was well disposed towards Freemasonry— ( cheers ) . The health of Br . Moses , who had been 51 years a Mason , was drunk , and responded to by the aged veteran . " Br . Philpot , and thanks for his excellent entertainment , " acknowledged by Br . Philpot ; " The Ladies ; " and " To all poor distressed Masons throughout the world , " were amongst the other toasts drunk before the
conclusion of this interesting festival . The proceedings of the evening were enlivened by the excellent singing of Brs . Genge and Farquharson . It would be doing an injustice to our own feelings , as well as to the brethren , were we to omit the opportunity of expressing our acknowledgments—and we are sure we may add , of the other visitors—for the courtesy and attention displayed towards us and them , by Br . Chas . Isaacs , the P . G S ., and Br . Pou-ssett , the P . D . of ceremmies , than whom no Brother could be found better qualified for the office .
UNITED INDUSTRIOUS LODGE , CANTERBURY ( NO . 34 ) . —The brethren of this Lodge met together on Thursday , June 14 th , for the purpose of initiating five gentlemen into the order , and installing their Worshipful Master , Br . 11 . A . Clarke , manager of the London ancl County Bank . The ceremonies were most ably performed under the direction of Br . C . Isaacs , of Chatham , P . G . S ., to whom the province is very deeply indebted for the exertions he has made to extend a knowledge of the beautiful principles and ceremonies of the Order amongst the brethren . Among the gentlemen
initiated , who were all of the leading families , was Mr . Alderman Cooper . This Lodge , which has been in abeyance for many years , now bids fair to be the first Lodge in the Province , and musters nearly thirty members . After the ceremony , the brethren sat down to an elegant supper provided for the occasion . After the usual Masonic toasts , the health of the newly initiated brethren was proposed , and responded to by Brother Alderman Cooper , who stated he was much pleased in being admitted a member of this ancient and honourable society , and regretted he had not
become one many years before : he hoped , however , to prove a worthy member of the Craft . The health of Brother Isaacs was proposed by the W . M ., thanking him , in the name of the Lodce , for the many services he had rendered them ; as a proof of his desire to promote the interest of the Lodge , he had become a subscribing member for the purpose of assisting them . Br . Isaacs returned thanks , and assured them he felt great pleasure in assisting to carry out the principles of the Order . It was with great pleasure he saw the Lod making such and installing
ge progress , the Worshipful Master , Br . Clarke , whom he had known for many years . Among the visitors , was Br . Hartopp , of the 1 st Royal Dragoons , who had lately returned severely wounded , from the Crimea , having been in the charge of cavalry at Balaklava . He returned thanks on behalf of the army and navy . The Brethren did not separate until a late hour , highly pleased with the proceedings of the day .
LANCASHIRE , WEST . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . ( From the Special Reporter of the Masonic Mirror . ) The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , for the transaction of the usual business of the province , was held at the Adel phi Hotel , Liverpool , on Tuesday , June 10 th . The brethren assembled at ten o ' clock in the forenoon , and , shortly afterwards
, the Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form by Br . the Rev . Gilmore Robinson , R . W . D . P . G . M ., in the absence of the P . G . M . Le Gendre Nicholas Starkie , Esq ., of Huntroyd , who was prevented from attending by indisposition . After the usual business of the province had been gone through in the harmony and brotherly feeling which invariably characterises Freemason's Lodges , a Court of Governors of the W . L . Masonic Institutian for the education and advancement in life of children of distressed Masons was held . The funds of this truly benevolent charity have increased during the year , and the institution itself bids fair to be one of