Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 3 of 6 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
ROYAL FREEMASONS' GIRLS' SCHOOL . . At the request of some country brethren , we print the balance-sheet of this Institution for the past year , in order that it may gain more general currency amongst the Craft than it is otherwise likely to do : —
Dr . 1854 . £ e . d . £ s . & To Traduce ol Children ' s Work 30 14 0 Donation per United Grant ! Lodge of England 350 0 0 United Grand lodge
Subscriptions ...... 150 0 0 Amount of Donations and Subscriptions , as per List 1180 13 6 Kit , i o per Provincial GrandJLoctges .. 15 15 0 Ditto Lodges as per List 280 1 0 Ditto Lodges of
Instruction ...... 11 11 0 Supreme Grand Chapter £ l 0 10 0 Chapters as per List-.... 8 8 0 : 18 18 0 Encampments .... 3 3 0 329 14 0
Six Months' Dividend on Stock 3 per cent . Consolidate /) inanities , due Jan . £ 4200 63 0 0 Ditto on Stock 3 per cent . Reduced Annuities , dueApril . £ 4000 60 0 0 Ditto ditto 3 per cent . Consols , due July ,
£ ' 4200 63 0 0 Ditto ditto 3 per cent . Reduced , due October , £ 4000 60 0 0 248 fl 0
Audited and found CorrectTuesday 3 rd
£ -2267 1 6
Or . 1854 £ t . d . £ s . d . ByBalancepaidTreasurer 89 12 8 Provisions for Matron , Assistants , Servants , and Children ...... 755 12 0 Rates , taxes , and insurance 54 3 8
Furniture , Matting , & e . 9 15 4 Linen , Clothing , & e .... 213 12 4 Coals , Coke , Firewood , Oil , Soap , and Candles 158 8 0 House Utensils , Oilmen , Turnery , & e ... 34 10 11 Sundry Repairs ...... ol 5 3 Books Stationery
, , Printing , Postage , Porterage , Advertisements , including Secretarial Disbursements ... 99 11 0 Presentation Medals , for two years 2 10 0 Omnibuses for conveying Children to and
from the Festival .. 5 i 0 Medicines and Expenses 19 1 0 Com . to Collector 60 11 3 Garden Charges 29 2 10 "Writing on Vellum Three
Testimonialsone for presentation to the Chairman ,- one to the Deputy-Chairman ,, and one to the Members of the Building Committee of the School , & e . .. 19 19 0 Gratuity to Brother Crew , for additional
Services andExpenses during the Erection of the New Buildingl 26 0 0 Salaries and Wages to Secretat }' , Matron , Schoolmistress , & c ... 330 9 6 Board-room Clock , WindingTurret Clock One Year , and
Repairing Dial 5 2 6 19 ( 4 29 4 Piper , Messrs ., balance of their Account for Building , & c 135 17 11 Funeral Expenses of the late Mrs . Crook , who was upwards of Fifty-four Years
Matron of the Institution , Mourpingfor the Household , Children , and Servants , & c . .. 74 11 10 Balance in Banker ' s bands H 19 9
£ 2287 1 6
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Intelligence.
ROYAL FREEMASONS' GIRLS' SCHOOL . . At the request of some country brethren , we print the balance-sheet of this Institution for the past year , in order that it may gain more general currency amongst the Craft than it is otherwise likely to do : —
Dr . 1854 . £ e . d . £ s . & To Traduce ol Children ' s Work 30 14 0 Donation per United Grant ! Lodge of England 350 0 0 United Grand lodge
Subscriptions ...... 150 0 0 Amount of Donations and Subscriptions , as per List 1180 13 6 Kit , i o per Provincial GrandJLoctges .. 15 15 0 Ditto Lodges as per List 280 1 0 Ditto Lodges of
Instruction ...... 11 11 0 Supreme Grand Chapter £ l 0 10 0 Chapters as per List-.... 8 8 0 : 18 18 0 Encampments .... 3 3 0 329 14 0
Six Months' Dividend on Stock 3 per cent . Consolidate /) inanities , due Jan . £ 4200 63 0 0 Ditto on Stock 3 per cent . Reduced Annuities , dueApril . £ 4000 60 0 0 Ditto ditto 3 per cent . Consols , due July ,
£ ' 4200 63 0 0 Ditto ditto 3 per cent . Reduced , due October , £ 4000 60 0 0 248 fl 0
Audited and found CorrectTuesday 3 rd
£ -2267 1 6
Or . 1854 £ t . d . £ s . d . ByBalancepaidTreasurer 89 12 8 Provisions for Matron , Assistants , Servants , and Children ...... 755 12 0 Rates , taxes , and insurance 54 3 8
Furniture , Matting , & e . 9 15 4 Linen , Clothing , & e .... 213 12 4 Coals , Coke , Firewood , Oil , Soap , and Candles 158 8 0 House Utensils , Oilmen , Turnery , & e ... 34 10 11 Sundry Repairs ...... ol 5 3 Books Stationery
, , Printing , Postage , Porterage , Advertisements , including Secretarial Disbursements ... 99 11 0 Presentation Medals , for two years 2 10 0 Omnibuses for conveying Children to and
from the Festival .. 5 i 0 Medicines and Expenses 19 1 0 Com . to Collector 60 11 3 Garden Charges 29 2 10 "Writing on Vellum Three
Testimonialsone for presentation to the Chairman ,- one to the Deputy-Chairman ,, and one to the Members of the Building Committee of the School , & e . .. 19 19 0 Gratuity to Brother Crew , for additional
Services andExpenses during the Erection of the New Buildingl 26 0 0 Salaries and Wages to Secretat }' , Matron , Schoolmistress , & c ... 330 9 6 Board-room Clock , WindingTurret Clock One Year , and
Repairing Dial 5 2 6 19 ( 4 29 4 Piper , Messrs ., balance of their Account for Building , & c 135 17 11 Funeral Expenses of the late Mrs . Crook , who was upwards of Fifty-four Years
Matron of the Institution , Mourpingfor the Household , Children , and Servants , & c . .. 74 11 10 Balance in Banker ' s bands H 19 9
£ 2287 1 6