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ALBANY LODGE ( NO . 2-i ) . —The brethren of this Lodge at their last meeting made the following disposition of offices for the ensuing year : —A . P . Gricr , W . M . ; E . A . Roberts , S . W . ; H . G . Alexander , J . AV . ; Mark Smith , Tr . ; J . M . Mercer , Sec . ; J . C . Gardner , S . D . ; J . D . Kettlehand , J . D . ; Jesse Floyd , Tyler . CLINTON LODGE , SAVANNAH ( NO . 54 ) . —On St . John ' s day , Br . Wm . Cox was duly installed AV . M . of this Lodge , when he nominated the following brethren to their respective offices : —Brs . G . AV . Hardcastle , S . AV . ; Parker , J . W- ; W . M .
Davidson , Tr . ; D . H . Galloway , Sec ; E . 0 . AVithington , S-D . ; H . Sheppard , J . D . ; R . Thomas , Tyler . ROYAL AND SELECT MASTERS- —The Grand Council of the members of this degree was also held here at the same season with the Grand Lodge of the Craft , under the presidency of the Z . I . Grand Puissant Br . J . M . Barrere . The condition of this branch of the Order was represented to be in a highly flourishing condition in
Ohio- At this Communication thirteen Councils were represented out of nineteen , which is a fair evidence of zeal on the part of the Companions . The following preamble and resolution were submitted by Comp . Dodds , ancl agreed to : — " AAliereas , It is of the utmost importance to R . and S . M . Masonry , that uniformity in the work and lectures of those degrees should exist ; and , whereas , such uniformity can be more readily produced , while those degrees are cultivated to but a limited extent , ( as is the case at present , ) than it could be if they were more extensively diffused ; and ,
whereas , there does exist discrepancies in the work and lectures of those degrees in different parts of the country , and also in our own jurisdiction , and believing it to be incumbent upon this Grand Chapter to use every effort in her power to cure such evils ' . Therefore , Resolved , That the T . I . Grand Puissant be requested to open a correspondence with the G . Puissant of our sister Grand Councils , and urge upon them the necessity of a Convention of Delegates from each Grand Council , whose duty it shall be to confer together and adopt some uniform mode of work for those degrees , ancl report to the next Communication of this Grand Council . "
ILLINOIS . Du KALB CENTRE . —De Kalb Lodge ( No . 144 ) , is located in this village . It commenced work in September last , and , of course , its numbers as yet are few ; but , all "good and true" men , and brotherly love , relief and truth prevail among the members . At the annual communication for the election of officers , held on St . John ' s day , the following named brothers were elected for the ensuing year , viz : —
T . C . Wetmore , AV . M . ; E . G . Gilbert , S . AV . ; J . IL Burget , J . AV . ; Samuel Brookings , Treas . ; James Brookings , Sec . ; J . D . Butts , S . D . ; B . F . Humphrey , J . D . ; Richard Jemis , Chap . ; S . R . Hyslop , and James Daniels , Stewards ; and Norris Sweet , Tyler . JACKSONVILLE . —The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Illinois , at its last annual convocation , held at Jacksonville , was thus addressed bythe M . E ., Br . M . J . Noyes , G . H . P . Companions : —AVe are now at the close of the Masonic year ; twelve months have elapsed since the last Grand Annual Convocation
of this Grand Body , and we are again permitted to meet under such favourable circumstances as to call forth , from every Masonic heart , deep and abiding sentiments of gratitude to the Supreme G . H . P . of the Universe , for all the multiplied and varied manifestations of his enduring goodness . As men and citizens , we have shared the common blessings of a benifieent providence upon our favoured land—and as Masons , we have especial cause of congratulation and joy for tlie unusual measure of prosperity which the All AA ise has vouchsafed to our honoured and beloved
Institution . And we have the greater cause for thankfulness , that this unusual degree of prosperity of our noble Order , is not partial to our own particular locality and jurisdiction , but that it pervades our common country , and extends to other lands . The star of Masonry is everywhere in the ascendant , and especially is R . A . Masonry flourishing and expanding its benign influences to an extent hitherto unknown ; and my greatest fear is , that amidst so much prosperity , sufficient caution may not always mark the " guarded way . "
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ALBANY LODGE ( NO . 2-i ) . —The brethren of this Lodge at their last meeting made the following disposition of offices for the ensuing year : —A . P . Gricr , W . M . ; E . A . Roberts , S . W . ; H . G . Alexander , J . AV . ; Mark Smith , Tr . ; J . M . Mercer , Sec . ; J . C . Gardner , S . D . ; J . D . Kettlehand , J . D . ; Jesse Floyd , Tyler . CLINTON LODGE , SAVANNAH ( NO . 54 ) . —On St . John ' s day , Br . Wm . Cox was duly installed AV . M . of this Lodge , when he nominated the following brethren to their respective offices : —Brs . G . AV . Hardcastle , S . AV . ; Parker , J . W- ; W . M .
Davidson , Tr . ; D . H . Galloway , Sec ; E . 0 . AVithington , S-D . ; H . Sheppard , J . D . ; R . Thomas , Tyler . ROYAL AND SELECT MASTERS- —The Grand Council of the members of this degree was also held here at the same season with the Grand Lodge of the Craft , under the presidency of the Z . I . Grand Puissant Br . J . M . Barrere . The condition of this branch of the Order was represented to be in a highly flourishing condition in
Ohio- At this Communication thirteen Councils were represented out of nineteen , which is a fair evidence of zeal on the part of the Companions . The following preamble and resolution were submitted by Comp . Dodds , ancl agreed to : — " AAliereas , It is of the utmost importance to R . and S . M . Masonry , that uniformity in the work and lectures of those degrees should exist ; and , whereas , such uniformity can be more readily produced , while those degrees are cultivated to but a limited extent , ( as is the case at present , ) than it could be if they were more extensively diffused ; and ,
whereas , there does exist discrepancies in the work and lectures of those degrees in different parts of the country , and also in our own jurisdiction , and believing it to be incumbent upon this Grand Chapter to use every effort in her power to cure such evils ' . Therefore , Resolved , That the T . I . Grand Puissant be requested to open a correspondence with the G . Puissant of our sister Grand Councils , and urge upon them the necessity of a Convention of Delegates from each Grand Council , whose duty it shall be to confer together and adopt some uniform mode of work for those degrees , ancl report to the next Communication of this Grand Council . "
ILLINOIS . Du KALB CENTRE . —De Kalb Lodge ( No . 144 ) , is located in this village . It commenced work in September last , and , of course , its numbers as yet are few ; but , all "good and true" men , and brotherly love , relief and truth prevail among the members . At the annual communication for the election of officers , held on St . John ' s day , the following named brothers were elected for the ensuing year , viz : —
T . C . Wetmore , AV . M . ; E . G . Gilbert , S . AV . ; J . IL Burget , J . AV . ; Samuel Brookings , Treas . ; James Brookings , Sec . ; J . D . Butts , S . D . ; B . F . Humphrey , J . D . ; Richard Jemis , Chap . ; S . R . Hyslop , and James Daniels , Stewards ; and Norris Sweet , Tyler . JACKSONVILLE . —The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Illinois , at its last annual convocation , held at Jacksonville , was thus addressed bythe M . E ., Br . M . J . Noyes , G . H . P . Companions : —AVe are now at the close of the Masonic year ; twelve months have elapsed since the last Grand Annual Convocation
of this Grand Body , and we are again permitted to meet under such favourable circumstances as to call forth , from every Masonic heart , deep and abiding sentiments of gratitude to the Supreme G . H . P . of the Universe , for all the multiplied and varied manifestations of his enduring goodness . As men and citizens , we have shared the common blessings of a benifieent providence upon our favoured land—and as Masons , we have especial cause of congratulation and joy for tlie unusual measure of prosperity which the All AA ise has vouchsafed to our honoured and beloved
Institution . And we have the greater cause for thankfulness , that this unusual degree of prosperity of our noble Order , is not partial to our own particular locality and jurisdiction , but that it pervades our common country , and extends to other lands . The star of Masonry is everywhere in the ascendant , and especially is R . A . Masonry flourishing and expanding its benign influences to an extent hitherto unknown ; and my greatest fear is , that amidst so much prosperity , sufficient caution may not always mark the " guarded way . "