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India .
tained the amount collected at church ; and on their return into tho Lodge-room they reported the result , which was Co . ' s Rs . 652 , and odd . At the conclusion of business , the Grand Lodge closed ; and in the evening the officers of the Grand Lodge , together with the representatives of Lodges , met at the Hall , and partook of a dinner provided in the bancpietting room . The Brethren appeared in full masonic costume on tliis occasion , it being a Farewell Dinner to the R . AV . the Provincial Grand Master , previous to his departure from Calcutta . —Bengal Hurlcara , Dec . 24 th , 1851 .
ALABAMA . YORKVILLE . —The Yorkville Lodge ( 131 ) is reported to be in a . harmonious and prosperous condition , and steadily increasing in numbers . FARRAU LODGE , ELYTON ( NO . 8 ) . —On St . John ' s day , Br . AV . S . Mudd was installed W . M . of this Lodge , when he appointed the following brethren to their respective offices : —Robt . T . EmondS . AV . ; Nathaniel HawkinsJ . AV . ; James A .
, , Mudd . Sec . ; Thomas J . Wright , Tr . ; M . T . Porter , S . D . ; T . M . Adkins , J . D . ; W . S . Earnest , Tyler . CARUOLTON . —On St . John's day , a new Lodge was opened in this town with great Masonic splendour . A large body of visitors from other Lodges of the province participated in the ceremony . The Carrolton Lodge makes the 221 st on the Alabama Register ,
ARKANSAS . LITTLE ROCK . —The annual communication from Grand Lodge of the State Arkansas , was held at the City of Little Rock , immediately after the close of the sittings of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter , a notice of which we inserted in the last number of the Masonic Mirror . At this communication which lasted four days , 53 out of the 84 Lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge , were represented . The M . W ., the GM . Br . Luke E . Barberpresided . The Grand Secretary reported that he had
, , received from 75 subordinate Lodges in fees for dispensations , charters , & c , a sum of 2 , 495 dollars 60 cents . Several admirable addresses were read and the proceedings terminated by the appointment of the following officers ' . —RAV . Nat . G . Smith , Grand Master ; R . AV ., AV . D . Lee , Grand Lecturer ; R . AV ., W . K . Patterson , Grand Orator ; R . W ., D . F . Armstrong , Sen . G . Warden ; R . AV ., A . S . Huey , Junior Grand AVarden ; R . W ., R . L . Dodge , Grand Treasurer ; R . AV ., T . D . Merrick , Grand Secretary .
CALIFORNIA . VERY SUSPICIOUS . —The Masonic Hall building in Bucksport , says the St . Francisco Times , is occupied , the lower story as a Lyceum , the upper as a Lodge Room . On Friday night , the 8 th Dec , the lower room was occupied by the members of the Lyceum , at 11 o ' clock a bright light was seen in the Lodge Room ; on last evening the Lodge Room was occupied by the Masons , and the same light was seen in the lower story . The respective rooms were locked up at the time . The
appearance of the lights has given rise to various speculations . Some of the old women , of the masculine gender , finding blood , hair , etc ., on the stairway , suppose that a Mason had been murdered , or a Know Nothing initiated . The old women , of the feminine gender , are sorely puzzled .
GEORGIA . ALBANY . —ALBANY CHAPTER ( NO . 15 ) . —At the last meeting of this Chapter , the following Comps . were elected as the governing officers for the ensuing year : —F . M . Thompson , H . P . ; J . S . Moreman , K . ; James M . Mercer , Scribe ; R . T . Bradly , C . H . ; J . H . AVatson , P . S . ; W . H . Owens , R . A . C . ;—S . D . McLendan , M . 3 d V . ; JoelE . Hunter , M . 2 d A . ; John Turner , M . 1 st V . ; A . P . Grier , Tr . ; S . D . Irvin , Sec . ; Jesse Floyd , Sentinel .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
India .
tained the amount collected at church ; and on their return into tho Lodge-room they reported the result , which was Co . ' s Rs . 652 , and odd . At the conclusion of business , the Grand Lodge closed ; and in the evening the officers of the Grand Lodge , together with the representatives of Lodges , met at the Hall , and partook of a dinner provided in the bancpietting room . The Brethren appeared in full masonic costume on tliis occasion , it being a Farewell Dinner to the R . AV . the Provincial Grand Master , previous to his departure from Calcutta . —Bengal Hurlcara , Dec . 24 th , 1851 .
ALABAMA . YORKVILLE . —The Yorkville Lodge ( 131 ) is reported to be in a . harmonious and prosperous condition , and steadily increasing in numbers . FARRAU LODGE , ELYTON ( NO . 8 ) . —On St . John ' s day , Br . AV . S . Mudd was installed W . M . of this Lodge , when he appointed the following brethren to their respective offices : —Robt . T . EmondS . AV . ; Nathaniel HawkinsJ . AV . ; James A .
, , Mudd . Sec . ; Thomas J . Wright , Tr . ; M . T . Porter , S . D . ; T . M . Adkins , J . D . ; W . S . Earnest , Tyler . CARUOLTON . —On St . John's day , a new Lodge was opened in this town with great Masonic splendour . A large body of visitors from other Lodges of the province participated in the ceremony . The Carrolton Lodge makes the 221 st on the Alabama Register ,
ARKANSAS . LITTLE ROCK . —The annual communication from Grand Lodge of the State Arkansas , was held at the City of Little Rock , immediately after the close of the sittings of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter , a notice of which we inserted in the last number of the Masonic Mirror . At this communication which lasted four days , 53 out of the 84 Lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge , were represented . The M . W ., the GM . Br . Luke E . Barberpresided . The Grand Secretary reported that he had
, , received from 75 subordinate Lodges in fees for dispensations , charters , & c , a sum of 2 , 495 dollars 60 cents . Several admirable addresses were read and the proceedings terminated by the appointment of the following officers ' . —RAV . Nat . G . Smith , Grand Master ; R . AV ., AV . D . Lee , Grand Lecturer ; R . AV ., W . K . Patterson , Grand Orator ; R . W ., D . F . Armstrong , Sen . G . Warden ; R . AV ., A . S . Huey , Junior Grand AVarden ; R . W ., R . L . Dodge , Grand Treasurer ; R . AV ., T . D . Merrick , Grand Secretary .
CALIFORNIA . VERY SUSPICIOUS . —The Masonic Hall building in Bucksport , says the St . Francisco Times , is occupied , the lower story as a Lyceum , the upper as a Lodge Room . On Friday night , the 8 th Dec , the lower room was occupied by the members of the Lyceum , at 11 o ' clock a bright light was seen in the Lodge Room ; on last evening the Lodge Room was occupied by the Masons , and the same light was seen in the lower story . The respective rooms were locked up at the time . The
appearance of the lights has given rise to various speculations . Some of the old women , of the masculine gender , finding blood , hair , etc ., on the stairway , suppose that a Mason had been murdered , or a Know Nothing initiated . The old women , of the feminine gender , are sorely puzzled .
GEORGIA . ALBANY . —ALBANY CHAPTER ( NO . 15 ) . —At the last meeting of this Chapter , the following Comps . were elected as the governing officers for the ensuing year : —F . M . Thompson , H . P . ; J . S . Moreman , K . ; James M . Mercer , Scribe ; R . T . Bradly , C . H . ; J . H . AVatson , P . S . ; W . H . Owens , R . A . C . ;—S . D . McLendan , M . 3 d V . ; JoelE . Hunter , M . 2 d A . ; John Turner , M . 1 st V . ; A . P . Grier , Tr . ; S . D . Irvin , Sec . ; Jesse Floyd , Sentinel .