Article BROTHERLY LOVE. ← Page 5 of 9 →
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Brotherly Love.
And she to whom he had sworn fidelity , and whom his fancy had etherealised , how vividly her image rose up before him on the morning when they separated , only to meet again on terms of indifference and to laugh over the days of their romance . How many generous sentiments he had once felt , which had been extinguished by sensual indulgence ; and how gradually a callousness to
all that did not conduce to his own gratification crept over his nature . And his early sentiments of purity , where were they ? All vanished ; and in their place a hollow scepticism and a materialist theory . Tha circumstances connected with the death strife in which he was about to
be engaged , next intruded on his mind . The man who would seek his life in a few hours , had once been his most intimate friend , and dining absence had entrusted his only sister to his care , as to that of a brother , and how had he discharged that sacred trust . Finally his thoughts turned to Ids wife , whom he had wooed in a moment of caprice , when sickened with what are called the follies of the fashionable world . Did he
fulfil the vow he had made to love and cherish her ?—Had he not frozen her once fervid heart by his indifference and neglect ? The thoughts of Lefebre were too painful to be endured , and he sought relief in the wine before him . He drank glass after glass , until his senses were stupified , and he sank into a deep sleep . As day was breaking , Simon rose and knocked at Lefebre ' s door .
He found him already dressed , and rather pale and nervous from Ms solitary debauch the preceding evening . But Lefebre soon recovered himself , and suppressed any indication that could induce a supposition that he shrunk from the result of the recontre . He was a man of courage and of pride , and resolved that his last act should be in conformity with his reputation . He told Simon that he would follow him to the ground , and
when the latter left the house , stole softly to the bedchamber of his wife . She was asleep and he thought she never looked so lovely . Something like a tear gathered in his eye , but he repressed it , and bending clown he pressed his lips to her , and retired .
Simon had reached the ground . It was a lovely morning , with all the attributes of beauty of reviving and blossoming flowers , fragrance and stray notes of melody from the boughs , with a purple shade resting on almost every object visible . What a contrast the aspect of that still life to the sanguinary scene that was about to be enacted . He was soon joined by Lefebre , and after a short time the other parties
made their appearance . The seconds having arranged the preliminaries , the combatants were placed sword in hand , and face to lace . Both were powerful in body , and expert swordsmen , but a contest of some minutes terminated in Lefebre ' s receiving the sword of his opponent in his side . He fell with a groan , and Simon supported his
head . The dying man gave him one look of gratitude , it was his last , for he rolled from his grasp a corpse . Thus perished a man who might , under other circumstances , have been an ornament to society and a benefit to his fellow beings .
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Brotherly Love.
And she to whom he had sworn fidelity , and whom his fancy had etherealised , how vividly her image rose up before him on the morning when they separated , only to meet again on terms of indifference and to laugh over the days of their romance . How many generous sentiments he had once felt , which had been extinguished by sensual indulgence ; and how gradually a callousness to
all that did not conduce to his own gratification crept over his nature . And his early sentiments of purity , where were they ? All vanished ; and in their place a hollow scepticism and a materialist theory . Tha circumstances connected with the death strife in which he was about to
be engaged , next intruded on his mind . The man who would seek his life in a few hours , had once been his most intimate friend , and dining absence had entrusted his only sister to his care , as to that of a brother , and how had he discharged that sacred trust . Finally his thoughts turned to Ids wife , whom he had wooed in a moment of caprice , when sickened with what are called the follies of the fashionable world . Did he
fulfil the vow he had made to love and cherish her ?—Had he not frozen her once fervid heart by his indifference and neglect ? The thoughts of Lefebre were too painful to be endured , and he sought relief in the wine before him . He drank glass after glass , until his senses were stupified , and he sank into a deep sleep . As day was breaking , Simon rose and knocked at Lefebre ' s door .
He found him already dressed , and rather pale and nervous from Ms solitary debauch the preceding evening . But Lefebre soon recovered himself , and suppressed any indication that could induce a supposition that he shrunk from the result of the recontre . He was a man of courage and of pride , and resolved that his last act should be in conformity with his reputation . He told Simon that he would follow him to the ground , and
when the latter left the house , stole softly to the bedchamber of his wife . She was asleep and he thought she never looked so lovely . Something like a tear gathered in his eye , but he repressed it , and bending clown he pressed his lips to her , and retired .
Simon had reached the ground . It was a lovely morning , with all the attributes of beauty of reviving and blossoming flowers , fragrance and stray notes of melody from the boughs , with a purple shade resting on almost every object visible . What a contrast the aspect of that still life to the sanguinary scene that was about to be enacted . He was soon joined by Lefebre , and after a short time the other parties
made their appearance . The seconds having arranged the preliminaries , the combatants were placed sword in hand , and face to lace . Both were powerful in body , and expert swordsmen , but a contest of some minutes terminated in Lefebre ' s receiving the sword of his opponent in his side . He fell with a groan , and Simon supported his
head . The dying man gave him one look of gratitude , it was his last , for he rolled from his grasp a corpse . Thus perished a man who might , under other circumstances , have been an ornament to society and a benefit to his fellow beings .