Article CURRENT LITERATURE. Page 1 of 1 Article SUMMARY OF NEWS FOR FEBRUARY. Page 1 of 5 →
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Current Literature.
Revelations of a Square . By the Rev . G . Oliver , D . D . Spencer . —Dr .. Oliver is so well known as a Masonic writer , that we need scarcely inform the bretlires that this is a most valuable addition to our literature . A portion of these revelations have already appeared in the late Quarterly Freemasons' Magazine , but in their collected form , revised and extended by our Rev . Brother , they lose none of their value from that circumstance . These revelations , which treat of the sayings and doings of eminent free and accepted Masons , from the revival of the Order in .
England , in 1717 , by Dr-Desaguiliers , to the reunion in 1813 under their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of Kent ancl Sussex , are supposed to be made by an old silver square which formerly belonged to Sir Christopher AVren , presented to Dr .. Oliver by a friend . The square having , in tho imagination of the worthy Doctor , taken upon itself the power of speech , recounts how , after Sir Christopher AVren ceased to be G . M ., Freemasonry fell for a few years into disrepute , until it was taken up by Dr- Desaguiliers , a Fellow of the Royal Society , who was initiated in the present
Lodge of Antiquity . Under his influence , rules and regulations were laid down fertile guidance of the Craft , which again sprung into eminence , and has ever sincecontinued to hold a prominent position amongst the institutions of the world . The work is full of anecdote in reference to distinguished Masons , and records many peculiar usages and customs , which , though now obsolete , are not the less interesting : to the student in Freemasonry , as evincing the spirit which actuated the Craft in times gone by . The revelations are illustrated by several curious engravings , and are
certainly well worthy the attention of the brethren . The Far in Health ancl Disease , with Remarks on the Nature and Prevention of Deafness . Illustrated with AVood Engravings . By AVilliam Harvey , F . R . CS-. Surgeon to the Royal Dispensary . Renshaw . —This is a very important , well-written , ancl concise work , and displays with clearness and in simple language the diseases of the ear and the causes of deafness , Br . Harvey has met a difficulty—that of giving to the reader at a moderate price and size , a work of this nature ; and we doubt not it will have an extensive circulation , as coming from one who can write from muck experience on the subject of deafness and its many causes .- —AVe may add thai Br . Harvey is one of the medical officers of the Freemasons' Girls' School .
Summary Of News For February.
THE MINISTRY . As we stated in our last , the Ministry resigned just as wo were going to press-After ineffectual attempts on the part of Lords Derby and John Russell to form an Administration , Lord Palmerston received her Majesty ' s commands to do so . After some delay , the Ministry was announced to have been completed on the 6 th February ; the only alterations from the Aberdeen Ministry being the secession of the Premier
, the Duke of Newcastle , and Lord John Russell—Lord Palmerston taking the position , of First Lord of the Treasury ; Lord Panmure , Minister of War ( the Secretaryship of AA ar being suppressed ); Mr . Sidney Herbert , Secretary for the Colonies ; Sir George Grey , the Home Department ; and Lord Granville returning as President of the
Council . Tilings remained in this state until the 21 st , when , in consequence of a portion of the Government being opposed to the appointment of the Roebuck Committee , Mr . Gladstone , Mr . Sidney Herbert , and Sir James Graham resigned . Their offices have since been filled up by Lord John Russell as Colonial Secretary , Sic George Cornewall Lewis as Chancellor of the Exchequer , and Sir Chas . AVood as first Lord of the Admiralty . The Presidency of the Board of Trade ( vacated by Mr , Cardwell ) and other minor appointments still remain vacant . Lord John Russell is absent from London , having proceeded to Alenna to take pari ; in the conference between the representatives of tho five Powers for peace , on the basis of the four propositions of the allies .
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Current Literature.
Revelations of a Square . By the Rev . G . Oliver , D . D . Spencer . —Dr .. Oliver is so well known as a Masonic writer , that we need scarcely inform the bretlires that this is a most valuable addition to our literature . A portion of these revelations have already appeared in the late Quarterly Freemasons' Magazine , but in their collected form , revised and extended by our Rev . Brother , they lose none of their value from that circumstance . These revelations , which treat of the sayings and doings of eminent free and accepted Masons , from the revival of the Order in .
England , in 1717 , by Dr-Desaguiliers , to the reunion in 1813 under their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of Kent ancl Sussex , are supposed to be made by an old silver square which formerly belonged to Sir Christopher AVren , presented to Dr .. Oliver by a friend . The square having , in tho imagination of the worthy Doctor , taken upon itself the power of speech , recounts how , after Sir Christopher AVren ceased to be G . M ., Freemasonry fell for a few years into disrepute , until it was taken up by Dr- Desaguiliers , a Fellow of the Royal Society , who was initiated in the present
Lodge of Antiquity . Under his influence , rules and regulations were laid down fertile guidance of the Craft , which again sprung into eminence , and has ever sincecontinued to hold a prominent position amongst the institutions of the world . The work is full of anecdote in reference to distinguished Masons , and records many peculiar usages and customs , which , though now obsolete , are not the less interesting : to the student in Freemasonry , as evincing the spirit which actuated the Craft in times gone by . The revelations are illustrated by several curious engravings , and are
certainly well worthy the attention of the brethren . The Far in Health ancl Disease , with Remarks on the Nature and Prevention of Deafness . Illustrated with AVood Engravings . By AVilliam Harvey , F . R . CS-. Surgeon to the Royal Dispensary . Renshaw . —This is a very important , well-written , ancl concise work , and displays with clearness and in simple language the diseases of the ear and the causes of deafness , Br . Harvey has met a difficulty—that of giving to the reader at a moderate price and size , a work of this nature ; and we doubt not it will have an extensive circulation , as coming from one who can write from muck experience on the subject of deafness and its many causes .- —AVe may add thai Br . Harvey is one of the medical officers of the Freemasons' Girls' School .
Summary Of News For February.
THE MINISTRY . As we stated in our last , the Ministry resigned just as wo were going to press-After ineffectual attempts on the part of Lords Derby and John Russell to form an Administration , Lord Palmerston received her Majesty ' s commands to do so . After some delay , the Ministry was announced to have been completed on the 6 th February ; the only alterations from the Aberdeen Ministry being the secession of the Premier
, the Duke of Newcastle , and Lord John Russell—Lord Palmerston taking the position , of First Lord of the Treasury ; Lord Panmure , Minister of War ( the Secretaryship of AA ar being suppressed ); Mr . Sidney Herbert , Secretary for the Colonies ; Sir George Grey , the Home Department ; and Lord Granville returning as President of the
Council . Tilings remained in this state until the 21 st , when , in consequence of a portion of the Government being opposed to the appointment of the Roebuck Committee , Mr . Gladstone , Mr . Sidney Herbert , and Sir James Graham resigned . Their offices have since been filled up by Lord John Russell as Colonial Secretary , Sic George Cornewall Lewis as Chancellor of the Exchequer , and Sir Chas . AVood as first Lord of the Admiralty . The Presidency of the Board of Trade ( vacated by Mr , Cardwell ) and other minor appointments still remain vacant . Lord John Russell is absent from London , having proceeded to Alenna to take pari ; in the conference between the representatives of tho five Powers for peace , on the basis of the four propositions of the allies .