Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. ← Page 3 of 23 →
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Provincial Lodges.
Provincial Grand Sword Bearer . The Rt . W . Prov . Grand Master , Br . Wm . Stuart . Prov . Grand Stewards , and Stewards of the day , & c , & c . On arriving at the Church , the brethren were told off into pairs on the left side of the Church , which were specially for the use of the Grand Lodge , and were each supplied with a printed copy of the Anthems to be sung on the occasion . Among the company present at the Churchwe noticed the new Vicarwho has
, , lately succeeded to the parish ( on the demise of the late Hon . and Rev . Wm . Capel ) , Br . White , Grand Seeretary of England ; Wm . Stuart , Esq ., P . G . M . Herts ; his son , Br . Capt . Stuart , M . P ., S . G . W . of England ; C . W . Moore , Esq . ; T . Rogers , Esq ., Mr . Alderman Copeland , Br . Bywater , P . M ., No . 19 ; Br . Dr . Kent , the highly respected P . G . M . for South Australia ; Br . Wm . Pullen , D . P . G . M . for Hants ; — Francis , Esq . ; Br . Burchill Heme , P . G . D ., Herts ; Br John Mott Thearle P . G . S . B . for Herts ; Br- A . L . BellingerW . M . No . 82 Br . Dr . Prithof
Cal-, , ; , cutta ; Br . Byranson , No . 19 ; Br . Francis Lambert , P . M ., No . 234 , whom we gladly hail again with the distinguishing badge of a Mason ; Br . Barfield , Brs ., Tootal , Edgemore , and Johnston , from the Lodge at King's Langley , & c ., & c . Here we may perhaps be permitted to state the extreme gratification we felt at seeing the Sacred Edifice filled by so many of the ladies and gentlemen of the
county , and the inhabitants of the town , and at the same time we deeply regret the confusion which took place at the entrance of the Church , by some noisy spectators anxious to be present , and the doors were obliged to be forcibly closed by the police constables in attendance , to whom too much praise cannot be offered for their assistance and great forbearance . Order having been restored , the doors of the Church were thrown wide open , and the more respectable portion gladly availed themselves of this opportunity to hear the impressive service . Evening prayers were admirably
read by his Reverence , the Curate of Watford , and an excellent sermon was preached by the R . W . the Prov . Grand Chaplain for Surrey , Br . Owen . The Rev . gentleman , who is an excellent orator , and preached extemporaneously , took his text from the 124 th Psalm , verses 1 , 2 , and 3 , Bible version . The discourse was admirable , and was listened to with the greatest attention . The Anthems , " Comfort ye my people , " Handel—and " Surely I will build Him an house , "—Boyce—were beautifully sung bBrs . DonaldKingand LawlerMr . Montem Smithand Mr . Dawson . Service
y , , , , being over , the public left the Church , and the procession reformed and proceeded , despite a pelting shower , through the . town to the area in which the stone was placed . The Masonic Body were accommodated on a platform , and a temporary gallery was erected for the use of the ladies , gentry and others , who were provided with tickets .
The rain now descended in torrents , and detracted much from the ceremony . The Architect , Mr . Murray , whose design was chosen out of 23 which were sent in to the Building Committee , presented the working drawings and plan to the Rt . W . Provincial Grand Master , who inspected them , and complimented Mr . Murray on his success . The Contractor then presented the silver trowel , and the foreman of the works held a handsome silver dish , on which the cement was ready guaged . The Provincial Grand Master , in a most workmanlike and Masonic style , which showed that he was no novice
at his duty , proceeded to cement the edges of the stone . The Prov . Grand Director of Ceremonies , then read by the P . G . M's . desire , a parchment scroll , which was then put into the bottle together with the various coins of the realm , a programme of the proceedings of the day , and a copy of the anthems sung in the Church ; the bottle was then hermetically sealed , deposited in the cavity of the stone , imbedded in pitch , and the upper part of the stone placed upon it . The mass was then deposited in the foundation of the building in its proper placethe Prov . Grand Wardens tested its
, accuracy with the Level , Plumb and Square , and the Prov . Grand Master struck it with bis gavel secundum artem Latomorum , declaring that it was properly laid . Corn oil and wine were then scattered on the stone , and the Prov . Grand Chaplain , the R . W . Br . Owen , pronounced a most impressive short address . All the proceedings were admirably carried out and witnessed by numerous spectators who thronged the unfinished sides of the buildings adjacent , and every available vacant space where a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Lodges.
Provincial Grand Sword Bearer . The Rt . W . Prov . Grand Master , Br . Wm . Stuart . Prov . Grand Stewards , and Stewards of the day , & c , & c . On arriving at the Church , the brethren were told off into pairs on the left side of the Church , which were specially for the use of the Grand Lodge , and were each supplied with a printed copy of the Anthems to be sung on the occasion . Among the company present at the Churchwe noticed the new Vicarwho has
, , lately succeeded to the parish ( on the demise of the late Hon . and Rev . Wm . Capel ) , Br . White , Grand Seeretary of England ; Wm . Stuart , Esq ., P . G . M . Herts ; his son , Br . Capt . Stuart , M . P ., S . G . W . of England ; C . W . Moore , Esq . ; T . Rogers , Esq ., Mr . Alderman Copeland , Br . Bywater , P . M ., No . 19 ; Br . Dr . Kent , the highly respected P . G . M . for South Australia ; Br . Wm . Pullen , D . P . G . M . for Hants ; — Francis , Esq . ; Br . Burchill Heme , P . G . D ., Herts ; Br John Mott Thearle P . G . S . B . for Herts ; Br- A . L . BellingerW . M . No . 82 Br . Dr . Prithof
Cal-, , ; , cutta ; Br . Byranson , No . 19 ; Br . Francis Lambert , P . M ., No . 234 , whom we gladly hail again with the distinguishing badge of a Mason ; Br . Barfield , Brs ., Tootal , Edgemore , and Johnston , from the Lodge at King's Langley , & c ., & c . Here we may perhaps be permitted to state the extreme gratification we felt at seeing the Sacred Edifice filled by so many of the ladies and gentlemen of the
county , and the inhabitants of the town , and at the same time we deeply regret the confusion which took place at the entrance of the Church , by some noisy spectators anxious to be present , and the doors were obliged to be forcibly closed by the police constables in attendance , to whom too much praise cannot be offered for their assistance and great forbearance . Order having been restored , the doors of the Church were thrown wide open , and the more respectable portion gladly availed themselves of this opportunity to hear the impressive service . Evening prayers were admirably
read by his Reverence , the Curate of Watford , and an excellent sermon was preached by the R . W . the Prov . Grand Chaplain for Surrey , Br . Owen . The Rev . gentleman , who is an excellent orator , and preached extemporaneously , took his text from the 124 th Psalm , verses 1 , 2 , and 3 , Bible version . The discourse was admirable , and was listened to with the greatest attention . The Anthems , " Comfort ye my people , " Handel—and " Surely I will build Him an house , "—Boyce—were beautifully sung bBrs . DonaldKingand LawlerMr . Montem Smithand Mr . Dawson . Service
y , , , , being over , the public left the Church , and the procession reformed and proceeded , despite a pelting shower , through the . town to the area in which the stone was placed . The Masonic Body were accommodated on a platform , and a temporary gallery was erected for the use of the ladies , gentry and others , who were provided with tickets .
The rain now descended in torrents , and detracted much from the ceremony . The Architect , Mr . Murray , whose design was chosen out of 23 which were sent in to the Building Committee , presented the working drawings and plan to the Rt . W . Provincial Grand Master , who inspected them , and complimented Mr . Murray on his success . The Contractor then presented the silver trowel , and the foreman of the works held a handsome silver dish , on which the cement was ready guaged . The Provincial Grand Master , in a most workmanlike and Masonic style , which showed that he was no novice
at his duty , proceeded to cement the edges of the stone . The Prov . Grand Director of Ceremonies , then read by the P . G . M's . desire , a parchment scroll , which was then put into the bottle together with the various coins of the realm , a programme of the proceedings of the day , and a copy of the anthems sung in the Church ; the bottle was then hermetically sealed , deposited in the cavity of the stone , imbedded in pitch , and the upper part of the stone placed upon it . The mass was then deposited in the foundation of the building in its proper placethe Prov . Grand Wardens tested its
, accuracy with the Level , Plumb and Square , and the Prov . Grand Master struck it with bis gavel secundum artem Latomorum , declaring that it was properly laid . Corn oil and wine were then scattered on the stone , and the Prov . Grand Chaplain , the R . W . Br . Owen , pronounced a most impressive short address . All the proceedings were admirably carried out and witnessed by numerous spectators who thronged the unfinished sides of the buildings adjacent , and every available vacant space where a