Article MASONIC REMINISCENCES. ← Page 5 of 5
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Masonic Reminiscences.
up for them at the farthest end ol the house , so that I can not hear them , for I feel quite sure the sound of half a dozen Greek or Latin words would inevitably bring on a fit of the gout , the very recollection of College even at this distance of time , and after so many intervening years produces the most disagreeable sensations . " The Colonel smiled , and said , " les , I remember your collegiate course
was not very brilliant ; I don't thinkyou were often taken in for honours . " " Taken in , they did nothing but take vie in the whole time I was there , I had the honour to get credit for every villainy committed in Botany Bay ( one of the squares of T . C . D . ) and out of it too , I think , while I had the misery to be immured there . If any spiteful rascal happened to blow some ill odoured compound through" his tutor ' s key hole , and caused that
unlucky person to rush from his bed half suffocated in a state of primitive nudity into the open air , shouting ' fire ! ' and whilst he discovered the practical joke on hearing from several quarters , ' all hands to the pumps , there ' s a fellow on fire , ' it was sure to be put down to Phil Simpson , of Botany Bay .
" If a set of scamps in a drunken spree sacrificed the lamps at tlie shrine of the muses ( certain offices from their number bore this classic name ) no body was suspected but Phil Simpson . "It could scarcely be more uncomfortable to have been chained by the legs in its synonyme at the antipodes than suffer all I endured in that horrible square ; and , if my poor dear father had not fortunately for me taken it into his merciful
consideration to die about that period and enabled me to cut it , I feel quite certain I should myself have died , or at least have gone stark staring mad . " " Well , 1 hope my nephew will be more fortunate , though it looks like a forlorn hope . I shall , however , do all I can , and shall myself go up to town and consult my old friend Dr . II—e about a competent tutor . " The -Colonel proceeded forthwith on his missionand having secured
, the services of a gentleman of first rate qualifications , and having duly installed him at Simpson Hall , with the strictest injunctions not to mind what any body said , but to cram Phil as they do geese at Michaelmas , took his departure to the great relief of the family , promising- to return for Phil when his tutor should report him ready for entrance .
( To be continued . )
BR . MEYERBEER , the eminent composer , is now in . town , being about to superintend the production of his last great work , L'Moile du Nord , at the Royal Italian Opera . Br . Meyerbeer is not only a Craft and Arch Mason , but has taken various degrees , not generally acknowledged in this country , up to No . 30 , and we are informed is one of the most enthusiastic followers , and admirers of the beautiful principles upon which our Order is founded .
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Masonic Reminiscences.
up for them at the farthest end ol the house , so that I can not hear them , for I feel quite sure the sound of half a dozen Greek or Latin words would inevitably bring on a fit of the gout , the very recollection of College even at this distance of time , and after so many intervening years produces the most disagreeable sensations . " The Colonel smiled , and said , " les , I remember your collegiate course
was not very brilliant ; I don't thinkyou were often taken in for honours . " " Taken in , they did nothing but take vie in the whole time I was there , I had the honour to get credit for every villainy committed in Botany Bay ( one of the squares of T . C . D . ) and out of it too , I think , while I had the misery to be immured there . If any spiteful rascal happened to blow some ill odoured compound through" his tutor ' s key hole , and caused that
unlucky person to rush from his bed half suffocated in a state of primitive nudity into the open air , shouting ' fire ! ' and whilst he discovered the practical joke on hearing from several quarters , ' all hands to the pumps , there ' s a fellow on fire , ' it was sure to be put down to Phil Simpson , of Botany Bay .
" If a set of scamps in a drunken spree sacrificed the lamps at tlie shrine of the muses ( certain offices from their number bore this classic name ) no body was suspected but Phil Simpson . "It could scarcely be more uncomfortable to have been chained by the legs in its synonyme at the antipodes than suffer all I endured in that horrible square ; and , if my poor dear father had not fortunately for me taken it into his merciful
consideration to die about that period and enabled me to cut it , I feel quite certain I should myself have died , or at least have gone stark staring mad . " " Well , 1 hope my nephew will be more fortunate , though it looks like a forlorn hope . I shall , however , do all I can , and shall myself go up to town and consult my old friend Dr . II—e about a competent tutor . " The -Colonel proceeded forthwith on his missionand having secured
, the services of a gentleman of first rate qualifications , and having duly installed him at Simpson Hall , with the strictest injunctions not to mind what any body said , but to cram Phil as they do geese at Michaelmas , took his departure to the great relief of the family , promising- to return for Phil when his tutor should report him ready for entrance .
( To be continued . )
BR . MEYERBEER , the eminent composer , is now in . town , being about to superintend the production of his last great work , L'Moile du Nord , at the Royal Italian Opera . Br . Meyerbeer is not only a Craft and Arch Mason , but has taken various degrees , not generally acknowledged in this country , up to No . 30 , and we are informed is one of the most enthusiastic followers , and admirers of the beautiful principles upon which our Order is founded .