Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. ← Page 7 of 23 →
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Provincial Lodges.
nonest directors were useless without shareholders , and as he was sure the surrounding gentry would do all in their power for the lasting prosperity of the town , he had peculiar pleasure in proposing as the next toast , " The Shareholders . " Catch , "Would you know my Celia ' s charms . " T . W . Blagg , Esq ., responded to the toast . After some other toasts had been proposed , and duly honoured , The Chairman proposed " The Ladies , " and called upon Br . John Sedgwick , who
acquitted himself of the task in a truly Masonic manner . The Rev . Lee James proposed , " The workmen , " in a most feeling speech —( cheers . ) The Chairman now vacated his post of honour , and the London brethren returned to town , highly pleased with the ceremonies and festivities of the day , enhanced as they had been by the efficient exertions of the vocalists .
KENT . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . ( From the Special Reporter of the Masonic Mirror . ) A Provincial Grand Lodge was summoned to meet at Dover , on the 18 th inst ., fay the Provincial Grand Master , Br . I ' urton Cooper , Q . C . The meeting
was fixed to take place in the Town Hall , which was elegantly decorated for the occasion . The gothic form , aud geometric traceryof the windows , combined with the lofty roof and wide proportions of the hall , matched most harmoniously with the traditions and symbols of Freemasonry , to say nothing of the rich clothing and characteristic badges of the Worshipful Master and the brethren . It was a scene which might have suggested to the fanciful spectator a council of some of the religious orders of chivalry , habited in the robes of peace , but exhibiting the valour-won marks
of distinction conferred by kings and princes . The proceedings were commenced by the opening of the Dover Lodge of Peace and Harmony , ( No . 235 ) , the W . M ., Br . Gardiner , presiding . The M . W . P . G . M . was then introduced , and the G . Lodge duly opened . The P . G . M . assured the brethren that it gave him great pleasure to meet them in that noble hall . He trusted that the meeting of G . L . in Dover , would tend to the extension of the Craft in the province , in which he was happy to say it was highly flourishing ; and he trusted this might not be the last time ho should have the
honour of presiding over the brethren in that hall . The minutes of the last G . Lodge having been road and confirmed , Br . W . Saunders , of Lodge No . 20 , was unanimously elected Treasurer for the ensuing year . On the application of Br . Boys , P . P . G . S . W ., a dispensation was granted to the Chatham Lodge to enable it to initiate a youth of 19 , who is about to proceed to the East in the service of his country ; the P . G . M . observing that , as a general rule , he objected to such dispensations , but , as the young man might probably not otherwise
have the opportunity of being initiated for many years , if ever , he had great pleasure in acceding to the request on the present occasion . The W . M . next proceeded to appoint and invest the General Officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Br . F . L . Southgate W . M ., 91 ; S . G . Warden , Saul Isaacs , P . M ., 20 ; J . G . W . Rev . David Jones , G . Chap . ; William Saunders , P . M ., 20 ; G . Treas ., H . A . Clarke , W . M ., 34 ; G . Regis ., Chas . Isaacs , P . M ., 20 ; G . Sec , S . L . Townsend , P . M ., 184 ; S . G . Dean , Robert Pearson , P . M ., 741 ; J . G . D . M'Carthy Stephenson ,
P . M ., 216 ; G . S . of Wks ., J . Poussett , P . M ., 149 ; G . D . of Cers ., 0 . G . Phipps , P . M ., 149 ; G . Organst ., J . Green , P . M ., 376 ; G . Sword Bearer , Thos . Havdiman , P . M ., 184 ; G . Pursuivants , J . Marrable , G . Tylor . Stewards : —R . Duke , 235 ; Wm . Prescott , 235 ; T . Brivean , 709 ; Jos . Whithall , W . M , 184 ; H , Sawyer , 621 ; R . Watson , J . D ., 91 . The Brethren were then marshalled into procession to proceed to church in the following order : —
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Provincial Lodges.
nonest directors were useless without shareholders , and as he was sure the surrounding gentry would do all in their power for the lasting prosperity of the town , he had peculiar pleasure in proposing as the next toast , " The Shareholders . " Catch , "Would you know my Celia ' s charms . " T . W . Blagg , Esq ., responded to the toast . After some other toasts had been proposed , and duly honoured , The Chairman proposed " The Ladies , " and called upon Br . John Sedgwick , who
acquitted himself of the task in a truly Masonic manner . The Rev . Lee James proposed , " The workmen , " in a most feeling speech —( cheers . ) The Chairman now vacated his post of honour , and the London brethren returned to town , highly pleased with the ceremonies and festivities of the day , enhanced as they had been by the efficient exertions of the vocalists .
KENT . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . ( From the Special Reporter of the Masonic Mirror . ) A Provincial Grand Lodge was summoned to meet at Dover , on the 18 th inst ., fay the Provincial Grand Master , Br . I ' urton Cooper , Q . C . The meeting
was fixed to take place in the Town Hall , which was elegantly decorated for the occasion . The gothic form , aud geometric traceryof the windows , combined with the lofty roof and wide proportions of the hall , matched most harmoniously with the traditions and symbols of Freemasonry , to say nothing of the rich clothing and characteristic badges of the Worshipful Master and the brethren . It was a scene which might have suggested to the fanciful spectator a council of some of the religious orders of chivalry , habited in the robes of peace , but exhibiting the valour-won marks
of distinction conferred by kings and princes . The proceedings were commenced by the opening of the Dover Lodge of Peace and Harmony , ( No . 235 ) , the W . M ., Br . Gardiner , presiding . The M . W . P . G . M . was then introduced , and the G . Lodge duly opened . The P . G . M . assured the brethren that it gave him great pleasure to meet them in that noble hall . He trusted that the meeting of G . L . in Dover , would tend to the extension of the Craft in the province , in which he was happy to say it was highly flourishing ; and he trusted this might not be the last time ho should have the
honour of presiding over the brethren in that hall . The minutes of the last G . Lodge having been road and confirmed , Br . W . Saunders , of Lodge No . 20 , was unanimously elected Treasurer for the ensuing year . On the application of Br . Boys , P . P . G . S . W ., a dispensation was granted to the Chatham Lodge to enable it to initiate a youth of 19 , who is about to proceed to the East in the service of his country ; the P . G . M . observing that , as a general rule , he objected to such dispensations , but , as the young man might probably not otherwise
have the opportunity of being initiated for many years , if ever , he had great pleasure in acceding to the request on the present occasion . The W . M . next proceeded to appoint and invest the General Officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Br . F . L . Southgate W . M ., 91 ; S . G . Warden , Saul Isaacs , P . M ., 20 ; J . G . W . Rev . David Jones , G . Chap . ; William Saunders , P . M ., 20 ; G . Treas ., H . A . Clarke , W . M ., 34 ; G . Regis ., Chas . Isaacs , P . M ., 20 ; G . Sec , S . L . Townsend , P . M ., 184 ; S . G . Dean , Robert Pearson , P . M ., 741 ; J . G . D . M'Carthy Stephenson ,
P . M ., 216 ; G . S . of Wks ., J . Poussett , P . M ., 149 ; G . D . of Cers ., 0 . G . Phipps , P . M ., 149 ; G . Organst ., J . Green , P . M ., 376 ; G . Sword Bearer , Thos . Havdiman , P . M ., 184 ; G . Pursuivants , J . Marrable , G . Tylor . Stewards : —R . Duke , 235 ; Wm . Prescott , 235 ; T . Brivean , 709 ; Jos . Whithall , W . M , 184 ; H , Sawyer , 621 ; R . Watson , J . D ., 91 . The Brethren were then marshalled into procession to proceed to church in the following order : —