Article BROTHERLY LOVE. ← Page 7 of 9 →
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Brotherly Love.
most refined in the land ? But such is the case . I have heard in a lucid moment my common designation here , aud yet the Maniac of the Mount is one of the noblest and wealthiest peers of Erance . "I was not once so . I was poor , parentless , and had to Work at an humble trade for my living , at an early age , in Paris . My toil was illremunerated , I was surrounded by squalor , and hunger frequently visited
my sordid dwelling . ' Life had one solace , that of a friend . He was in better circumstances , and was intended for a minister of the Lutheran church . We early formed acquaintance . I was a catholic , but he had no sectarian prejudices and knew no distinctions in his benevolence . He would say that all Christian creeds were like rays flashing from the diamond , that all taught precepts of morality , and all inculcated Brotherly
Love . " We grew into manhood together , and I loved him as my life . I looked up to him as a superior being , but he was all humility . He entered on his ministry , and I continued at my trade , till our intercourse was interrupted . AVhat pure and happy moments we spent together , wandering by the banks of the Seine . But our friendship was destined to terminate . At
our then period of life , it ivas natural that we should fall in love . Men when they advance in years deride the passion , but love is a necessity of youth . We loved , but , unfortunately , it was the same young maiden . I thought she preferred my friend , but I strove to banish , the idea , for it drove me almost to frenzy . Every look directed to your father , every word she addressed to him drove me to distraction , and I took deadly hatred towards him .
" Circumstance soon made me a successful rival , for I became possessed of a title and an estate through the death of an uncle . who was childless , but who was eccentric , and would never contribute to the support of my parents , or myself , though he knew my father or I must succeed him . I now resolved to gratify my resentment against my former friend , and to obtain possession of the girl whom I still loved , notwithstanding her
preference of another . I pleaded my passion , and pointed out the advantages in a worldly point from being the wife of a man of wealth . She declined my offer , hut I was not deterred , and applied to her parents . They were limited in means , and persuaded her into a compliancs with my wishes . " I felt an indescribable transport , I thought of the triumph I had
acheived , and I pictured the torture I had inflicted on my rival . But I little thought with what strength religion arms its possessor , for he appeared tranquil and resigned , and when we met he saluted me with the deference due to my position , but without any indication of resentment . I saw , however , that his cheek was thinner and paler than usual , and I knew that he must be suffering in mind .
' 'I could not complain of my wife . She was brought up in a school of piety and obedience , and no murmur , no word , no look of regret ever escaped her , and at the same time she endeavoured to render me as happy as possible . There was only one circumstance in her conduct that occasioned me pain . She refused to comply with my wishes to become a member of
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Brotherly Love.
most refined in the land ? But such is the case . I have heard in a lucid moment my common designation here , aud yet the Maniac of the Mount is one of the noblest and wealthiest peers of Erance . "I was not once so . I was poor , parentless , and had to Work at an humble trade for my living , at an early age , in Paris . My toil was illremunerated , I was surrounded by squalor , and hunger frequently visited
my sordid dwelling . ' Life had one solace , that of a friend . He was in better circumstances , and was intended for a minister of the Lutheran church . We early formed acquaintance . I was a catholic , but he had no sectarian prejudices and knew no distinctions in his benevolence . He would say that all Christian creeds were like rays flashing from the diamond , that all taught precepts of morality , and all inculcated Brotherly
Love . " We grew into manhood together , and I loved him as my life . I looked up to him as a superior being , but he was all humility . He entered on his ministry , and I continued at my trade , till our intercourse was interrupted . AVhat pure and happy moments we spent together , wandering by the banks of the Seine . But our friendship was destined to terminate . At
our then period of life , it ivas natural that we should fall in love . Men when they advance in years deride the passion , but love is a necessity of youth . We loved , but , unfortunately , it was the same young maiden . I thought she preferred my friend , but I strove to banish , the idea , for it drove me almost to frenzy . Every look directed to your father , every word she addressed to him drove me to distraction , and I took deadly hatred towards him .
" Circumstance soon made me a successful rival , for I became possessed of a title and an estate through the death of an uncle . who was childless , but who was eccentric , and would never contribute to the support of my parents , or myself , though he knew my father or I must succeed him . I now resolved to gratify my resentment against my former friend , and to obtain possession of the girl whom I still loved , notwithstanding her
preference of another . I pleaded my passion , and pointed out the advantages in a worldly point from being the wife of a man of wealth . She declined my offer , hut I was not deterred , and applied to her parents . They were limited in means , and persuaded her into a compliancs with my wishes . " I felt an indescribable transport , I thought of the triumph I had
acheived , and I pictured the torture I had inflicted on my rival . But I little thought with what strength religion arms its possessor , for he appeared tranquil and resigned , and when we met he saluted me with the deference due to my position , but without any indication of resentment . I saw , however , that his cheek was thinner and paler than usual , and I knew that he must be suffering in mind .
' 'I could not complain of my wife . She was brought up in a school of piety and obedience , and no murmur , no word , no look of regret ever escaped her , and at the same time she endeavoured to render me as happy as possible . There was only one circumstance in her conduct that occasioned me pain . She refused to comply with my wishes to become a member of