Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 14 of 16 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
INSTRUCTION . ALBION LODGE ( NO . 9 ) . —This Lodge of Instruction had its Annual Supper at Br . Testar ' s , Union Tavern , Marylebone Street , on Thursday evening , March 29 , Br . Rackstraw , P . M ., 9 , W . M . ; and Br . Watson , P . M .. 25 , S . W . Forty-one brethren were present , and a most delightful and harmonious evening was spent . After the
usual Masonic toasts were given , prosperity to our various Lodges was responded to by different brethren . The evening was farther enlivened by the excellent singing of Br . s . Cogan , Bennett , Tyrrell , and the particularly quaint harmony of Br . Goring ; the banquet was most ably carried out by Br . Testar , and the brethren separated long before chanticleer was awakened . This Lodge of Instruction , with the very small fee for each attendance , contributed during the « eason £ 3 each to the old mens' and widows' annuities ; also 21 s . to the boys' and girls' schools .
KENT LODGE ( N O . 15 ) . —The members of this excellent working Lodge of Instruction held their usual weekly meeting on Friday , the 13 th ult ., at the Halfway House , Webber Street , Blackfriars . After the usual business of the Lodge , which is at all times admirably conducted , and reflects the highest credit upon the members generally , for the very efficient manner in which the ceremonies and lectures are given , the following sums were voted from the Funds to the undermentioned Masonic Charities -. —to the Annuity Fund , £ 2 2 s . ; to the Widows
Fund , £ l Is . ; to the Boys School , _ £ l Is . ; to the Girls School , £ 1 Is . ; to the Building Fund for the Almshouses at Croydon , £ l Is . ; to the Building Fund for the Boys School , £ l Is . ; Total £ 1 7 s . STRONG MAN LODGE ( No . 53 ) . —The brethren of this Lodge of Instruction celebrated their annual festival on Monday evening , the 2 nd ult ., at Br . Morbey ' s , Sun Tavern , Long Acre , on which occasion Br . Wm . Carpenter , P . M ., of the Domatic LodgeNo . 206 most ably fulfilled the duties of chairman , supported by Br . John
, , Webber , W . M .- of the Phoenix Lodge , No . 202 , who , with equal ability , acted as vice-chairman . The evening was most pleasantly spent , the only subject of regret being , that when the toast of the parent Lodge was proposed , there was no one to reply to it but the Tyler , Br . Bradley , a worthy Mason , esteemed and respected by all who know him , but scarcely the proper representative of the Mother Lodge on such
an occasion . DOMATIC LODGE ( NO . 206 ) - —This Lodge of Instruction has just been re-established in a district where one was much wanted , Walworth . The first meeting for the season was held on Wednesday , April 4 , at the Queen Elizaheth , King ' s-rpw , Camberwell-gate . Br . T . A . Adams , W . M ., 206 , and P . M ., 196 , presided on the occasion , and was efficiently supported by Brs . T . Thomas , P . M ., 745 , as P . M . ; Dr . Farmer , 745 , as S . W . ; Josh . Warren , S . W ., 745 , as J . W . ; Hill , P . M ., 212 , S . D . ;
Oddey , 206 , J . D . ; Garrod , 206 , I . G . ; Ireland , W . M ., 805 , Sec . The ceremony of initiation , ancl the seven sections of the first lecture were ably worked , at the conclusion of which the brethren separated , evidently pleased with the success of the evening's labours . This Lodge of Instruction will meet every succeeding Wednesdayevening , at eight o ' clock , and we can conscientiously recommend every brother who seeks to make a progress in Masonic science , to attend as often as possible . The accommodation is ample , the room spacious and comfortable , and the whole of the
arrangements being under the superintendence of Br . Ireland , the respected host of the Masonic Hall , in Fetter-lane ; nothing more need be said in its recommendation . PERCY LODGE ( NO- 234 ) . —This Lodge will to-morrow , present a handsome testimonial to Br . Bywater , in acknowledgment of his valuable services . STABILITY LODGE OF I NSTRUCTION ( No . 264 ) . —On the evening of the 27 th ult ., the anniversary festival of this excellent Lodge of Instruction was hold at Radley ' s Hotel , New Bridge Street , and was attended by about 150 of the brethren , among whom Br . Havers , P . G . D . ; Br . Potter , P . G . D . ; Br . John Hei-vev , P . G . D . ; Br . Evans , P . G . S . B . ; Br . Masson , P . G . S . B . ; Br . Patten , P . G . S . B . ; Br . Biggs , P . G . S . B . ; Br . Massey Dawson , Br . John Dennison , Br . Donald King , Sec . Br . Muggeridge
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Masonic Intelligence.
INSTRUCTION . ALBION LODGE ( NO . 9 ) . —This Lodge of Instruction had its Annual Supper at Br . Testar ' s , Union Tavern , Marylebone Street , on Thursday evening , March 29 , Br . Rackstraw , P . M ., 9 , W . M . ; and Br . Watson , P . M .. 25 , S . W . Forty-one brethren were present , and a most delightful and harmonious evening was spent . After the
usual Masonic toasts were given , prosperity to our various Lodges was responded to by different brethren . The evening was farther enlivened by the excellent singing of Br . s . Cogan , Bennett , Tyrrell , and the particularly quaint harmony of Br . Goring ; the banquet was most ably carried out by Br . Testar , and the brethren separated long before chanticleer was awakened . This Lodge of Instruction , with the very small fee for each attendance , contributed during the « eason £ 3 each to the old mens' and widows' annuities ; also 21 s . to the boys' and girls' schools .
KENT LODGE ( N O . 15 ) . —The members of this excellent working Lodge of Instruction held their usual weekly meeting on Friday , the 13 th ult ., at the Halfway House , Webber Street , Blackfriars . After the usual business of the Lodge , which is at all times admirably conducted , and reflects the highest credit upon the members generally , for the very efficient manner in which the ceremonies and lectures are given , the following sums were voted from the Funds to the undermentioned Masonic Charities -. —to the Annuity Fund , £ 2 2 s . ; to the Widows
Fund , £ l Is . ; to the Boys School , _ £ l Is . ; to the Girls School , £ 1 Is . ; to the Building Fund for the Almshouses at Croydon , £ l Is . ; to the Building Fund for the Boys School , £ l Is . ; Total £ 1 7 s . STRONG MAN LODGE ( No . 53 ) . —The brethren of this Lodge of Instruction celebrated their annual festival on Monday evening , the 2 nd ult ., at Br . Morbey ' s , Sun Tavern , Long Acre , on which occasion Br . Wm . Carpenter , P . M ., of the Domatic LodgeNo . 206 most ably fulfilled the duties of chairman , supported by Br . John
, , Webber , W . M .- of the Phoenix Lodge , No . 202 , who , with equal ability , acted as vice-chairman . The evening was most pleasantly spent , the only subject of regret being , that when the toast of the parent Lodge was proposed , there was no one to reply to it but the Tyler , Br . Bradley , a worthy Mason , esteemed and respected by all who know him , but scarcely the proper representative of the Mother Lodge on such
an occasion . DOMATIC LODGE ( NO . 206 ) - —This Lodge of Instruction has just been re-established in a district where one was much wanted , Walworth . The first meeting for the season was held on Wednesday , April 4 , at the Queen Elizaheth , King ' s-rpw , Camberwell-gate . Br . T . A . Adams , W . M ., 206 , and P . M ., 196 , presided on the occasion , and was efficiently supported by Brs . T . Thomas , P . M ., 745 , as P . M . ; Dr . Farmer , 745 , as S . W . ; Josh . Warren , S . W ., 745 , as J . W . ; Hill , P . M ., 212 , S . D . ;
Oddey , 206 , J . D . ; Garrod , 206 , I . G . ; Ireland , W . M ., 805 , Sec . The ceremony of initiation , ancl the seven sections of the first lecture were ably worked , at the conclusion of which the brethren separated , evidently pleased with the success of the evening's labours . This Lodge of Instruction will meet every succeeding Wednesdayevening , at eight o ' clock , and we can conscientiously recommend every brother who seeks to make a progress in Masonic science , to attend as often as possible . The accommodation is ample , the room spacious and comfortable , and the whole of the
arrangements being under the superintendence of Br . Ireland , the respected host of the Masonic Hall , in Fetter-lane ; nothing more need be said in its recommendation . PERCY LODGE ( NO- 234 ) . —This Lodge will to-morrow , present a handsome testimonial to Br . Bywater , in acknowledgment of his valuable services . STABILITY LODGE OF I NSTRUCTION ( No . 264 ) . —On the evening of the 27 th ult ., the anniversary festival of this excellent Lodge of Instruction was hold at Radley ' s Hotel , New Bridge Street , and was attended by about 150 of the brethren , among whom Br . Havers , P . G . D . ; Br . Potter , P . G . D . ; Br . John Hei-vev , P . G . D . ; Br . Evans , P . G . S . B . ; Br . Masson , P . G . S . B . ; Br . Patten , P . G . S . B . ; Br . Biggs , P . G . S . B . ; Br . Massey Dawson , Br . John Dennison , Br . Donald King , Sec . Br . Muggeridge